Journey of Healing


We notice that something's not right in the mindbody For example, varicose veins, perhaps being overweight, acid indigestion periodically

In that awareness may be the beginning of a journey

The end of the journey is resolution of the problem, whatever it may be

But here's the hooker Questions mount by the mind How long will this take? Will I ever get there? What will I need to do to make it happen? Who will I need along on my journey?

And along the journey Will we ever get there? Am I wasting my time? Is this the right thing to do? Maybe I should be doing something different? Who said this is the right way? Are these the right materials to use?

This incessant questionning by the mind raising doubts are a result of fear

Fear? "Fear of what?", you ask

Not knowing. And this is a result of being out of control And everyone wants to be in control

But the secret here is, we are not in control Sorry to have to break this bad news but it is a fact

We may think we are but we are not

So the biggest obstacle to healing is fear and our loss of control that we thought we have but we don't

And it begins with that first step of awareness Hey something's not quite right(eg varicose veins) Or, hey something's definitely wrong(eg cancer)

And at the end of the journey lies the joy, pleasure, and excitement of overcoming adversity which was primarily the fear residing in the mindbody! You chose and overcame the mind and its fear

You see, the major obstacle to healing anything in the mindbody is not the cancer or the varicose veins It's the mind in fear

Have you ever witnessed the fear of the unknown-a trip, health challenge? Did it seem insurmountable at first? Does this fear seem to get played out over and over again in your life?

Until tomorrow                                                                    To health as a Skill   Love DrBill

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Energy Science Nutrition: Eggs


From a matter science nutritional point of view cholesterol and fatty acids are not good for us They are associated with vessel disease leading to heart attacks and strokes

The yolk of the egg is loaded with cholesterol and fatty acids so egg yolk would be potentially detrimental to health

Let's look at this gift from mother hen from an energy science nutritional point of view

Yolk carries Kapha energy because of the heavy quality of the sweet taste; because of the sour taste(fatty acids) and the hot quality it carries Pitta energy

So yolk provokes Pitta and Kapha that it increases these two energy patterns and gives groundedness to Vata

What about egg whites? Good for everyone So the rule of thumb energetically is egg whites all the time for everyone and egg yolk in moderation for everyone Make sense? Great!

Here again the energy science nutrtional subtle nuance helps refine our understanding of this great gift from mother hen The matter science nutritional tradition simply is too gross in its perception of Nature to refine our understanding of food

Have you ever reflected how two of our greatest food substances are gifts from the feminine energy of the Nature, the cow and the mother hen? Is it startling that the feminine energy nourishes us? Why do we call our planet Mother Earth?

Until tomorrow                                                    To health as a Skill      Love DrBill

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Energy Science Nutrition: Clarified Butter


Have you ever been served lobster or crab? There on the side is a bowl of melted butter or if done properly should be  clarified butter

The value of clarified butter is that it is free of the harmful fatty acids of butter In actuality clarified butter is the distillation of the essence of the oiliness of milk We usually don't think of milk as oily but it carries in it that unctuousness

Oiliness is a fundamental quality in nature and its opposite is dry Energetically when biological tissues become dried out processes begin to deteriorate

Think of dry skin Don't people look older when their skin dries out? Ever thought about the tin man in the Wizard of OZ and thought about people you know who are equally affected?

But that same process is not limited to the skin The quality is throughout the entire mindbody What happens as tissues dry and are not lubricated is that the free flow of energy in the mindbody doesn't occur and stagnation can occur

Another name for clarified butter is ghee in the energy science medical model of Ayurveda

It is revered as a medicinal agent because it can carry its lubricating properties and medicines to the deep tissue layers It removes stagnant energy that is not moving freely due to its ability to lubricate the tissue

It gives an entire new meaning to lobster now doesn't it? Do you know any tin people in your life who could stand some lubrication? Have you ever experienced the dry quality in your life?

Until tomorrow                                                                   To health as a Skill   Love DrBill

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Starve a Cold, Feed a Fever


Having just completed a Kapha release, I can see how the adage that we have come to know is understood energetically

Kapha, the energy pattern of stabilty, when out of balance produces congestion This leads to productive cough, sinus congestion, runny nose, sneezing and at times fever as the energy pattern enters into the bloodstream Kapha imbalance longterm is also responsible for obesity, diabetes, and consequences of metabolic syndrome

Part of the Kapha imbalance is low or no appetite Since the rule of thumb is "Don't eat if you're not hungry", starve a cold makes perfect energetic sense And as the release completes the appetite reappears

What about fever? High fever is part of the Pitta imbalance Pitta the energy pattern of transformation when out of balance shows too much of the hot quality as we have discussed before Any -itis in the mindbody is a reflection of Pitta imbalance

But from even a matter science medical view, a fever is evidence for a hypermetabolic state In other words, burning calories

So it would make energetic scientific sense to feed the hypermetabolic state

Ah, the beauty of the energy science approach to help unravel these simple healing questions of life

Have you ever thought about whether you're hungry during a "cold" or congestion with a runny nose? Do you feel hungry during a time when you're running a fever? Do these experiences give you an idea of the healing knowledge that the mindbody possesses if we listen?

Until tomorrow                                                         To health as a Skill  Love DrBill

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“I Think I’ll Order The Inflammation Today”


As I muse through the menu at my favorite restaurant, I can hear myself in the process of selection

"Hmmm, this looks particularly good-lots of congestion and inflammation there"

"Or maybe some cooling? Oh no no, that's not tasty enough"

"Well maybe just this time"

From an energy science view, the effects of the foods that we consume begin before we even put them in our mouths Does that sound surprising?

Our unconscious behavioral eating patterns begin in the mind so it makes sense that the health of our mindbodies bedome directed by our unconscious choices

This concept is so far removed from our current matter science or molecular approach which is devoid of being able to factor the mind in the equation of foods and their selection

Let's pause and consider that whatever we are putting in our mouths at any point in time has the ability to make us sick or bring about balance

We currently don't have the concept from our matter science model of healing that disease begins with the ingestion of taste(energy) If I'm a PK and snarfing down a banana I'm inflamming my physiology and asking for congestion

And is it wrong to have a banana? No, not from an energy science view The key as we have discussed in the past is to be aware of how the foods impact us from a sensory point of view

We intellectualize about foods from a matter science view but from an energy science view the ingestion of any food has the capability of teaching us more about ourselves

Have you had the experience of food making you feel bad? Did this become a recurring theme? Did it take a number of days before the ingestion of a particular food made you feel bad?

Until tomorrow                                                    To health as a Skill               Love DrBill


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