Visual Learners Beware
When we try to remember an event, we begin to conjure up images We're looking for a word and begin seeing it as we spell it Or we're preparing for something and visualize ourselves doing it
We all know who we are as visual learners, don't we?
The energy pattern associated with the visual channel is Pitta, the energy pattern of transformation
As we've talked in the past Pitta is associated with a strong appetite; so strong that if really out of control, they would eat cardboard
So what happens when Pitta's visual channel is treated to a nice bag of potato chips?
And then let's throw in that Pitta happens to be a little bit hungry as he/she strolls through the aisles of the grocery store
Think that there might be a good place for marketing to that appetite with packaging of foods
Well that seems to be the case In an October article in the Journal of Consumer Psychology people eat more food when there are a number of items on the packaging
Visual cues do play a role
The article displays an aspect of the energy science as it typifies the Pitta visual channel in how visual packaging plays on its nutritional appetite
So what's a Pitta to do
Realize that the strong appetite can be your nemesis
Don't grocery shop if you're really hungry(if you are get something healthy to nibble on while shopping)
Recognize your strong visual channel and witness what it's urging
Don't eat from a container(the bottomless pit until gone) Always portion out of the container
Just by knowing yourself as this energy pattern and its drawbacks can be very helpful
Until tomorrow To health as a Skill Love DrBill
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Pork Out If You’re An Athlete!
A young man came in to see me about an inflammatory problem in the urinary tract and as we reviewed his bowel symptoms it was apparent that he had inflammatory symptoms there as well
As is often the case inflammation mirrors one another in the two channels since the elimination of the imbalances in the GI tract often takes place through the urinary system
"When I was playing ball in college, I never seemed to have problems I could eat anything,'' he related "But now in the last couple of years since graduation, it seems that I'm beginnning to have all these symptoms"
"When you're exercising a great deal, the digestive fire becomes ramped up and so you can get away with a lot of foods that would otherwise cause imbalance," I explained
"Now the digestive fire is less and you begin to experience all the imbalances that were cleared by your strong digestion earlier."
Digestive Fire and Taking Care of Business
When the enzyme system in the gut is strong it can literally deal with poisons just like a campfire with wet logs
The important thing here is that we will always be challenging our GI tract with imbalancing choices and the way to remain healthy is to make better choices and ensure that our GI system is optimal with respect to its power
How to keep the digestive fire healthy? Here are some suggestions
Regular exercise
Occasional juice fast
Eating according to nutritional format for mindbody makeup
Avoid poor food combinations
Avoid ice with water
Biggest meal at noon
Use of a churan with meals and cooking
Until tomorrow To health as a Skill Love DrBill
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Hot It’s Sizzling Hot!
Psssst! Oooow
The hot manifested as passion, strongest desire, fierce appetite It's all hot, right?
But the hot can be too much as well Witness
Intolerance to hot surroundings
Intolerance to hot aromas such as garlic
Looking for ice to cool off
Acid indigestion(heartburn)
Inflammatory bowel disease
So what to do?
Use cooling spices, coriander, cumin, cilantro, mints
Use aloe vera
Until tomorrow To health as a Skill Love DrBill
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Is Sugar the Demon?
1. Candy became widely available only 130 years ago. Until then, people would make their own fudge or caramel at ome.
2. Candy is a health scapegoat – 100 years ago, doctors blamed candy for the spread of polio. In the mid to late 20th century it was blamed for tooth decay. Now it is blamed for obesity.
3. Candy accounts for only 6% of the added sugar in the American diet. Soft drinks and juice account for 46%.
4. Candy is the 575th most popular name for girls.
5. Candy lacks the “health halo” of granola bars and fruit juice. But, nutritionally there is much less difference among them than would initially seem.
6. There are entire blogs dedicated to candy. Popular ones include Candy Addict, Candy Blog, and Candy Professor.
7. It’s unbelievable now, but candy once was advertised as health food. “Eat Tootsie Rolls — The Luscious Candy That Helps Beat Fatigue.”
8. The world’s largest chocolate bar was manufactured in Armenia last month and weighed in at 9,722.39 lbs., setting a new Guinness World Record.
9. John Candy (1950 – 1994) struggled most of his adult life with overeating, including sweets. Obesity related health complications killed him at the age of 43.
10. Candy isn’t always good. Just ask Hansel and Gretel.
Until tomorrow To health as a Skill Love DrBill
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Nutrition and Movement
This week's JAMA(Journal of the American Medical Association) has an article that addresses the imbalance seen in the overweight condition that supports prior articles on movement as a necessary ingredient to this problem
This was an evaluation of lifestyle intervention on severely obese participants and specifically looked at the role of physical activity along with change in nutrition over a one year period of time
Not surprisingly there was a clinically significant weight loss and favorable changes in cardiometabolic risk factors
The energy science medical model tells us that the overweight condition is a Kapha imbalance and the vibrational frequencies of Kapha are heavy, slow/dull, static, gross, cold, slimy/smooth, oily, liquid, dense, cloudy and soft
The qualities of slow/dull and static along with the other grounding qualities demand that in order for Kapha to begin the journey toward balance that MOVEMENT is necessary if any headway is to happen in solving our obesity problem
It's great to see the corroboration of the matter and energy science medical models It helps validate the energy science model but it also shows how the two disciplines can support one another in solving some of our most pressing and urgent medical health needs
Other aspects to this study
The process of clearing severe Kapha imbalances is a slow process that requires patience and good support
Lifestyle behavior patterns need to be addressed in the management of Kapha imbalances
Suggests that the lifestyle approach can better address the obesity problem than bariatric surgery
Until tomorrow To health as a Skill Love DrBill
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