5 Tips to Enhance Agni

Stomach disorder concept

In the energy science of Ayurveda there can be no disease without the presence of toxicity In this discipline it's called AMA(this doesn't stand for the American Medical Association) which means undigested, unprocessed food Hmmm, if I have unprocessed, undigested food hanging around in my GIT(GI tract) that must mean that my digestive capability is in some way impaired? Bingo

Toxicity and Disease

So in the end the root cause of all disease is the presence of bodily AMA  And to heal any disease whether it be rheumatoid arthritis, IBS, GERD, or fibromyalgia I must address AMA in the body

AMA physically is a substance that is thick(dense), sticky, heavy, slow to move, cold, slimy, and gross(meaning easy to spot in the body) Think of a thick plaque in a vessel wall that obstructs blood flow and you have a good idea of what AMA is And just like that plaque impairs flow of blood to the tissues that it supplies, energetically it impairs the flow of energy in the body

When there is energy stagnation in the physical or mental body there can be pain, either physical or emotional

So when you have pain somewhere in your body it implies that there is energetic stagnation and the free flow of energy has been disrupted

The Importance of Digestive Fire

So if all diseases have AMA and my digestive fire is weak, then if I want to clear the diseases such as autoimmune disease then I should work on improving my digestive power or agni(the words fire, power, strength, and agni are all used interchangeably here) This is a radical departure from current medical thinking since the models are so different But then again that's why the energy model can be successful since it understands the origin of disease from an energy science view

So the first item on the agenda in healing disease is to improve digestion, absorption, and assimilation of the GIT

1 CCF tea Cumin, coriander and fennel tea is elemental to improve digestion because it stokes agni That's why sipping on this tea all day, everyday is helpful for clearing AMA

2 Stop putting wet logs on your digestion When I entertain foods that don't resonate with my energy makeup(go to foodsheal.com) or use IFC(incompatible food combinations) it's like dampening my agni which is all the enzyme systems of the GIT from the mouth to lower rectum including the bacteria which are also part of agni

3 Using other agni enhancers Fresh ginger tea with a dash of cayenne(agni tea), cardamon, vanilla, cinnamon, turmeric are all excellent agni enhancers that I can use in my cooking or beverages to enhance agni

4 Breathing techniques(pranayama) Interestingly the yoga tradition has many different ways to physically enhance agni These breathing techniques can change the course of IC due to the power of clearing AMA

5 Yoga postures The digestive system is represented in the space of the abdomen and when you do postures that engage this area you literally engage agni and improve it From a molecular point of view this cannot be understood but energetically it makes perfect sense

So there you have it A starter sequence that can get you on your way to healing IC Oh, BTW, people have AMA and because they feel OK, they don't think they have toxic load They're only fooling themselves Everybody has it, it just depends where it's going to show up

Another thing The AMA that occurs in the urinary tract channel has a good chance of getting cleared When the AMA starts showing up in other places (like fibromyalgia) it's more difficult, doable but harder

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Multiple Treatments for Multiple Causes

bigstockphoto_Green_Beans_1956197Have you ever stopped to consider the many approaches that it takes to change something  You may try one thing, then add another and then see if something else may help  At times health is a trial and error process-trying to find the right remedy

From an energy perspective this is exactly the way healing occurs  It's just not about just lifestyle choices, not just about nutritional work or the medicines or herbs or yoga therapy and pranayama that are taken or done-it's about all these things that are done that will make a difference in our health

This is because the energy field responds to more than one band of vibrational frequency  The change occurs over many bands of frequencies to make a difference  And doing exercise such as yoga does have a vibrational impact on the physiology if done on a consistent basis  The same is true about certain vibrational frequencies that we call food

When we eat foods that enhance balance, such as green beans, they nourish the energy mindbody and produce equilibrium of the energy field because of their nuturing of specific vibrational frequencies in the energy field

Eating at specific times lends to more balance especially having the biggest meal at noon  All these nutritional "tools" promote balance and then we get healthier even though we may not feel that way  Health then becomes a skill that we work at and over time we physiologically get more balance energetically and hence get healthier.

To good health DrBill

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Energy Science and Spirituality: What It Means

the_stethoscopeTo be spiritual is to be in touch with our senses. Does this sound surprising? In spiritual terms we tend to denigrate the mindbody with its sensations because deep down we believe that the sensual experience has nothing to do with the transcendency of spirituality.

But to personally access our soul, our level of spiritual being, we have to use our senses and the easiest way to access the energy field is through our senses and breath. In so doing, we quiet the mindbody. When we quiet the mindbody and the breath, we "drop in" to that universal state of being that we are. This process is a form of meditation called yoga nidra and with practice, this level of awareness can be accessed any time.

To drop in means to access our awareness.

If we are aware, we stand a chance of being healthier. All the supplements in the world will not get us health. We will not access health through molecules or the current matter field model.

But if we access the energy field through our sensate mindbody, we begin becoming aware of what feels correct for us at any given moment.

But when we tap into the sensate experience of life and our personal existence, we are actually becoming more aware. We are no longer trapped by thoughts, concepts, prior perceptions, beliefs, ideas or previous conditioning because sensations are in the present now.

When we live in the now, we recognize our sensate mindbody as what is truth in the moment. If the mindbody reports hot,sharp/penetrating and light after a pungent spicy meal and maybe experiencesStones out of balanceheartburn, we know that an imbalance has been created in mindbody. This is not to judge the experience as right or wrong, good or bad. It is simply to witness or be aware of the imbalance that we have created with the experience.

When we live through the sensate mindbody, we will create better health and have the chance of averting significant imbalance in the future.

To good health Dr Bill

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