Prevention of Dis-ease
All Diseases Begin In the Gut
Hippocrates 460-370 BC
A man who recounted his medical story to me. He was skiing at Whistler and in a fall happened to find a rock under the snowpack with his ribcage. He laid there for sometime trying to catch his breath and as he tried to move found himself with a chest wall injury. He made his way down to the bottom of the mountain and with evaluation found himself with several rib fractures.
"Are these your bones," the radiologist asked. Only being 42, I was chagrined at the porosity, bones looking like honeycombing.
That was a defining moment that started a journey of understanding healing in a new way. Not interested in osteoporotic drug therapy, I began searching for options. In my study I found a unique and ancient healing model that viewed the mindbody not as a matter field as I had been trained as a surgeon but also as an energy field. From Einstein's equation E=mc2 we know that this is valid today.
What is energy is matter and what is matter is energy.
One of the greatest gifts that the energy sciences give us is the understanding that all diseases begin in the gut.That osteoporosis as well as all dis-eases begin in the gut. And that the food choices that we make create our own dis-ease. For the first time we have system of prevention of dis-ease around nutrition.
From this knowledge we are gifted what many of my patients and myself are looking for - a scientific model of health whereby we can prevent dis-ease.
And all of this just because of a few broken ribs. Amazing!!
For more info see
Until tomorrow To health as a skill Love DrBill
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Nutrition and Genetic Plasticity
Most matter field science has looked at the nervous system as a fixed physiologic and anatomic structure. But that concept is being challenged with a new concept called neuroplasticity. Now researchers are witnessing people who have had strokes and paralysis who are able to recover some function and in one reported case complete recovery.
Now another concept is beginning to emerge to challenge another medical sacred cow. That genetic expression is a fixed, unchanging and unyielding blueprint. In a journal article in September 2005, Dr Dean Ornish reported that patients with prostate cancer changed their genetic expression to tumor by altering their nutrition. Not only did their genetic expression turn off repressor genes but turned on important genes to combat tumor. Furthermore these patients increased their T killer cell response to tumor cells eight fold.
So a new biological concept is potentially emerging-genetic plasticity. And the remarkable cause of this genetic shifiting event was a change in nutrition!!
This molecular evaluation points to what the energy medical sciences have held for thousands of years. That one of the main pillars to health is nutrition and they built elaborate sophisticated systems around nutrition. This means not just what we eat but when we eat, where we eat, how we eat and why we eat. That is the interrogatories of eating.
This concept of genetic plasticity is just one more reason why we need to take a very hard look at how we deal with nutrition. And the energy medical sciences can give guidance to the matter field medical sciences as practiced today.
Until tomorrow To health as a skill love DrBill
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Fruit Should Be Separate
The matter science nutritional literature has little to say about the diet effects of food combinations but this topic has a salient place in energy science nutrition.
Here are some common examples of poor food combining using fruits with other foods that lead to "sick" GI tracts.
Fruit with yogurt
Fruit smoothies
Fresh fruit with cereal
Fruit with the main meal
Fruit with cheese are commonly done that lead to "sick" GI tracts.
Fruits are made up of simple sugars so they are digested, absorbed, assimilated quickly by the lining of the gastrointestinal tract(GI tract).
But if fruit is eaten with more complex carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, a sour indigestible "wine" is created that interferes with the digestive process. Furthermore the different rates of digestion of fruits and the more complex foods complicates the digestive impairment.
The resultant physical manifestation is that digested foods languish in the upper GI tract for 7-8 hours due to slow transit times. This produces gas, heaviness, fermentation, and alteration in bowel flora.
"There is no scientific evidence that supports food combining as a valid diet strategy," says the matter science community. To this I say, let the observer make the choice.
The energy science nutritional work is all about giving the guideline and then letting the individual find out for herself.
Why this approach? Because if we are going to wait for the matter science community to prove what was cognized 1000's of years ago by people more in tune than we are today, we will all be dead.
The simple rule is a fruit salad in the middle of the meal is not good idea but a fruit pie at the end of the meal is OK.
See you tomorrow. To health as a skill Love DrBill
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Molecules Heal
We have been led to believe a lie!
The molecule does the healing. But what about all the times that the molecule did not do the healing?
Molecules are representatives of the underlying energy field. So if the molecular signal that we send the mindbody is off then the energy field does not respond.
Real healing occurs at the energy field level.
From an energy science nutritional view the healing occurs by correcting the imbalances we create by our choices not by counting the calories or deciding if fish oil is the best nutrient to have on a deserted island.
By focusing soooo much on the matter science nutritional information we keep reinforcing the inevitably wrong conclusion….the molecule does the healing-the reigning matter science medical model.
It's time for a new paradigm in health, nutrition, and dis-ease management.
Until tomorrow To health as a skill Love DrBill
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Bladder Symptoms
Mary has another UTI it seems but like many times her culture comes back with no bacteria, a nonbacterial inflammatory condition. Her symptoms are typical: burning on urination and signs of bladder irritability such as frequency, urgency, pain with bladder filling, and feeling like not emptying the bladder.
From a matter science medical view, this complex of symptoms and lab result is common but not understood. The energy science medical view has a lot to say about this nonbacterial condition that occurs in men, women, and children.
Actually the nonbacterial inflammatory change is the reason for many urological conditions from an energy science medical model because the imbalance of the Pitta energy pattern creates inflammation in the urinary tract. The qualities or vibrational frequencies involved are hot, sharp/penetrating, rough, dry, and light.
These qualities are delivered to the mindbody physiology in the form of foods and drink that produce the imbalance. So for example, too much of the hot quality in the diet leads to excess hot in the physiology.
So the treatment from an energy science nutritional format is to reduce the hot, sharp/penetrating, rough, dry, and light qualities in the diet.
So in energy medicine it is the imbalance of the qualities and the correction of them without the need for labeling. An altogether different approach that the labeling done in matter field medicine.
If you interested in this approach you can find more information at or
Herein lies the wisdom of the marriage between the matter and energy science medical models.
Until tomorrow To health as a skill Love DrBill
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