Nutritional Clarity


The danger for all of us on this energetic nutritional healing path is to think we have clarity when we don't

Clarity is born of experience not rationally figuring it out We can use reasoning to talk about it and massage the nutritional ideas, think about the measurement of calories etc but until we experience firsthand what the ingestion of a food does to us, then it's just an intellectual curiosity

For example, we talked yesterday about chocolate and the imbalancing nature of the food Until we experience first hand the "not so good feelings" when we ingest it, well then dear readers, it is simply an intellectual exercise Right?

So it is actually with everything in life We have to rub up against life and the mindbody experiences that we have in order to shape our understanding of what's going on

So the nutritional formats at are gifts of awareness They help us gain clarity

They are not to dictate to us but rather guide us to get clarity To one day say to ourselves, "Oh my gosh, I didn't realize that chocolate did that to me!"

Have a great weekend Until tomorrow                           To health as a Skill  Love DrBill

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Energetic Nutrition: Chocolate


Confusion abounds in the matter science nutritional circles about many foods and drinks Hey, lycopenes and tomatoes are in, salt is bad then it's good, coffee is good then bad unless it's in enema form And of course our favorite vice, chocolate, the topic for today

From a energy science nutritional view, chocolate aggravates all three energy patterns

Chocolate aggravates Vata, the energy pattern of movement and Pitta by increasing the vibrational frequencies of mobility, hot, light and bringing the sour taste to excess. The mobility quality is experienced in diarrhea, excess gas production, and bloating The light quality becomes in excess due to gas production Through the sour(the acid taste in Nature) taste the hot quality there is excess acidity which brings acid indigestion or heartburn and potentially complicating gastroesophageal reflux(GERD)

Kapha, the energy pattern of stability, is aggravated by the sweet taste of chocolate Not only is there the refined sugar that is added to the chocolate but by itself chocolate has the sweet taste This taste is very provoking to Kapha and produces serious imbalance over time leading to all the congestive characteristics such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension, heart dis-esase, and metabolic syndrome Somnolence, fatigability, slow/dull, and heaviness are potential side effects particularly if one is Kapha predisposed

Now when we take chocolate we don't have the sensations of mobile, hot light, the sweet and sour tastes but we do experience the side effects of these excess vibrational frequencies if we pay attention

So from a matter science nutritional view chocolate gets mixed reviews but from an energy science nutritional view it is not good nutrition

As we have said many times before never say never to the mindbody It doesn't like to hear the word NO

So cultivate a good digestive fire and have an occasional chocolate And then savor that nourishment with gusto

Until tomorrow                                                                  To health as a Skill    Love DrBill

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Mmmmm that tastes great!


I see in the office day after day patients making Intuitively good choices. We all know what to chose that will bring more balance to our energy physiologies.

But along the way something gets in the way. Our mind and lifestyle patterns.

There is the mental need to get something. Call it a craving or whatever it is an intense emotional need that drives us to chose something like chocolate.

And yet from an energy view they are not good choices What to do about these dilemmas?

    Let these errant choices become treats(not tweets) every once in a while Why? Life is here to enjoy and rather than stressing about the errant choice…

    Focus on creating a healthy strong digestive fire Why? If we nourish a healthy digestive fire we can burn up the problematic choices and then have a chance to ….

    Witness how we feel after we have had whatever it is Why? Because chances are that we won't feel so well and ….

    Then we will have a chance to decide next time to maybe make a different choice and then….

    Day by day week by week month by month year by year decade by decade we will have the chance to enhance our health in a profound way because real healing takes time

Until tomorrow                                            To health as a Skill         Love DrBill



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How To Maestro Change


The other night Diana had come home late from a meeting and was having dinner I joined her and had a thought about almonds Having eaten a apple earlier why not some almonds?

So I hauled out the container and after several handfuls closed the container lid Well the lid got opened again Then again Then again Hey what a minute! I put them away finally

The next morning there was a simple heaviness not uncomfortable, just a heaviness Almonds?

The next step is …….I have been through this so much in life I have elected to take the path of least resistance Don't fight with the fact that such and such happened Hey it happened

But you would think I would know better etc etc etc Self recrimination judgment

I have decided not to try too hard If I get into emotional turmoil about it I risk addictive behavior because what I feed emotionally simply gets stronger So if my thoughts feed the overeating it just gets magnified by how I handle it in my mind

So in order to prevent any behavior we need to witness ourselves in the midst of these nonsupportive thoughts

So nutrition takes on a new level of understanding We can nourish our thoughts by reinforcing them and by our nourishment they get stronger

Or I can stop feeding these nonsupportive thoughts and let them shrivel up and go away

Until tomorrow                                    To health as a Skill     Love DrBill

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Foods For The Prostate?


OK from molecular nutrition land comes recommendations for a healthy prostate


        Vitamin C


        Shellfish for Zinc

Veggies I can buy but what kind of veggies? From an energy view hopefully ones that will bring balance to the mindbody physiology

Vitamin C? Overrated and energetically shouldn't be used by KP or PK

Lycopene? Not an ounce of truth The FDA did a metaanalysis on all the papers printed to date four years ago and concluded no evidence to support the use of lycopenes in the diet From an energy view PV or VP should not use tomatoes PK or KP only cooked in moderation(1-2x per week)

How about shellfish? PK or KP shouldn't use seafood and PV or VP in moderation

Matter science nutrition looks at food and molecularly decides if it will be healthy but now is even trying to make the model work for organs such as the prostate

Folks it just does not make sense, this molecular approach We are on a one way path to nowhere with this kind of information

Instead of making the food fit us the energy science nutritional system says that we should select the foods that are most balancing for us Now that makes sense!


Until tomorrow                             To health as a Skill   Love DrBill

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