Aging Gracefully

Happy Smiling Hispanic Woman
Being in the state of grace means to be in the flow

But what does it take to be in the flow  After all to reduce the aging process or so called entropy to the physiology requires some degree of concerted effort on our part, does it not?

Matter Science Observations And the Aging Process

A fellow matter science doc and I were having lunch today and he was telling me how the mitochondria of the cell which are the powerhouses(energy generators) for the mindbody drop over time due to oxidative damage and that there are specific molecular markers to aid in increasing numbers of these organelles

We may have heard of telomerase prevents the unraveling of our DNA and how repair  aids in abetting the aging process

We have talked about how the change in lifestyle can lead to changes in the DNA expression itself turning on tumor suppressor genes and turning off tumor activating genes

So what can we do as individuals with this molecular information?  Nice science, but so what? Take a supplement, right?

A Different Model of Aging

Let's change gears for a minute and look at a different model  Let's see the mindbody as an energy field not a matter field as above as a collection of organelles and DNA

The energy model says that if we create more balance in our lives then aging will be harmonious and graceful  That not only will we live longer but that but that our health will be sustained by conscious intent

Grace or being in the flow begins with nutriton  And so is a great resource to begin the healing process because inherent in the healing process is the repair of mitochondria and DNA

Until tomorrow                                                     To health as a Skill  Love DrBill


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A Simple Rule of Energy Science Nutrition

There are some basic tenets in nutrition that sometimes are unspoken but intuitively make absolute sense

One of these is "If you're not hungry, don't eat"

Makes a good deal of sense but I see patients struggle with this because there is an underlying myth that if we don't eat, bad things will happen to us

But if we think about appetite, it IS the mindbody's dialogue with us that the digestive fire or the enzyme system of the gastrointestinal(GI) tract is not ready for the experience of food

After all the mindbody does talk to us, we just have to tune into the messages that it sends us  If we are busy in fear(somebody says we should eat, fatigue argues that we need more energy) then we have trouble interpreting the message(not hungry)

The energy science nutritional model states that no hunger implies that the transformative energy pattern of the mindbody is stressed and that foods will not be properly digested even if we send it down

And if we elect to go against the wisdom of the mindbody, the result is not pretty

The food languishes in the gut not going anywhere but to be parked in the Never Never land of toxic load that is debris that causes harm to the physiology And this is probably the mose salient argument for not eating

The food rather than nourishing our mindbody becomes unused toxic waste that goes everywhere we don't want it to go

And this dictum of not eating when not hungry is not just for when we are sick or stressed, it is applicable to a wide array of circumstances when perhaps food is not the best choice

Until tomorrow                                                         To health as a Skill  Love DrBill

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Energy Science Nutrition Is Not About More Energy For You!

Kirlian mindbody 10.21.9
There is a tendency to misconstrue the term energy

With all the hoopla about energy drinks etc, there is a tendency to potentially look at this concept of energy science as a way to get more energy

There are important posits about the energy sciences as described by the Ayurvedic and Traditional Oriental disciplines

            The mindbody is an energy field

            By seeing ourselves as energy fields we enter a different way of relating to ourselves and others

            When we see ourselves and foods as energy fields we begin to see the commonality we share with foods

            The energy field is complex and typically doesn't respond quickly to outside manipulations such as nutrition

            We don't get more energy by identifying ourselves as energy fields

            Energy science nutrition helps direct our attention to how we can become more harmonious, more in balance, more in the state of grace, health and happiness than getting more energy

So please don't misinterpret more energy because you took an energy drink with the energy mindbody that we speak about at this blog  Entirely different!

Until tomorrow                                                        To health as a Skill       Love DrBill

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Eating Healthy?

Eating healthy is the mantra that I hear often in the office  But the challenge is "What does eating healthy really mean?"

As we have blogged about this topic several times in the past

And now a thoughtful group at Fooducate asks this same question In the article they point out the obvious disconnect  9 out of 10 Americans feel they eat healthy but if that's the case why are 2 out of 3 of us obese or overweight?

Unfortunately the Fooducate folks bite on the same matter science stuff that we as a culture have been brainwashed into believing for decades and so the conclusion is, "The model of nutrition that we are using is not failing us, it's us that's the problem"

So my question is the same as it has been since the inception of this blog  "Could it be we're operating with an incomplete model of nutrition?"

Since we don't have an alternative to our current matter science  nutritional model we think that what we are using is correct

But there is a deeper reality about what it means to be human, an energy perspective

And that leads us to a better way of doing nutrition, from an energy science nutritional model 

The Fooducate people are on the right track!  They just have to be willing to step outside the box

Let's engage ourselves with seeing ourselves as energy fields as well  Go to foodsheal to see how

Until tomorrow                                                        To health as a Skill  Love DrBill


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Genes and The Energy Field of the Mindbody

The genetic material is an expression of the energy field of the body

When the energy field changes so does the genetic material

The genes are not stable but adapt, shift, change, and are plastic and malleable

Lifestyle nutritional behavioral changes in patterns of what we do changes genetic expression

Try changing your nutrition for the better

Until tomorrow                                            To health as a Skill  Love DrBill

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