Music Is My Chocolate Cake
"I love my music As a matter of fact I enjoy my music more than eating food"
"It takes me away and feeds my soul It feeds my emotional soul"
"It's my chocolate cake with frosting"
Our strongest sensory channels nourish us For Vata, it's the auditory channel, for Pitta it's the visual sensation, and for Kapha, it's the smell, taste, and touch
"I could just go out and watch the stars all night" The visual channel
The value in knowing this about ourselves is that when we are emotionally agitated and in fear, we'll gravitate to these sensory channels
Soooooo… is it any wonder that Kapha being the most grounded of the energy patterns will be nourished by foods
Ahhh, the great gift of energy science and its nutritional formts!
Is chocolate cake and music synonymous for you?Which sensation makes you feel most nourished? Or does the visual sense(seeing food) make you salivate?
Until tomorrow To health as a Skill Love DrBill
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Take A Test and See What’s Your Energetic Fingerprint
Vata Pitta(PV) or Kapha Pitta(PK) or Vata Kapha(VK)?
What combination are you energetically?
Go to this energy pattern questionnaire and take the top two scores and that's your energy makeup!
Now the best way to determine your energy makeup is to have your pulse read by a qualified person particularly if the questionnaire's response pattern doesn't seem to fit
For example, Vata Kapha(VK) is an unsual biologic energy combination This doesn't mean that it doesn't occur but it is unusual So if you turn up VK you might have a friend or spouse work through the questions with you
With this information you now know how you can go out of balance or better yet what imbalances you can work on If we walk on this planet guaranteed we have imbalances to clear
The other valuable aspect of identification of your energy patterns is that it immediately turns you into a better witness
What does that mean? Oftentimes when we "see" ourselves in action, we make verbal comments and observations about what we have just witnessed For example, you encounter a new relationship that you would like to foster So after the meeting you review in your mind what you said, what you did, what you heard, etc Simply put you were witnessing in retrospect
Some people have an innate skill that allows them to witness in the midst of the activity That's indeed a wonderful skill to have and cultivate
But knowing yourself as an energy pattern and everyone as well is a beautiful thing
Have you noticed yourself "witnessing?" Did you notice commonalities and differences? Was it of value to have witnessed? Would it be helpful to have a tool that helps "standardize" your witnessing and know the universal traits of your relationships including foods?
Until tomorrow To health as a Skill Love DrBill
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Fever and Overeating
Have you ever felt hot after eating and wondered why?
It won't be possible to figure it out from a matter science medical approach but the understanding is clear from a energy science point of view
When overeating occurs(defined as consuming more than 2 handfuls at a meal) the energy patterns of Vata, Pitta, Kapha, or combinations of them enter the bloodstream and push stagnant energy along with them And there will always be some congestion when overeating occurs no matter which energy pattern is involved
From a molecular point of view stagnant energy is lymph or chyle that sludges in the lymphatics of the gut
The digestive fire(collective term for all the enzymes in the GI tract) becomes ramped up due to the overeating challenge and it also becomes disseminated into the blood as well resulting in fever and an internal feeling of heat This can also result in mental events such as anger and impatience
The timing of the fever is related to which energy pattern gets shoved into the blood stream Kapha soon after eating; Pitta about two hours after eating; Vata four hours after eating Which energy pattern is pushed into the bloodstream is based on the types of foods consumed in the overeating event For example if a lot of sweet, sour, and salty tastes are consumed, Pitta and Kapha symptoms will predominate
Kapha symptoms of overeating are congestion, runny nose, cold and cough
Pitta symptoms result in high fever, temporal headache, nausea, irritability, photophobia, and diarrhea
With the Vata energy pattern entering the blood stream, shivering, body ache, insomnia, and anxiety can occur These can leave a residual flu like syndrome that can last a few days
Have you ever overeaten? Have you recognized any of the above symptoms? Do you remember what produced the overeating?
Until tomorrow To health as a Skill Love DrBill
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Quantum Biology
"Beam me up Scottie" is one of the common phrases that we remember from Star Trek and trekkies became a group of followers interested in the sci fi of tomorrow
And just as far fetched as Jules Vern was with his novel 20,0000 Leagues Under the Sea, the imagination of today becomes the reality of tomorrow
So just how does Scottie beam Captain Kirk up to the starship Enterprise? Some translation occurs from the matter field into an energy field that can then be translocated through space
Now a new term has surfaced that has great relevance for students in the energy science disciplines-quantum biology The dominance of the molecular world is beginning to yield to the energy world Many things cannot be adequately explained by the dance of molecules
Molecules or particles are now being recognized as waves of energy
Biological models are now being scientifically studied to understand the human biology not as a matter field but as an energy field
Our contemporary understanding of the physical laws that govern the universe is that matter and energy are completely interchangeable which leads us to the inevitable conclusion that the human physiology is simultaneously matter and energy fields. Our current biological model entertains only a matter field approach to healing
What kind of relevance does this have for students of nutrition? If the model of what the human physiology changes then so does how we nourish it
A biological paradigm shift is occurring and it will change how we heal and prevent disease
We can deny it, fight it, or get with the wave
Go to and get a leg up on the future!
Until tomorrow To health as a Skill Love DrBill
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IPA And The Bitter Taste
I was over at my daughter and son-in-law's house for Hannah's third birthday and Seth's brother brought over a couple of microbrews one of which was an IPA
Very tasty and hoppy but it suddenly struck me how healthy it was from an energy science view
IPA deliver a whallop of the bitter taste through the increased amount of hops used in their brewing that give them their unique flavor
India Pale Ale(IPA) has become an interesting segment of the microbrew scene and make a great deal of medicinal sense because the bitter taste predominates
The bitter taste as we reviewed a couple of months ago is commonly missing in our cooking and foods so to supplement is a great idea
As a matter of fact many of the recent health food adjustments that I'm seeing in the food industry make complete sense from an energy science view Yeasted bread is not favorable but flatbreads are a great substitute for sandwiches hence wraps are a great idea Sprouted wheat breads are excellent due to their easy digestability Pomegranite juices are now showing up in stores and are excellent for Pitta cooling Yogurt without fruit make a great probiotic food particularly if home made
I could go on for a long time about how we are unconsciously making healthy energy science nutritional choices
I rate IPA's as one of these selected elements in the food industry that appears on the scene and eagerly greeted by the consumer because the consumer knows intuitively that's what it needs
Have you ever sought out a product in the market place on an intuitive basis? How has it made you feel? Do you think that as consumers we search out that which is healthy for us?
Until tomorrow To health as a Skill Love Dr Bill
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