The Kapha Couch


Welcome back my blog reading community Vata Buzz, Pitta Torch, and as promised today the Kapha Couch

The Kapha energy pattern is what maintains stability and is equivalent to the bass frequency in acoustic energy patterns Very deep and stabilizing From this description the energetic qualities in the mindbody physiology are cold, slow/ dull, static, heavy, dense, hard, smooth/slimy(mucous), oily, soft(emotional), liquid, gross, and cloudy 

As we can see the Kapha energy pattern is a slow frequency and at the opposite end of the acoustic energy spectrum Vata is in the fast or treble frequency range(recall mobile, light, subtle, clear, dry, rough, and cold)

When the Kapha energy pattern is dominant in the mindbody energy physiology, we would expect calmness, placidity, and high degree of parasympathetic activity Nothing riles strong Kapha when in balance They just move along in grace whereas Vata is sympathetically overloaded when out of balance and stresssssed

Kapha is very sensual due to place on the energy spectrum both in its expression and behavior Where Vata could care less about the sensory experience of eating(too much mobilty of the mindbody to care about taste and smell) Kapha is all about taking in the sensory experience in all its richness

Due to its relationship to the matter field our sensory experience of the Kapha energy pattern is seen in so many of the vibrational frequencies associated with its presence

OK why Kapha Couch Like Buzz and Torch these descriptives are about the energy patterns associated imbalances And Couch refers to Kapha's too much calmness And with it lassitude,lethargy, apathy, listlessness, and passivity Of course these adjectives describe over the top imbalance but we get the pic

How to rock the Couch? Whereas slow down the Buzz, MOVE the Couch!

        Use the pungent, bitter, and astringent tastes

        Avoid the sweet, sour, salty tastes

        Exercise and psychologically motivate ourselves

        Recognize that the Couch is a very addictive behavioral lifestyle pattern in a Vata aggravated society(the one we currently live in!) because it reacts to the constant movement Digging our heels in, ya know

        Know that the Couch can be Torched! Adding too much hot can produce severe Pitta imbalances To see how to best nutritionally balance a Torched Couch go to

To all you dads out there in the universe representing the powerful masculine energy AWESOME DUDES!

Until tomorrow my loving community                    To health as a Skill        Love DrBill

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