“I Eat Healthy” Or Do I?
One common refrain I often hear from my patients is that "I eat healthy." And we all want to believe that we are doing the very best for our bodies. But have we ever stopped to assess what this statement means?
If healthy means eating lots of fruits and vegetables, that might be healthy. But some would contend that eating raw vegetables would be even more nutritious. Perhaps eating less meat would be considered healthy. Eating fast food might not be considered healthy. Or avoiding refined sugar would be healthy. Or I only eat organic. But all of these statements miss a very important point. Whether corn is organic, the vegetable is raw, the meat is buffalo or the fast food is nutritious, the food to be healthy must resonate with our physiology. So corn, even if organic, if it doesn't resonate with my physiology(and for me it doesn't) then I shouldn't be eating it.
Currently there is no nutritional system that has guidelines grounded in a science that globally addresses the nutritional needs of the human physiology. And we will not find it in our present nutritional system followed by the medical matter field healing system.
The reason for this is actually quite simple. Our matter field nutritional information is not a system, but rather a collection of data about the foods we ingest. The guidelines come from a level where a quantitative assessment of foods consumed is paramount.
Allow me to explain. We know a lot about broccoli, the number of calories per gram, the number of carbohydrates per gram, the vitamin and mineral content but this quantitative analysis cannot tell me if broccoli resonates with MY physiology. I just know a lot about broccoli.
From an energetic perspective I understand foods from a qualitative viewpoint. So what is healthy for me may not be so healthy for you from an energetic perspective. I could use banana once or twice a week but for another individual, banana should never be consumed because it would produce imbalance. I shouldn't eat tomatoes or corn but some other friend, she could use them in moderation. So you see it is the qualitative character of the food that makes it relatively good or not so good for us. This is the value of the energy approach to nutrition. And it's a great gift that the energy sciences have given us because it gives us direction for our nutrition and removes all the confusion about nutrition.
When we begin eating foods that resonate with our physiologies then we will be able to say, "I eat healthy." The energy tradition of Ayurveda can give us these much needed guidelines. The explanation of this rich energy science is explored in my new book Foods Heal.
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Matter or Energy Healing? – Why You Should Care to Learn the Difference
Most of us are familiar with the concept that the body is an energy field. We can recall when Captain Kirk transformed his matter field into energy waves and beamed himself up to the starship Enterprise only to reappear again into his matter field body.
And when I talk to my patients about the energy field body, they intuitively understand.
There are two scientific traditions of healing that treat the body as an energy field. Ayurveda, which is an extension of the Yoga tradition of India, and the Traditional Oriental Medicine discipline both built powerful systems around the concept of the body as an energy field. And with these traditions comes a vocabulary to help us discuss and understand the body in a different way than the way we currently see the body.
Currently in the matter field tradition, the evaluation and assessment of success in healing is done by measurment or quantitatively. If our blood count is low, we give iron and the blood count is measured as higher and we achieve success.
In the energy sciences of healing the evaluation and assessment of the energy field is done quantitatively. And success in healing is determined by balance. The body is neither too hot or too cold, neither too heavy or too light, neither too dry or too oily.
Nutrition is one way we can quickly sample the value of the energy science tradition. Nutrition is one of the three traditional pillars of healing in the energy science of Ayurveda, and the focus of my work as a physician. I have personally seen transformations in healing with this simple approach to nutrition that have healed conditions that could not be solved by traditional or matter field approaches.
And nutrition is the basis for prevention of disease and wellness. When we knowingly take in foods that resonate with our physiologies we automatically begin to experience balance and wellness. The value of the energy sciences to us is that the solutions to many health problems can occur by regaining balance. Stay tuned and I'll show you how in subsequent blog posts that are distilled from my new book to be published in the next couple of weeks- Foods Heal: An Energy Approach to Nutrition.
Thanks for joining my emerging blog community. Drop me a comment and let me know what's on your mind. Dr Bill
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