Merry Christmas From Energy Science Nutrition




Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays

                                from all of us at

                                                    energy science nutrition

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Acid Indigestion and Being Overweight

Ever wondered why some get heartburn and others don't? The energy science nutritional model can help our understanding

The answer is oftentimes mucous  The stomach has enough mucous to protect itself from too much acidity prodcuced

Which ones of us will produce such protective mucous? Those of strong Kapha constitution that have a predisposition to create mucous in the first place

Kapha Imbalance

The mucous is not often produced out of protection as much it is created due to the Kapha imbalance in the first place The Kapha imbalance leads to a number of symptoms such as obesity, increased mucous in sinuses, upper airways, and stomach

Which leads to the relationship of being overweight and acid indigestion  At times people with strong Kapha constitutions have minor symptoms of heartburn but don't take anything for it due to the excess mucous in the stomach  At other times the acidity is so strong that medication is necessary

Appetite, Obesity, and Taste

But it is this relationship of acid indigestion with appetite that can drive the overweight condition

An increased appetite may be associated with such a hot stomach that is not easily satiated such that overeating becomes a distinct possibility

So there we have it  An overweight condition can be significantly worsened by  excess acidity due to its effect on appetite 

What provokes this acidity? The sour and salty tastes so Kapha should stay away from these tastes or simply follow the nutritional formats laid out at

We cannot understand this facet of obesity from our matter science nutritional model

Until tomorrow                                                        To health as a Skill  Love DrBill

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Holiday Greetings From Santa

Santa Shhhhhh
Santa's Kapha physique brings us the joy of celebration for this time of year and reminds us of the great value of the energy pattern and the difficulties that Kapha has

Just knowing this about ourselves can help stave off the weiries of the holidays and get in touch with what it feels like to feel

It's difficult to feel if we are engaged in mental activity. Yet the way we get in touch with what our health is like is by feeling.

So when we are actively engaged in conversation with ourselves or with others it makes it difficult to feel what is happening when eating. How does the food taste? What are the textures? What are the aromas? Am I chewing the food completely? Am I full and satisfied? Do I need more food? 

These are just examples of the eating process  It asks, "Am I paying attention?"

There is good information to suggest that the more attentive we are to the eating process, the more engaged we are, the better our digestion of the food

Makes sense doesn't it? If your friend is talking with you and you are fully engaged with her, you will digest the ideas that she has. You have paid attention, really paid attention

So my friends, shhhh implies every once in a while pay attention to eating

 Until tomorrow                                                To health as a Skill  Love DrBill

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The Five Interrogatives of Nutrition

Bloating, poor digestion and elimination, acid indigestion

All symptoms of the bowel's inability to adequately digest, assimilate, absorb nutrients

From a matter science nutritional approach, since we are so fixated in the molecules being taken in and in what quantity, that we forget that if the gut is not healthy then all bets are off about nutrients

Here are five things that can help improve our digestive health

            What  eating foods that produce balance in the physiology using the nutritional formats at for PV or PK or VK; also watching food incompatabilities is also important and found at

            Where make a deal with yourself that you'll sit down to eat anything whether it's a meal or a piece of fruit

            When  biggest meal should always be at noon whenever possible and avoid snacks

            How  eat with attention and pay attention to how you feel after you've eaten particularly when foods that are on the no list from the site 

            Why pay attention to eating emotionally; check in to why you are eating because at times we don't have an appetite but we eat anyway

From an energy science view digestion is improved with attention to the interrogatories  In this way our gut becomes healthier

Until tomorrow                                                  To health as a Skill   Love DrBill

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The Sour Taste and Tissue Degeneration

It's widely known that cultural diets that favor a more alkaline nature tend to promote within cultures greater longevity (eg Asian diets)

Animal based protein diets  which are high in acidity(fatty acids) demonstrate decreased longevity

Energetically the sour taste is the acid taste in Nature so from an energy science nutritional view meats rich in fatty acids are not the only culprits 

So any acid in food carries energetically the sour taste  Even though we consider sour fruits acidic due to the ciric acid(eg grapefruit), we don't think of tomato, banana, nuts, mayonnaise, red meat(dark chicken, dark turkey, beef, duck, lamb, and pork) and egg yolk as sour  Even though they don't taste sour, energetically they physiologically produce the effects of sour

From an energy science view all six taste should be present at a meal for it to be balancing so a wee bit of sour is not a problem as experienced say in a churan

For Pitta Vata(PV) some the sour taste is important in moderation – not all the time but 1-2x per week

For a Pitta Kapha(PK) energy makeup the sour taste should be kept to a minimum 

What happens when the physiology sees too much of the sour taste?  Energetically we find inflammation as the primary aspect of too much of the taste in the body and psychologically there is judgement, criticality, jealousy, and hate

As we can see the sour taste can lead to degenerative changes even in PV due to the inflammatory nature of the taste if it becomes excessive for that particular physiological pattern

A simple rule:  Eat according to your specific mindbody energy pattern

Until tomorrow                                                      To health as a Skill  Love DrBill


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