Change Is Tough!
Most of us like to think that we are malleable and are changeable yet what I find is the opposite unless there is pain involved.
Think about it. If you were not having any health challenges, feeling good and someone told you that what you were eating was not good for your mindbody constitution, then all bets are off that you would be changing. Human nature right?
But let's say you've just had a terrible time with kidney stone dis-ease and have had to go through 3 or 4 operations and lots of pain due to the volume of stone and its obstruction. Think you might be a little more interested in perhaps looking at nutritional information?
You bet! Anything to reduce the chance of having to go through that experience again.
Having said that tools are necessary because the mind field of the mindbody is a tricky field to negotiate and we desperately need tools to help us if we are going to be healthy.
Lifestyle change will not be accomplished unless we have tools such as yoga nidra to unroot deep psychic patterns that keep bringing us back to destructive behavioral patterns we all have.
To good health and developing health as a skill Love DrBill
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A Little Fizzy in Your Drink?
I was talking with a patient recently and told her that carbonated drinks were energetically not good to use. She then told me shocking information.
"Oh, I know. If you google, you'll find information about one particular carbonated drink that has been used to clean toilets, asphalt, and coins. As a matter of fact, the white stuff on car batteries comes off really well with this "drink."
I began thinking about the physiologic consequences of consumption of this drink. Why would I want to put such a caustic material in my mindbody.
The energy science says that carbonated drinks are not good for anyone. Google it yourself. These drinks are imbalancing for Vata due to the gas, for Pitta due to the acidity, and for Kapha because of the refined sugar.
Has the matter science looked at this? No. Why should they? People haven't reported getting ill drinking carbonated beverages. Yet they are widely used on the planet.
Last couple of facts. It has been observed that if one leaves a penny in a "soft" drink for a month, Lincoln's face is wiped off the coin. A teenager put his baby's tooth in a "soft" drink for a school science experiment and in the morning the tooth had disappeared.
Safe for consumption? You be the judge. Anybody have any baby teeth they want to discard? Love DrBill
PS Fizziness is OK when it occurs naturally. So beer is safe!!! There is a God.
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Biological Energy Science
Yoga is a bonafide energy science as its sister science Ayurveda. We usually think of yoga as a practice of postures where a group of people get in a room and do unusual poses guided by someone more flexible than we are.But this energy science is so much more.
Just because our current healing system does not think of the mindbody as an energy field does not discount that there is an energy field and there are energy sciences that can help with energy work from panchakarma, herbs, or simple nutritional lifestyle patterns.
It should be emphasized that a biological energy science just did not came up last ten years. This discipline has been around for thousands of years.
One of the primary tenets of this energy tradition is feeling. With our technological advances we have become so in our heads and less in our sensations.
So this is the challenge and with guidance, an energy approach to healing will become a reality. When we get in touch we begin to realize how out of touch we were. DrBill
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Why Can’t I Stop Going To The Bakery Section?
I think we have all observed ourselves doing what might be not the most healthy nutritional choice.
As a composite these activities fall under the grouping of lifestyle patterns of behavior.
Some lifestyle patterns are great, such as brushing our teeth, eating our biggest meal at noon, or using a sesame oil swish in the morning to improve gingival health.
But other patterns may not be so healthy. Chronic anxiety, panic attacks, overeating, using foods that are imbalancing, or using poor food combining.
The problem facing physicians today is how can I help my patients with unhealthy lifestyle choices? This is not a issue that will be solved by matter science today.
The answer will come from the energy science discipline. Probably the most powerful technique is yoga nidra which is a guided meditation because it allows for dropping intention when in a deep state of meditation.
We desperately need a marriage between the matter and energy sciences. Love DrBill
lifestyle change and behavior patterns
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Can’t Urinate
I had seen a young man about a year ago and the problem was difficulty urinating in public places for years. There was nothing to suggest a mechanical or matter field problem.
He returned recently unable to void at all with a catheter in place.
We have been exploring a guided meditation technique to facilitate reducing anxiety but also placing an intention when in deep alpha state.
We took the catheter out and taught him how to empty his bladder on his own with a catheter. We also showed him this guided meditation technique and asked him to do it frequently.
He came back in a week voiding on his own without the need for catheter and relaxed in voiding.
This is energy science in action. Love DrBill
YN and inability to urinate
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