Aluminum Pots and Alzheimer’s Disease

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We may have heard that aluminum pots and pans may be associated with Alzheimer's but that link has been debunked 

Like many myths that occur in our lifetimes they die hard but nonetheless there are many myths that get started by well meaning matter scientists but often we grab at them and make them fact

Cell phones and brain cancer; cell phones and memory loss in elderly; recently covered autism and vaccinations("the vaccine injured"); megavitamins prevent all forms of diseases

Limitations of Matter Science

Measurement is king in the matter science world  How do we choose anything these days but compare numbers:  prices, miles per gallon, car repair rates, statistical survival from cancer, etc

Nobody wants to live a superstitious life but perhaps that is precisely what the matter science is leading us to  Unless we have numbers we are paralzyed into indecision

OK, this may be an exaggeration but the point is that numbers become an expectation for decision making and if they are not there then it's a problem  Matter science becomes a reliable source of security for our rational mind

The Energy Science Approach

The qualitative energy science approach brings to the table the intuitive side of decision making

Yes, I have the facts that I've reviewed and now it's time to make a decision  That is not made most of the time with the rational mind but a subjective sense

What I'm getting at is that there are two different sciences that we have at our disposal  They both go about doing their science in different ways but they are both valid

The Many Factors of Disease

The unseen factors of any situation that rational decision making cannot account for is accounted for in the intuitive sense, the feeling side of ourselves

It's not irrational, it's not validated by numbers but nonetheless the decisions and conclusions are every bit as valid  I know you as a reader know what I'm talking about

In disease and its treatments there are many unknown factors that come to bear on decision making that can't be accounted for by survival statistics   These decisions are "gut" or better yet heart decisions

Nutritional Myths

Currently our nutritional system is dominated by matter science thinking  Measurements abound to help guide us in food selections

And studies help link up hazards such as aluminum pans and Alzheimer's  But with all this matter science information overload, we still have to live our lives

I would say energy science information rules and matter science information is supportive  Presently it's the other way around because not many people are familiar with the energy sciences and approach

Don't misunderstand  We need both but priority of use needs to be reversed

Why? Because the mythology in the matter science work is so much more pervasive leading to erroneous decision making from confusing information 

The age of intuition is upon us  Let us move forward

Until tomorrow                                              To health as a Skill   Love DrBill

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Resistance and Nutrition

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Well known author Steve Pressfield recently completed Do the Work  and was  interviewed about his lifetime journey with his struggle with the resistance field that we call the mind

What I find intriguing about Pressfield's comments about writing and finding one's purpose in life is that it applies in all areas of our lives whenever we are "up against it"(resistance = mind field)

Pressfield's Life Observations

"I just ran away from it for so long and in so many different avenues that proved to be dead ends, that I just ran out of places to run to  So the pain of not doing it was worse than the pain of doing it  I never really thought about it from an accountable point of view because I just had to do it, there was no question"

 "I thought, “If I were to crap out now, I’d just have to hang myself”  So for me at least, I don’t need anybody else’s opinion to make me go forward  I just know that I’ll be so unhappy inside myself if I don’t  And vice versa"

"I know I’ll feel good at the end of the day when I do put in the work and do what I need to do  I’ve done so many thousands of days where the day starts and there’s such huge Resistance but I push through and by the end of the day I feel great  I feel good that I’ve trained myself to know that that’s the only way to do it"

"In the end you have to become a little crazy to want to do this"

Health is Like Developing a Psychosis

Much of what we talk about here at Health is a Skill is making lifestyle choices that are life promoting and/or sustaining  The energy science medical disciplines give us helpful lifestyle guidelines: when to eat the biggest meal of the day, which foods are balancing, which foods combine well, how to manage a healthy digestive fire, when's the best time to go to bed and when to wake in the morning, what exercise program is best for me?

But in my office I find that there is a resistance to what I suggest to patients when they are asked to do a lifestyle change around nutrition  For them it's hard to believe that nutrition makes them sick, unless we are talking the overweight condition

And there is no where to turn because there is literally nothing that the matter science medical discipline has to offer them for "cure"

For them their medical misery wins out and the mind loses  In a way as Pressfield points out, we have to be a little crazy, have to be willing to "go out of our minds" literally to make a change

Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired

There comes a point in time for many of us where we've just had enough!  Where the resistance of the mind to change is overcome by a force within us that craves health

And now I know why people come back and hug me with tears in their eyes, overwhelmed by the joy that they were able to step out of mind field, go a little crazy and reach a new level of health

It certainly makes going to work worthwhile for myself!  Thanks for the gift

Until tomorrow                                                        To health as a Skill    Love DrBill

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Charisma and Nutrition

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How does a celebrity become a star?  What characteristics do they have that we don't? How does a person rise to "stardom"?

I'm sure that all of us, even stars themselves, ask these questions  In watching interviews occasionally on CNN with Piers Morgan, the typical response to the question "What happened to lead to your success?"

