Health is a Skill
Wouldn't we think it unusual if we found that Tiger Woods never practiced golf? That he just showed up on weekends and shot amazing golf yet during the week took it easy and vegged out.
Of course, golf is a skill like any other thing that we do in life. If we want to get good at golf tennis or dancing there has ot be a commitment on the part of ourselves to improve or hone our skill. As a matter of fact, many of us devote a lot of time with work or hobbies and lose ourselves in these love affairs.
So the question is, "Why should health be any different?". Is not health a skill that we should work on? Our current problem is that we don't have a system that gives us guidance as to what we can do to be healthy. What are the skills that we need to be healthy?
Just as golfers work on skills such as their long game, short game or putting, I would suggest that one of the primary skills that each and everyone of us needs for an evolving state of health is a nutritional system that will give us several tools to play a good round of health.
Such a system would tell us which foods resonate energetically with our mindbody energy fields and help avoid those that do not. It would tell us which foods don't combine well with one another. It would help improve our digestive fire(collective term for all the enzyme systems in the gastrointestinal tract). It would help show us when the best time to eat would be.
These tools are paramount if we are to play a good game of health and fortunately this information is available in Foods Heal. Take a look.
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How to Get in Touch with Your Energy Body
Getting in touch with your energy body means to get in touch with sensations. Does this sound strange? In the matter field science of healing which is an expression of how we presently collectively view the mindbody, we are involved with measurement or quantitative assessement. And it becomes an intellectual evaluation. But in energy field medicine qualitative evaluation is the way assessment is done through sensations.
And this is keeping with how we access the energy mindbody. We know our energy field by sensing its qualities. Are my hands too hot or too cold? Does my right leg feel lighter than my heavier left leg after I have done a yoga pose? Is my skin rough and dry or smooth and oily? Is my energy mindbody gross or subtle compared to my gross matter field mindbody? Is the tissue of the mindbody soft or hard? Are the changes in the lower legs with varicosities due to stasis of blood causing them to be heavy and dense? Or is the blood mobile and the legs light and liquid? Is the mucous from the nose clear or cloudy? Is my mind too mobile and full of thoughts or is it depressed and static?
When we become aware of the sensations that the energy field is giving to our awareness, we begin to directly apprehend our own energy field. This is why yoga posture pracitice is so so valuable. It turns us into sensate beings rather than being mesmerized by our thinking process all the time.
What on earth does this have to do with nutrition? Well, everything! If we don't know what foods balance our physiology through their qualities, then we will consume those foods that energetically promote balance. Some foods may too light and affect some of us who already have a lot of lightness. Conversely some foods may be too heavy and affect others who have too much heaviness already.
How do we know which foods are good for us and which are not? Take the mindbody questionnaire in Foods Heal and then follow those foods that resonate with your physiology the most using the nutritional formats .
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Health is Not Always in a Pill
I think most of us intuitively know that the current medical matter field medical model heals by using pharmaceuticals and operations. It bails us out of difficult medical conditions when the choices that we have made in the past have brought damage to our physiology. And although we can be grateful for this matter field discipline of healing there is a part of us that doesn't want to be in those precarious situations where we are sitting in the matter field doctor's office being told that we need this operation for cancer. Or that we have to take this medicine to stave off accelerated high blood pressure.
But the energy discipline of healing can give us guidance to develop health promoting habits that will prevent us from having to take that medicine or have that operation. It can show us that nutritional habits can prevent disease in the physiology. You see disease actually begins in the mind. The mind is an energy fileld and is responsible for all of our choices. Some of these choices are unconscious poor choices and affect our energy body(remember that the mind and body are intimately spliced). But we don't know that unless we have energy field guidance. This is why energy nutritional guidance is so so important and vital to prevention of disease. We prevent the manifestation of disease at the energy field level by altering the energy choices that we make around everything but most importantly around nutrition. In this way we prevent disease at the subtle energy field level not at the gross matter field level.
We then become conscious competents about the food choices we make and guaranteed our health will improve because we begin making more balanced choices for our bodies. That health is a moment by moment experience. Then we begin to recognize slowly that our health does not reside in a pill or a magic operation. That those choices are reserved for when we are in difficult situations.
Photo Credit: Milgrammer
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Nutrition May Change Genetic Expression
Most matter field science has looked at the nervous system as a fixed physiologic and anatomic structure. But that concept is being challenged with a new concept called neuroplasticity. Now researchers are witnessing people who have had strokes and paralysis who are able to recover some function and in one reported case complete recovery.
Now another concept is beginning to emerge to challenge another medical sacred cow. That genetic expression is a fixed, unchanging and unyielding blueprint. In a journal article in September 2005, Dr Dean Ornish reported that patients with prostate cancer changed their genetic expression to tumor by altering their nutrition. Not only did their genetic expression turn off repressor genes but turned on important genes to combat tumor. Furthermore these patients increased their T killer cell response to tumor cells eight fold.
So a new biological concept is potentially emerging-genetic plasticity. And the remarkable cause of this genetic shifiting event was a change in nutrition!!
This molecular evaluation points to what the energy medical sciences have held for thousands of years. That one of the main pillars to health is nutrition and they built elaborate sophisticated systems around nutrition. This means not just what we eat but when we eat, where we eat, how we eat and why we eat. That is the interrogatories of eating.
This concept of genetic plasticity is just one more reason why we need to take a very hard look at how we deal with nutrition. And the energy medical sciences can give guidance to the matter field medical sciences as practiced today.
Thanks for listening and let me know what you're thinking DrBill
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Mind and the Matter Field Medical Discipline
The mind is energy Regulate it
The energy medical sciences tell us that both the body and mind are energy fields. Hence there is room for mind in the energy physiologic model of healing. And in the energy model, mind and body are not separate; they are intimately spliced. Mind and body are one. What happens in the body, happens in the mind. And what happens in the mind, happens in the body.
The mindbody concept is impossible to understand from a matter field medical perspective. Although talked about in matter field circles of healing, by the very nature of the way the body is perceived, the matter field model cannot include mind easily. This is because the molecular way of conceiving of the body cannot address the mind.
From an energy medical disciplinary approach, mind and body are intimately spliced. Mind is in every cell of the body's matter field because it is all energy to begin with. You see, if mind is an energy field, that is, a subtle energy field of matter that is not matter ( I can't wet a thought with water), then mind cannot exist in the matter field model. Mind is not molecular; it is an energy field!
Any energy that comes in contact with our own personal energy field has the potential to influence it either positively or negatively. Herbs are fundamentally energy medicines and affect both the mind and the body simultaneously. They have stood the test of time in their actions and have the unique capability of causing the mind to have insights as to what is next best thing to do with respect to the healing that needs to be done.
Foods are also essentially mindbody medicines. Although we don't consider hot pungent spices as anger provoking, nonetheless they do, when associated with other cumulative nutritional effects. Bitter causes mind to become introverted and averse to desire but in excess can make a person cynical and boring. And the astringent taste is supportive and grounding but when in excess causes the mindbody to be anxious and scattered.
In Foods Heal I spend a great deal of time discussing these energetic interplays occurring around taste and foods and mind. As always your comments are encouraged DrBill
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