Aloe and Anger

Bigstock_Old_Guy_Looking_Impatient_3905751 Bigstock_Aloe_885848

Have we noticed when we're sick with whatever that we may not be in the best of moods Impatient, easily frustrated, maybe even depressed

What I'm getting at here is that whatever is happening in the physical body causes a parallel change in the mind

If we have an inflammatory physical body illness, chances are that the mind will be inflammed as well

This is completely expected since from an energy science view, what happens in the mind happens in the body and what happens in the body happens in the mind

The reason from an energy science view is that the mind and body are intimately spliced We cannot separate them because they are both energy fields and therefore act as one

Since the mindbody is one energy field, then it makes sense that when we take a herb that reduces inflammation, such as aloe vera, which has a cooling effect on the mindbody, that we would necessarily see a cooling of the mind

What does a hot mind look like? Critical, judgemental, impatient, short fuse, "hot head", easily frustrated, angry, rageful, explosive temper, or capable of physical harm

So using a herb like aloe following our energy science reasoning above, would cool off the inflammed mind as well as the body

Particularly during the hot summer months the Pitta energy pattern can be provoked and we may only notice it by observing the mind and its thoughts

What can we do with a provoked hot mind

            1 Aloe along with pomegranite juice can be helpful in cooling things off

            2 Eat according your energy mindbody constitutional makeup

            3 Avoid poor food combining

            4 Avoid hot spices such as garlic, oregano, sage, rosemary, thyme, chilis, cayenne

Until tomorrow                                                              To health as a Skill  Love DrBill

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Feed Me Feed Me


Supersize Me is now a well known documentary dealing with the fast food industry and its Kapha provoking nutrition From an energy science nutritional view the predominance of the tastes of sweet, sour and salty provoke the Kapha energy pattern, leading to obesity and as years go by metabolic syndrome when Kapha predominant people consume these energetic vibrational patterns we call taste

And possibly hard for us of the matter science nutritional bent, those of us with predominant Vata energy patterns, pacified by the sweet, sour, and salty tastes can be nourished by such fast food nutrition

The important take away here is that it is the QUALITY(ie tastes) of the food energetically that leads to disruption of the energy mindbody physiology

But there is another aspect that we should be aware of as we frequent our favorite eateries And that is how much do we really need?

My friend Jeff Korhan shared with me this e-article,, that discusses how we are silently being supersized by many food providers in our country     

The "way to a human's heart is through his/her stomach" so bring on the feedbag!

Let's cut out blaming McDonald's, fast food, restraurants They are not causing us to overeat

I would have some energy science nutritional suggestions in dealing with these issues

             1 Try to eat according to our energy mindbody constitutional makeup as often as we can

             2 Determine two handfuls at a sitting and eat that amount

             3 Plan on leaving food on the plate even if it's one bite

             4 Use a churan to enhance digestive fire

             5 Let go and leave yourself alone(don't criticize) if the above doesn't work out The secret is the intention to do it

Until tomorrow                                                                     To health as a Skill  Love DrBill

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Nutrition: Quality Versus Quantity


I'd like to try something on today and see how it fits for you

As you may be aware, in this blog we use the contrast between the matter and energy science disciplines of healing in order to demonstrate their differences and how they can complement one another

In our society currently we are interested in measurement That's how we identify value If these foods have large amounts of vitamin D or omega 3, 6, and 9 fatty acids then hey, these foods have got to be good for us

Better yet, if some is good then more has GOT to be better

So bigger or more has become better in terms of health, abundance, money, etc

But what about quality? Where does that factor into the equation of health, value, and better living

Nutritional quality? What does that have to do with anything? We have become so sensitized to quantity that we entertain or have little room for how foods make us feel

So what I'm suggesting is that while the idea of quantity plays a major role in societal thinking there is room for talking about the quality of nutrition

What would that look like?

There would be less need for mass amounts of food at gatherings

People would learn to become satisfied with less at meals

We would become more in tune with how foods make us feel rather than how full our stomachs are

We could become less mesmerized by what we are taking in molecularly and more in tune with what foods make us feel best

See to see a quality approach to nutrition

Until tomorrow                                                     To health as a Skill  Love DrBill

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Nutritional Printouts


If I'm working on an Excel spreadsheet and the data that I load into the formulas that I have created in the cells is not sound, guess what? Faulty information

The saying goes, "Garbage in, garbage out"

Have we ever thought of the mindbody energy field as a computer? If we did, we would make the assumption(and I think a valid one) that if we ingest poor material then we are left with faulty output

So if the ingestion of foods are imbalancing then we are forced to assume that our mindbodies will necessarily create a mindbody that is a mirror of the nutritional choices that we make

Our mindbody becomes a printout of our nutritional choices

From a matter science nutritional point of view, there is some correlation to the molecules ingested but the energy science nutritional printout is much more precise

How can we improve our printouts?

1 Follow the nutritional formats according to mindbody energy constitution

2 Avoid food incompatibilities

3 Create a good digestive fire

You can get all this information at

And recognize that we get a new energy field printout every year That's a great feeling of renewal is it not?

Have you ever seen shifts in your own energy mindbody with different choices? Is it encouraging to know that we get a new mindbody every year? Does this imply that we can be on a trail of an evolving state of health?

Until tomorrow                                                            To health as a Skill     Love DrBill

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Nutritional Toxins

Why do some ideas, thoughts, or concepts make some people sick and others not?

Why do some people get sick and not others when exposed to "flu bugs" or germs?

Why do some people get sick when exposed to environmental toxins and others not?

Why do some people get sick with food incompatabilities and others not?

The short answer to all these questions of population variability is digestive fire After all, whether the nourishment is ideas or a tomato is irrelevant in the energy science mindbody

An individual's power to digest, absorb, and assimilate and experience whatever that might be is based on the digestive fire of that person

This concept is not fully appreciated by a matter science medical audience because by and large the discipline doesn't have the ability with the model with which they work to fully appreciate the mindbody connection

It is only through an energy science medical model that we can appreciate the mindbody connection and the understanding that the ability to digest an experience whatever that might be is only possible with a strong digestive fire

And the reason some get sick and others don't is related to this important concept of digestive fire

So if this is the case how do we nourish a good digestive fire"

1 Use a churan And yes from a mindbody standpoint, improving digestion in the GI tract will help improve your digestion, assimilation, and absorption of ideas

2 Don't stress your digestive fire with poor food combining, using foods incompatible with your energy makeup, or avoiding energy science cardinal rules such as eating the biggest meal of the day at noon

3 Become aware of the present moment Being able to be present, whether it be with eating, walking, being with a friend, or fully present at work – all enhance digestive fire

Have you ever found yourself ill and yet those around you were feeling great? Does being present seem like a lot of work? Are there small things that you could do right now that would enhance your digestive fire?

Until tomorrow                                                            To health as a Skill   Love DrBill


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