Stagnant energy and varicose veins
The beauty of a baby is her pristine energy field unencumbered with the energy blockages that we adults gather with time. I think that is what is so alluring about baby's energy. It reminds us of what we once were-a pure unadulterated energy field.
As we make unconscious choices through our lives we gather energy blockages that eventually need to be dealt with. But these blockages are great lessons if we are willing to learn from them. And these blockages can become severe and cause problems if we don't head them off.
One of the things that can happen in the energy field of the mindbody is stagnant energy, that is energy that gets stuck and cannot move through a part of the mindbody. The sign of stagnant energy in the mindbody is loss of the ability to feel because this is how we are aware of the energy mindbody in the first place.
An example of this is varicose veins. When the blood begins to pool in the lower extremities and the energy or blood in this case has poor flow. It's stuck. This can be related to blocked flow at the level of the hips which impedes blood return to the heart. The hips become rigid, inflexible and tight such that energy flow through and around the hip joint is impeded.
As the energy flow in the skin becomes reduced the capillaries become engorged and the small veins coming from them become tortuous and superficial. This is related to the poor outflow from the leg resulting from decreased venous outflow from the leg.
The energy can become so slow in flow that the venous support impedes blood flow even more poorly and the legs begin to become boggy and swollen. The important aspect of this clinical scenario is the loss of sensation of energy flow. Typically when energy is flowing normally, we can sense the subtle movement of energy noted as tingling lightness of the skin. When severe stagnation occurs as in varicosities of the lower extremities, there is such heaviness that such sensations are not present.
The loss of the ability to feel the legs and the movement of energy is serious business. Of course, the person involved with the varicosities is usually not aware of his/her energy mindbody anyway, but if they are able to deal with the problem the return of sensation becomes quite obvious as the swelling and skin changes resolve.
Soooo... striving to be sensate aware of the mindbody's changes in sensation is important because we can take corrective measures that will minimize the damage before all the severe debilities show up.
This is the power of prevention that comes directly from sensing the mindbody's energy field before dis-ease progresses. To good health and sensation DrBill
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Disrupted Schedules and Health
An energy field viewpoint states that we are part of a greater energy field. That our personal energy field is part of a greater energy field. The metaphor often used is that the personal energy field is like a wave on the ocean and the ocean is the greater energy field. Microcosm and macrocosm.
The import of this view is that we are part of Nature-that what happens in Nature effects us and vice versa-what happens in our mindbody energy fields effects Nature. This translates that if we are out of balance with respect to our health then we lead Nature to be out of balance. So if we see the planet getting sick and expressing imbalance, then we know that we ourselves are sick.
The corollary to this relationship with Nature is that if we are to become more balanced then it is health promoting for us live in harmony with Nature since she is in balance all the time.
So a healthy lifestyle is to get up with Nature(6-7am) and go to bed with Nature(9:30-10:30pm) and eating our biggest meal at noon. If we are so inclined doing something in the am and pm to slow down the energy mindbody is also conducive to a healthy lifestyle.
Just observing this type of schedule can be very effective in promoting health. The best DrBill
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Chasing the American Dream
Over the weekend my wife and son who was visiting from out of town saw Michael Moore's film Capitalism: A Love Story. I was saddened by what has happened to our society and more specifically what has happened to people's lives and their health as a result.
From an energy viewpoint the race to get more has become so commonplace in our American society that it is leading to significant health problems as a resultfrom an energy viewpoint. Witness our now common societal dis-eases such as autism(deranged Vata imbalance) which is significantly increased in its frequency of occurrence. Or attention deficit disorders that are now common place in schools, again a result of Vata imbalance showing up in our children.
But what about adults? The ability to take time even to enjoy the company of one's own spouse is lost because of the types of schedules we put ourselves on in order to accumulate just enough to make our house payments(if we can at all these days!). Again the problem of aggravated Vata in the society. Due to this Vata imbalance, schedules are stretched thin with no down time to take care of ourselves.
