The Story of Two Kittens


There were once two kittens One lived in a very protected safe environment where everything in her world was horizontal

Another kitty lived in another house where all her world was vertical No horizontal lines

When these kittys grew up and became big cats they came out from their protected environment, each one only saw their world One vertical and one horizontal So there was a lot of bumping into things for each Each had developed the perception of the world being vertical and the other the world as being horizontal

Similar events have occurred through human history 500 years ago people thought the world was flat but then boats didn't fall off the table In the last 100 years people thought that Newtonian physics was the view of the universe and now no one believes that mechanistic way of viewing the world

I believe that presently we live in a horizontal world when it comes to understanding the human biology It's one way – a matter science medical model way All our thinking is very biased and convincing This is the way we think and deal with the human biology And people were very convinced that the world was flat

But there is a vertical way – an energy science medical model way

And the best of all worlds as we learned from the grown up cats is that we see both vertical and horizontal That's the way we can really negotiate in the world easily and without difficulty

Sooo….. to see the human biology as both matter and energy fields allows us to drop our preconceived notions as to what it means to have a mindbody We are not just vertical, not just horizontal We are both

What do kittens have to do with human nutrition? When we change our worldview of the human biology we will have to change our nutrition

See you tomorrow                                                 To health as a Skill  Love DrBill

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The Energetic Mindbody Connection

Isn't it fun to notice that getting out and playing with friends changes our mood? That just the simple movement to be with others changes a shift in our mental attitude 

The physical mobility and the lightness associated with joviality changes our psychological demeanor

But there also seems to be a relation between inflammation or hot in the stomach and prostate and impatience and mental irritability

So this relationship between body and mental symptoms clinically seems to go to and fro Mind shifts with body changes and vice versa

Known as the mindbody connection clinicians are aware of this relationship but it is very difficult to understand it from a matter science medical model view

The reason for this is quite simple The mind is not a matter field We can identify the location of the process of thinking but not the thoughts themselves

The mind is nonlocal and defies molecular position But the mind is an energy field and the body is a both a matter and an energy field so at the energy level a merging of the mind and body is possible

The energy patterns of Vata Pitta and Kapha as we have discussed earlier at true psychophysiologic(mindbody) principles that is energy patterns which typify the physical characteristics of the body and at the same time gives us the capability of knowing how the mind will act and react in settings

So in energy science nutrition we now can see how foods can create a turbulent mind as well as a turbulent body, that is one that is in distress or imbalance

Have you ever made any observations about a mind and body connection? Have foods ever produced anxiety or inertia for you? Have you experienced being depressed after eating foods?

Until tomorrow                                                  To health as a Skill  Love DrBill

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The Difference Between Matter and Energy Science Medicine

How high is the white count? What's the cholesterol level? Is the PSA elevated? Molecular assessments in the biological science

These are quantity questions in matter science medicine and all quantity answers give us direction as what to do next, a plan of action

Another way of doing biological science unfamiliar to us is a qualitative assessment of the biological energy field employing an energy science approach 

In this approach the assessment of the energy field is done by asking such questions as, "How hot or cold is the biological energy field? How dry or oily is the energy field? How heavy or light is the field?" This is the heart of the energy science and though it sounds simplistic to the casual observer it is highly sophisticated and has very deep roots in the laws of physics that govern the universe as we know it today

Did you know that currently physicists involved in unified field theory feel through string theory that our current awareness is composed of strings which need 10 dimensions in which to vibrate?

In the current biological energy science medical model there are 10 opposing opposites 

So the human biology and the foods consumed are composed physically of vibrating strings operating in 10 dimensions When the biological energy field consumes too much of a particular quality or dimension it becomes imbalanced and dis-ease occurs

We are so indoctrinated and consumed with seeing our world as a matter field we have effectively shut ourselves out of seeing the world in any other way

There is room for both disciplines and discernment will be necessary to help us as healers(I include professional as well as lay people in this) to decide when one approach is better to use than the other Or better yet to use both simultaneously which is the way is should be since we are simultaneously both an energy and matter field

Have you had the sense at a time in your life where you intuitively knew yourself as an energy field? Do you see more and more people sensing that they are energy fields as well? Can you "see" foods as energy fields?

'Til tomorrow                                                To health as a Skill  Love DrBill

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Medicating With Taste


So this evening I had a dish that's quite common for me and added some fresh grated ginger with salt and pepper Fresh ginger has a cooling effect and rest of the spices that were used were cooling so what followed was a result of salt and pepper

Salt has the properties of hot, light, subtle, liquid, smooth, and soft; pepper has the pungent qualities of dry, light, mobile, sharp, subtle, and rough.

Together they produce hot, light, mobile, sharp, subtle, and soft But the qualities of salt and pepper are less important than what they physiologically did to me

Since I had been using salt and pepper regularly for the last few days, after the meal although I had had enough to eat from a satiation level I began noticing watering of my mouth as if I was still hungry(salt effect) I also noticed mucous mobilization from my throat and nasal passages(pepper effect)

It was if my appetite was still not satisfied! What had happened was my digestive fire was so stoked with these two particular spices that particularly the hot, light, mobile, sharp, and not so subtle were ramping my digestive fire

So I reached for the sweet taste to balance with cold, heavy, static, slow/dull, and gross using yogurt and sucanat Yogurt especially store bought is more sour than homemade so dulled the effect of the sweet sucanat

Nonetheless the sweet taste helped do the trick by satisfying the digestive fire which was roaring

Moral of the story:  Spices even simple salt and pepper have a powerful impact on the physiology if we pay attention and we can affect those physiologic changes by contrasting qualities understanding the qualities of energy science nutrition

Have you ever noticed that salt or pepper affects you adversely? Ever experienced bowel activity after ingesting certain spices(mobile quality)? Does this make any sense to you?

Tomorrow                                                To health as a Skill  Love DrBill

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Cooling Off Hot Emotions


My wife has a way with the sweet taste that is quite interesting because it has to do with using it in relationships

She learned it as a technique growing up and though she doesn't talk about it in terms of the sweet taste it is indeed energetically what is being used

For example if confronted with hot, light, and mobile temper of a grumpy individual the use of the sweet taste having the qualities of cold, heavy, static oily smooth and gross can be quite illuminating

Energetically emotions and interactions in relationships with people carry the same qualities as we have and use in interactions with food and nutrition Quick give that heat a candy bar!

Understanding this is helpful For example a hot fiery Pitta would best not confront another hot Pitta as the hot quality just gets hotter 

So intuitively when hot is sensed my wife turns on the sweet big time If it is not working well she uses her Vata coping strategy which is bolt or run away And this can take on various patterns of behavior

We can see then that our relationship with people and those with taste and foods are completely similar and energetically we can see why Energy science nutrition in action!

Have you ever seen sweetness played out in your relationships? Have you consciously used sweetness to get yourself out of a jam in a relationship? Or have you had someone do the sweet taste to you energetically?

Until tomorrow                                                       To health as a Skill   Love DrBill

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