Nutrition and Inflammatory Behavior Patterns


It's very sad what has happened to our world with even now the calm females, protectors of fertility, being brought into this warped pattern of inflammatory behavior. What have we become?

One of my matter science heroes Dean Ornish recently posted and posed on Facebook an interesting question, "Should Crestor(a lipid lowering drug) be given to reduce inflammation?" or as he re-phrased the question, "What are the causes of inflammation and what should be done to reduce them."

Have we reached the point of maximum absurdity, to advocate drugs to numb our own violence? What can we do to reduce this kind of lifestyle behavior we are cultivating?

As we have discussed several times at this blog, the main cause if not the only cause of inflammation is nutritional. How could that be? It is because the only thing that we do consistently on a daily basis is consume food and drink, both of which portend inflammation if we do not follow an antiinflammatory diet.

The matter science nutritional model does not have the ability to think in these terms. Yet Ornish has shown that by using a nutritional format that reduces the ills of the average American diet, he not only reduces inflammation but changes genetic expression.

The issue is whether inflammatory behavior patterns such as road rage, aggressive sports activity, excessive violence, school violence and shootings, rabid gun fanatics who know no bounds, war mongering in the name of freedom, whether these are a result of nutrition or they feed the already provoked energetic mindbody physiology.

I would believe that it is both but that the contribution from nutrition is the primary and most promoting of behaviors contributing to inflammatory patterns because one drives the other. That is,our nutrition eventually drives our societal thinking.

Ornish has already shown quite elegantly in well controlled studies that nutrition is paramount in developing dis-ease and that by radically changing nutrition one can reverse significant coronary dis-ease.

Of course the matter science medical establishment does not have a model to understand such a concept of nutritional inflammation so therefore it hears but cannot see.

So what small part can we do for such imbalance. We can take it upon ourselves to eat a well balanced energetic nutrition as advocated at

Do something for yourself, your health and the world you create.

See you tomorrow                           To great health as a skill  Love DrBill

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Someone tells you what to do and you tell them, "Take a leap." We all want our freedom but in reality from an energy view we have no freedom. We are hardwired to to do what we will do.

So what's the use? Just keep on doing what we are doing, right?

The value is to decide on the part of your family, your children, your friends, your society, and planet that there is value in following your hardwiring whatever it happens to be at this moment.

Sound contradictory? In the greater scheme of things, I think not. Our society is moving us along and we will be swept up by the societal currents wherever they take us. The important thing is to not get caught up in resistance but to be along for the joyful ride.

"You know Mr Jones, taking the Lipitor(cholesterol lowering drug) may help you by reducing your already existing coronary artery dis-ease."

"Yea, but when I take it, it doesn't make me feel any better."

So this issue of noncompliance is a double edged sword. It's good to go with the flow but what does my sensate mindbody energy field say about it.

This is discrimination, the highest form of intellectual endeavor and all we have to do is use it.

So it is with nutrition. If after four weeks off coffee, you find when you have a cup of Joe that your mindbody doesn't feel good, you have a choice. Do I go back and get that drink again, this time maybe a mocha or do I not make the choice again. It's up to us isn't it?

So free choice or not, we are all moving in the direction of being more sense oriented consumers of our nutrition but it won't be because the matter science nutritional model told us that the molecule, let's say, omega 3, is good for us. It will be because sensately we know what's good for us.

See you tomorrow                            To health as a skill   Love DrBill

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Health Training


Would we not think it strange if an athlete like Tiger Woods or Michael Jordan didn't train for their respective sports? That they messed around during the week and then showed up for the weekend tournament.

We know intuitively that doesn't happen in life.

And many of us are doing just that for our health. We want to be healthy and we are training in our own individual ways to be just that.

The energy science medical model gives us a manual as to how to do health training. It's just that we have to shift our perspective of how we are, energy or matter. Energetic health training isn't a group of splintered techniques as in the medical matter science model but an organized way of living life in a healthy way.

Energy science including the nutritional model teaches how to train the energy mindbody to express itself in a very explicit and healthy way that is balanced. This is health.

You see from an energy view if you run your energy field in a marathon that doesn't  express the energy field in a healthy way, you will not benefit from that exercise.

So exercise, supplements, herbs, nutrition, colon cleanses, you name it, if they don't help us express our mindbody energy field in a healthy way then they don't help us. As a matter of fact they have the chance of making us unhealthy.

Many of us are intuitively practicing healthy lifestyle behaviors that bring about balance and due to those practices help us express ourselves in a healthy way energetically.

What I am suggesting is that an energy approach to healthy lifestyle behaviors has a complete manual for health training than we currently have with the matter science medical model.

'Til tomorrow                                To health as a skill   Love DrBill

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It’s a Scary Thing


A patient came in to see me because of her overweight condition and bladder symptoms which are by the way tied together.

"Do you think you can do this Henrietta," I asked after having gone over with her the energy science nutritional packet devoted to the PK pattern.

"Oh yes, doctor. I'm ready."

"OK then, we'll see you back in 2 months and see how things are going for you."

Two months go by…..

Henrietta fails to make the appointment. Something came up.

I want to be clear here. This is not about Henrietta and to cast aspersions. This is a societal problem that we are confronted with. As consumers and as patients seeking medical care we have been trained to take a pill by the matter science medical model in order to be healthy. 

And that training leads a society to not be responsible for their health.

But this matter field model while good for bailing us out of difficult medical situations is hard pressed to talk patients into changing their lifestyle choices.

I have run across many physicians who "have thrown in the towel" in trying to cajole and convince their patients to change nutritional course because they have run into the "Henrietta response."

I would submit that taking responsibility for changing lifestyle is a "scary thing" especially if our healers have never asked us to do so. Fear of change is the BIG fear especially if we don't want to do it.

If doing a change brings us fun, excitement, and exhilaration it's OK. But if it requires that I stop doing things that I like, that's a problem.

And what lifestyle choices are good to support and which do I leave behind? The matter science medical model is still trying to figure it out with yet another double blind study.

The energy science medical model can give us unbelievable guidance if we are ready to take responsibility – we just have to give it time and trust. As we give trust we will have more faith.

Health is not something we hope for. Health is a skill we work at every day consciously. And actually it's easy once we start.

                                                                                    Love DrBill

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Food is Medicine Medicine is Food

Foods heal, no doubt about it, but we won't realize this fact from our present matter science nutritional approach.

From an energy science nutritional view foods can be antiinflammatory, anticongestive, and reduce degenerative changes in the mindbody.

For example, who would deduce from a matter science medical model that bananas, beef, duck lamb and pork and nuts are inflammatory. And that these foods will particularly provoke PK.

And that dairy is congestive? Some of us have had the experience of nasal stuffiness when drinking milk but dairy goes far beyond that. Again it's not like dairy is to be eliminated from the nutritional format but for PK, it should be moderate in amount used.

And that light vegetables such as lettuce and drinks such coffee, carbonated drinks can induce in the some people when used over a long period degenerative changes.

So we see how the energy science medical model gives us a more complete understanding of the concept of food as medicine.

It shows us what to avoid and thereby gives us what foods are nourishing for our individual mindbody energy patterns.

So here's to healing                                To health as a skill    Love DrBill

PS  As a matter of fact from the energy science view everything that is naturally occurring on the planet is medicinal. It depends on the condition, individual, and dosing.

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