It’s Not Just One Thing

Balance and stones  
    Have you ever stopped to consider the many approaches that it takes to change something.  You may try one thing, then add another and then see if something else may help.  At times health is a trial and error process-trying to find the right remedy.

    From an energy perspective this is exactly the way healing occurs.  It's just not about just lifestyle choices, not just about the nutritional work or the medicines or herbs that are taken-it's about all these things that are done that will make a difference in our health. 

    This is because the energy field responds to more than one or band of vibrational frequency.  The change occurs over many bands of frequencies to make a difference.  And doing exercise such as yoga does have a vibrational impact on the physiology if done on a consistent basis.  The same is true about certain vibrational frequencies that we call food.  Bigstockphoto_Green_Beans_1407831

    When we eat foods that enhance balance, such as green beans, they nourish the energy mindbody and produce equilibrium of the energy field because of their nuturing of specific vibrational frequencies in the energy field.

    Eating at specific times lends to more balance especially having the biggest meal at noon.  All these nutritional "tools" promote balance and then we get healthier.   Health then becomes a skill that we work at and over time we get more balance energetically in the physiology and hence get healthier.

                                                                                         To good health  DrBill

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The Complete Healer

    Psoriasis Nov 4,09 I was in the operating room yesterday removing small bladder cancers from a patient's bladder with a laser.  The operating room nurses were noting the significant psoriasis that the patient exhibited.  I related that the same inflammatory condition that occurs on the skin occurs in the bladder from an energy perspective.  From a matter field perspective it makes sense after you say it but the only way I could have made the correlation is from an energy perspective. 

    The value of understanding the energy field science healing tradition is to realize that there is another way of seeing the mindbody.  It is to recognize that there is more to the solid matter field that we perceive with our senses.

    What are the repercussions of recognizing the biological energy field?  Well, the first thing that comes to mind is that there is more to healing than mechanically dealing with the matter field with molecular pharmaceuticals or operations.  That we can heal by simply being aware of what we do to the mindbody.

    When we entertain the mindbody as an energy field, we enter a realm where everything that we do in the form of habits directly impact the health of the mindbody physiology.  This at first may seem overwhelming but once engaged in the process of balance, it becomes intuitive.

    And then for the first time we begin to see an opportunity for prevention of dis-ease.  So a the healer of the 21st century will be conversant about both the matter and energy field healing traditions.  This will have to be so if we are to have a balanced healing system.  To good health   DrBill


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Eating on the Run

Man eating on the run      My car was in the shop getting a window fixed so a friend took me into work.  I was interested to find my friend munching on a piece of toast with peanut butter slathered over the top, washed down with a vitamin drink and conversing about a cellphone call just received.  Whilst it is possible for us to multitask from an energy perspective the problem arises in our digestion.

    You see, as we know, it's not possible to do things well if we are distracted and can't put our attention on what we are doing.  Just think when you have been given directions but not really paying attention and then try to remember the directions well.  So digestion of the food consumed will not be as good as if we are paying attention.  There is good information to demonstrate that food is digested differently when we are attentive to the process.

    Further our digestive fire works best when we are in a balanced state.  If our sympathetic, fight or flight nervous system is working overtime and our parasympathetic, relaxing nervous system is not balancing, there is an overabundance of sympathetic tone in our energy mindbody physiology.   This eating on the run leads to increased sympathetic tone which is not promoting to good digestion simply because the gut is robbed of blood flow which is needed for adequate absorption and assimilation of digested food.

    So though it seems convenient, it's preferable to enjoy our food consumed in a relaxed environment with a balance of sympathetic tone.  It may seem like we are getting away with it but by and by there are accumulated imbalances created in the energy mindbody that can lead to health related issues due to carrying on such a habit.

    To good health  DrBill



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Energy Field Healing and Lazarus

    At the end of a workshop discussing how to access the energy body, I talked with a lady who related a interesting story that illustrates the use of energy in healing. 

    Her husband in his 70's and in good health had some mild chest pain and was evaluated at a prestigious US medical center and found to have severe coronay vessel dis-ease and underwent 4 vessel  bypass grafting.  The procedure went very well and then in going to recovery crashed.  His wife who had become nervous after getting the initial good news eventually found her husband in profound cardiac collapse.  The surgeons were completely mystified by the turn of events having no explanation for the matter field medical events they were witnessing.

    Over the ensuing 13 days he was provided support with ECMO due to the pulmonary fluid congestion.  In effect her husband had died.  But in the ensuing days after collapse, this woman maintained energetic support through various modalities.  She looked back in retrospect and still is baffled by what had transpired but she followed her instinct and heart(from an energy perspective these are one and the same) and crafted these modalities.

    The matter field physicians and caregivers were amazed but the man recovered.  They had never witnessed such a medical phenomenon.  They had supported the man with the matter field technology but were puzzled by what had transpired because this man came back when he had no business surviving.

    This story elucidates what can happen when there is merging of the matter and energy field healing sciences.  The man had checked out from a matter field perspective but the energy field was still present and presuaded by another energy field to stick around awhile longer.

    Presently the field of energy technology is very new but at the same time very ancient.  We want to be very clear here about what I am calling the energy field.  There are many who talk about the energy field using crystals and other modalities that are not grounded on any science.  I am not referring to this type of energy technology.  And we have to be clear here or otherwise we will be led astray in our studies and findings.

    The type of energy technology that I am discussing here today is grounded on the science of the yoga tradition which has been with us for 5000 years.  And I think that if we are going to work with the energy body for healing, we will have to embody for ourselves these ancient systems, not a system that was crafted out of the imagination of someone 10 years ago.  We MUST have some standardization in this process of energy healing if we are going to apply it on clinical grounds and study it in research.  

    And what does this have to do with nutrition?  The same energy science that can sustain life and bring someone back from the brinks of matter field death is the same energy science that gives us the nutritional work to become balanced by the foods that we eat.                   DrBill

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Cold Hands

    I was driving into the office the other day and became aware of cold hands.  They had been warm before I had left the house so there had been a change.  "What's going on," I asked myself, but of course I knew that I had made this observation in the past. 

    But this time I began to put it together.  As we have discussed in previous blog posts, the biological energy field expresses itself through qualities of sensation.  There are 10 biological pairs of sensation.  For example, the sensations of hot and cold, light and heavy, subtle and gross are examples of these paired potential sensations. 

    We can only know the energy body through sensations in  the mindbody.  So when I felt the cold hands it occurred to me that the biological energy pattern of Vata, the priniciple of movement in the physiology, must be being aggravated.  It was subtle but real and a tip off to slow down and breath.  When we get into a rush, we invoke the sympathetic nervous system and from a matter field perspective, we vasoconstrict and this reduces blood flow to the hands.

    From an energy perspective, the energy field was sending me a signal to slow down and breath which would activate the parasympathetic nervous system and restore balance in the energy physiology. 

    Foods can produce the same shifts in the energy mindbody.  Have you ever felt hot after eating a very spicy meal?   This is yet another message from the energy field.  All we have to do is pay attention.

    To good health        DrBill

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