Conscious nutrition


    As we have talked about in the past, foods create imbalance.  There becomes an accumulation of vibrational frequencies induced by the foods that we eat that are imbalancing to us according to the energy sciences. This promotes an ever increasing energetic imbalance with the typical timeline represented in years and decades.

    This energetic state of imbalance reaches a nadir when symptoms become inevitable and periodic.  This usually begins in the 30's and 40's but may be sooner dependent on the defective space where these accumulated vibrational frequencies may congregate.

    These waves of imbalance continue and usually patched with pharmaceuticals or operations based on the dis-ease.  And it's not that these are right or wrong.  The point of this discussion is to point out that the unconscious choices that we are making with respect to foods have direct impact on our energy mindbodies.

    Once we begin to make conscious choices on behalf of our mindbodies, we begin the conscious journey to restore balance in our mindbodies.  No matter what the imbalances, it is possible for all of us to regain balance and our health.  And in the process make health a skill.  To good health  DrBill

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The Biological Energy Field

    I'm beginning to put together some information for Sandy, my newfound editor and realized that perhaps we haven't examined what it is like to have an energy field.

    I mean, we're very used to getting our matter field wet in the shower, soaping it down and rinsing it off but does that happen to the energy field as well?  The answer is yes!  Because the energy field and matter field are intimately spliced, what happens to the matter field happens to the energy field.  There's no difference in these biological entities. 

    But we can view them by shifting our attention.  If our attention is focused on the gross field that we look at with our senses then we are attending to the matter field, and when we do healing in this realm we measure our techniques of healing.  If the blood pressure is high, we take a pill and the blood pressure goes down.

    If we shift our attention to subtle sensations in the biological field that we call the mindbody, we attend to feelings that we may not be used to observing.  For some this shift is very easy and for others it is a stretch.  I include myself in the latter group for I was so mesmerized by my matter field training that it took some time for me to understand the subtle energy field. 

    But with training and understanding the sensations of the energy field that is reporting to me on a regular basis, I now have a trained, educated perception of the field as it is.  As I have discussed earlier, this subtle field reports to us through the qualities of opposites: hot and cold, light and heavy, rough and oily etc.

    When we participate in yoga posture practice and stretch, the particular positions release energy from areas of fixation, rigidity and stiffness.  If we are not too overwhelmed by the stretch, we can get in touch with the energy field in this way as well.  After the yoga asana(position), bring your attention to the subtle sensations in your mindbody field and you will notice perhaps a tingling, lightness or have a feeling that there is actually a shining brightness to the area of your mindbody that has been stretched.  This is also an experience of your energy field!

    So the biological energy field can be experienced.  We just have to pay attention to it.            DrBill

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Health of the Planet and Us

 Does it seem strange that we can impact the ills of our Mother Earth by improving our own health?  From an energy perspective this totally makes sense 

Mother Earth is our extended mindbody from an energy perspective because it is not just "my energy field".  You and I are part of a greater energy field, Mother Earth and this larger energy field is part of an even greater energy field, the Milky Way and that is part of the larger galactal systems of the visible universe

But here locally on planet earth we do indeed have unarguable challenges   Global warming, climacteric convulsions such as tsunamis and overpopulation and starvation would come to mind but you get the drift Our planet is getting sick and we are intimately responsible

Witness the finding of an island of plastic located in the South Pacific, the finding of DDT in artic waters or high levels of mercury in artic animals  Our pollution on the planet by our dominating population of our species is creating significant dis-ease or imbalance for our Mother Earth

OK, we say, we'll start recycling!  We will eat organic and stop the pesticides  And I'll even get a fuel efficient vehicle

What else can we do that would be impactful?  Well, we could balance our own physiologies   From an energetic standpoint, it makes little sense to recycle if we are not willing to take care of our own health   The health of the planet is dependent on the health of the individuals who inhabit it.  It is an undeniable conclusion from a mindbody point of view

    So as JFK said, "Ask not what your country can do for you.  Ask what you can do for your country"   We can paraphrase and say, "Ask not what I can get from Mother Earth    Ask what I can do to heal my dearest loving Mother who has given me so much"

    And one of the greatest gifts we can give our loving Mother is to be energetically healthy and in balance That is true love my friends.                        DrBill 

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The Great Buffet in the Sky

   A patient came in the other day to tell me a story about his experience with his friend, the tomato.  After having had a delicious spaghetti with red sauce dinner, he related that all his symptoms he was seeing me for came back within two hours.  This is not an uncommon patient scenario in the past years and underscores the energetic imbalances imposed by specific foods if they bring about imbalance in the physiology. 

    If there was a buffet somewhere in cyberspace where you and I could go where all the foods known to man were represented in all the combinations that humans have concocted to generate taste thrills, all of it would not be available to you and I if we were eating according to our energy mindbody constitutions.

    This seems tragic doesn't it?  Here we have all these delectable taste thrills and yet they are unavailable to our taster.  What a shame.  It seems so unfair, doesn't it?

    You see, it's not about denial of these foods to our taster as much as it is to notice from an energetic viewpoint what they do to us.  That is, how do they make us feel.  We obviously don't want to feel bad-you and I- so the energy approach to nutrition, telling us which foods and food combinations are to be avoided is to give us insight that certain foods make us feel bad. 

    In the end if we went to the great buffet in the sky, when we are eating according to our energy patterns, we would choose those foods which harmonize with our energy physiologies and stay away from those that don't.  So bon appetit!!            DrBill

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Denial in Measurement Terms

    "How am I doing, doc?" 

    "Well, all your lab tests and xray tests are normal."

    "Great but why do I feel bad then."

    This kind of patient/doctor discussion occurs occasionally and brings up for discussion the reliance we have on measurement in matter field healing.  We have to start somewhere and certainly using tests for screening for standard health parameters such as cholesterol, triglycerides, PSA, and a host of other types of lab testing is a good starting point. 

    The concern is that from an energy perspective the imbalance may not show up in lab tests until a while later but the ongoing symptoms of imbalance are front and center at the time the lab and xrays are normal.  For both matter field doctor and her patient there lingers the possible denial that anything is wrong simply because everything checks out by measurement.

    The mindbody is not a well oiled machine that has somehow learned how to think.  It is an energy field composed of form and that form thinks.  And when symptoms come deep from inner space, it is reporting a disturbance that presents itself to our awareness.  The mind may try to ignore but the body never deceives because sensations are always real. 

    So denial can go on with measurements but the sensations reported to us are important and we should always pay attention.  For example, heartburn that occurs once a month may not seem abnormal because of its infrequency.  But from an energy science perspective, this sensation however infrequent should never be dismissed because it implies a disruption that is beginning to become something.

    This is why the energy sciences can become preventative.  Due to the attention paid to the sensory experience and not relying on measurement, imbalances are detected early and dealt with.  So don't ignore anything that your body tells you.  Until next time DrBil. 

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