Website Invitation to Foods Heal
Well after several months Foods Heal as a website has become a reality!
What's so special. First it gives you all the information from the book Foods Heal so that you don't have to buy the book. Pretty awesome, huh?
But it also allows you to find your own energy fingerprint. That which you were born with.
And it gives you a nutritional path that is unique for you.
And it tells you how to enhance your digestion and how not to trash it!
And that my friend is all you need for experiencing good health. Love DrBill
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The Biological Energy Field and Autism
Is it possible that a group of individuals(society) can produce a dis-ease(autism)?
Well if you look at the statistics the answer is undeniably yes. The stats say that the prevalence of autism is on the rise.
From an energy view this is not surprising because there is a significant energy field (Vata imbalance) disturbance in our local tribe we call the American society.
What happens to individuals in a tribe is a product of the individuals of the tribe.
And one of the fundamental treatments for autistic children is nutrition directed at the neurological imbalance as it should for the rest of the provoked tribe. Love DrBill
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“Oh, he thinks the molecules do it!”
A friend of mine is a well trained matter field physician in the field of endocrinology having received training at several prestigious centers in the US and abroad. Due to the unique nature of the discipline he found himself drawn to explore the energy field of the mindbody.
In one of his sojourns he found himself speaking to a group of prestigious energy field physicians on how certain hormones interact with receptor sites in the body.
It was a series of talks and each time he found a sea of puzzled faces as he carefully took them through the molecular workings of the physiology of the endocrine system.
The third discussion led to the same returning polite group of puzzled faces. He repititiously and earnestly went over the information to explain his molecular material. At the break he saw one of the participants turn to his friends and exclaim, "Oh, I get it! He thinks the molecules do it!"
The story describes two perspectives, both valid. But what if, just what if we could entertain both viewpoints. Why you ask? The most important reason is that there is a system of prevention in the energy field work. And I believe we are all after how to prevent dis-ease. Love DrBill
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Energy Memory
We see all forms of unusual memory in Nature. And the same energy field that we see active in Nature bending Joshua trees is that same energy field that crafts memories of bent over people as they age.
'Tis the season of resolutions. Lose weight, be more organized, clean our space, stop overeating, eat healthier, foster better relationships.
By setting a resolution we are establishing intention. Just another way of saying the same thing.
The best way of making our intention come to fruition is to formulate a ritual.
A ritual is an activity that we do as part of a routine. It has the capability of trapping our attention so that we can carry out our intention.
Over and over again we and the Joshua tree perform the ritual that helps us do the intended action and after 6 weeks we are on our way toward doing our intended action automatically.
But what's happened? Unlike the tree our energy mindbody has a set way of holding itself in space and time. But then we decide to give our mindbody a different way of holding itself. We begin giving it a different memory of how to posture itself in space and time.
So if we know that we overeat, we produce an intention to create a memory of not doing so. By establishing a ritual of eating only 2 handfuls at every meal there is a new memory in the energy field that does not overeat. And from that are multiple effects in the matter field by that intention to change the energy memory.
Soooo…the energy field's memory is where major shifts around nutrition can occur and have fun doing it realizing that it's journey in life. Love DrBill
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