Since Vata as an energy pattern affects both Pitta and Kapha, aggravated Vata in a society will lead to Pitta and Kapha imbalances as well. Hence societal problems such as excessive competition(Pitta) and obesity(Kapha) become rampant.
And its not that making money is bad but such an obsession with making money due to the cost of living in America is leading to not only the deterioration of its economy but its health as well.
From an energy point of view taking an aggressive inventory of our lifestyles is the first energy field prescription for health.
I leave with a quote from a newsletter I subscribe to.
When the long-term problems are large and real, they anesthetize us, mislead us, divert us — anything to keep us from giving up something or having to pay for it. Too often, our political leaders are just enablers, co-conspirators in a disingenuous and greedy silence. Our children are unrepresented. Kurt Vonnegut once told a story about seeing Joseph Heller at a wealthy hedge- fund manager's party at a beach house in the Hamptons. Casting his eye around the luxurious setting, Vonnegut said, "Joe, doesn't it bother you that this guy makes more in a day than you ever made from Catch-22." Heller said, "No, not really. I have something that he doesn't have: I know the meaning of enough." I have far more than enough. Peter G Peterson, The Education of an American Dreamer, published by Twelve, Newsweek, 8 Jun 09
Thank you Peter! To good health DrBill
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Nutritional Tools and Awareness
So when we find that certain foods make us feel poorly then it's very easy to say, "No thanks." Then why is it that we make choices that make us feel poorly. I believe it's because we have lost at some level our awareness or consciousness around nutrition.
We are all aware to some degree, but there are levels of awareness. Dogs and cats are aware but not conscious. To be conscious means that there can be many responses. If we scare an animal by coming up behind him and say "Boo", we will see an automatic response. It is a preprogrammed response that the animal cannot help but do. He has no choice. We as conscious beings have choice about the responses that we have.
If someone comes up behind you and does the same "Boo", you could have many choices of response such as fear like the animal might occur but curiosity, whimsicalness or flattery might occur. The point is, as humans with consciousness, we are not preprogrammed. We have many ways of responding to our environment.
So it is with nutrition. Due to our consciousness we have many different ways of interacting with the foods that we eat or altering the habits that we create around the nutritional process. We have choice. There are many reasons why we live out our habits, among them is the belief that habits are here to stay.
But habits are nothing more than repeated thought patterns and can be disrupted if we root them out. At the energy field level the use of intention planted at a deep level of stillness can begin to uproot these repeated thought patterns using yoga nidra, a form of meditation.
Then the nutritional tools that can help us gain greater health will become a reality.
To good health Dr Bill
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Spirituality and the Energy Field
To be spiritual is to be in touch with our senses. Does this sound surprising? In spiritual terms we tend to denigrate the mindbody with its sensations because deep down we believe that the sensual experience has nothing to do with the transcendency of spirituality.
But to personally access our soul, our level of spiritual being, we have to use our senses and the easiest way to access the energy field is through our senses and breath. In so doing, we quiet the mindbody. When we quiet the mindbody and the breath, we "drop in" to that universal state of being that we are. This process is a form of meditation called yoga nidra and with practice, this level of awareness can be accessed any time.
To drop in means to access our awareness.
If we are aware, we stand a chance of being healthier. All the supplements in the world will not get us health. We will not access health through molecules or the current matter field model.
But if we access the energy field through our sensate mindbody, we begin becoming aware of what feels correct for us at any given moment.
But when we tap into the sensate experience of life and our personal existence, we are actually becoming more aware. We are no longer trapped by thoughts, concepts, prior perceptions, beliefs, ideas or previous conditioning because sensations are in the present now.
When we live in the now, we recognize our sensate mindbody as what is truth in the moment. If the mindbody reports hot,sharp/penetrating and light after a pungent spicy meal and maybe experiencesheartburn, we know that an imbalance has been created in mindbody. This is not to judge the experience as right or wrong, good or bad. It is simply to witness or be aware of the imbalance that we have created with the experience.
When we live through the sensate mindbody, we will create better health and have the chance of averting significant imbalance in the future.
To good health Dr Bill
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