The answer usually is, "Gosh, I'm just a very lucky person"

Is It Really Luck?

Some people would say it isn't really luck  The person brings to life certain qualities such as looks, acting, singing, dancing, speaking talent that allows popular performance in the public eye  Those are all qualities that many people have that they work on and craft to do their job 

These are what I would call mechanical factors 

Change Your Mindbody, Change Your Life

There is an aspect to charisma that goes beyond these mechanical factors  I guess I would call them energetic factors 

"But how do I do get these energetic factors?" you may ask 

The matter science model doesn't have the answer since it operates on the level of molecules which is too close for us to create a change in the physiology to manifest charisma

The energy science model can show us what changes are needed in order to gain health and stardom

Charisma  - A State of Health

I would contend that charisma can actually manifest as a state of health  That a clear sense of shining that exudes from someone who has healthy tissues

OK, charisma as that exuded by celebrities such as Jackie Kennedy, Princess Diana, Elvis Presley, Marilyn Monroe, Brad Pitt, Matt Damon  is part of their station in life  But there is an aspect that goes deeper at an energy field level

It's the glowing that occurs, healthy skin, healthy tissues that gives us the observers of such celebrities that we sense on an energy field level as charisma

We are drawn to these people as if they are a beacon in the crowded room  They have a magnetism that energizes us  We can't put our finger on it but it's palpably there  I think you know what I mean

Creating Our Own Charisma

As we said earlier change your mindbody, change your life and create charisma

Try these ways to create more balance and hence energy field charisma 

            Eat according to your mindbody makeup

            Avoid poor food combinations

            Use churan to help improve bowel health

           Do rejuvenation health techniques

And then we can exude our own shininess

Until tomorrow                                            To health as a Skilll   Love DrBill

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Rescuing Children From Autism

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I was recently at the National Ayurvedic Medical Association(NAMA) meeting and a documentary was shown over lunch that was quite moving

Remarkable Report

 The film outlined results of improved health from disabling diseases that are not managed well by current matter science medical care  Problems such as autoimmune diseases and Sjorgren's syndrome were reported resolved in testicmonials by patients under the guidance of this energy science medical healer

The testimonial report was kind of like preaching to the choir as the audience of skilled practitioners knew of dramatic type of results that can occur when the principles of energy science medicine are applied

The Vaccine Injured

But the most striking part of the film involved children who were affected with the autistic spectrum of disease  This Vata induced medical problem leaves these children neurologically disabled for life

Imagine yourself as a parent with a healthy newborn suddenly finding that your baby is no longer responding to you, as if the infamt recedes into her own little world 

As has been studied and reported in this documentary but still controversial, there seems to a correlation between vaccination and the spectrum of the disorder

"I have my baby back!"

The documentary related that all children below age 8 had improvement with energy scinence therapies including herbal support

The reason that this can occur is because the energy science's understanding of disease is different than a matter science model  That all disease begins in the gut and although the obvious manifestation of grossly developed disease can be studied molecularly(sometimes as in this case not so well) the origins occur at the energy field level

I know that such a statement as all children got better is very hard to believe but even if this report is a fraction of the number it certainly is better than what is currently available for these disabled children

The Sick Gut

Since the gut is the origin of all disease when it gets sick the mindbody gets sick

Most of us have unwittingly have sick guts and don't know it (the clue is how  the tongue looks)

In children with the autism spectrum the guts are already genetically compromised and the vacciations take them over the top or the vaccines themselves injure the gut leading to the obvious manifestations of disease

Bypassing the sick gut by using transdermal administration of herbs may be one of the important steps in autism spectrum disorder management  

While these reports will have to be supported by other practitioners this report offers considerable hope for parents of children afflicted by the autistic spectrum of disease  Stay tuned as the energy science progresses in helping mankind!

Until tomorrow                                                        To health as a Skill   Love DrBill

Photo courtesy juhansonin at Flickr Commons




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Everything is Medicine

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From an energy science view everything is medicine when used properly and in the right situation

Coffee and Rocks

Yes, coffee is medicine  Used in the right way coffee has antioxidative effects from a matter science  view so it makes it a medicine, right? But from an energy science view coffee for the most part when used all the time leads to unarguable imbalances

So for a specific problem from an energy science view coffee is good but not all the time

From a matter science view coffee since it now has the medicianal seal of approval of antioxidant, it now can be used all the time?  Not so fast with the conclusion

Same thing can be said of certain stones(gemstones) that because of their resonating characteristics can have when properly prepared can have medicinal characteristics

The matter science doesn't have anything to say about rocks

Is Lifestyle Medicine?

You bet!  Going to bed at a proper hour, waking at a particular hour, eating your biggest meal of the day at noon - all of these lifestyle choices have an impact on our health

Therefore lifestyle choices are medicine as well  Our daily habits create health

A different take on health but nonetheless true and few people would argue that lifestyle is not medicine

Everything is Medicine Vs Symptoms

Few would now argue today that food is not medicine  But how we do our nutrition is only part of nutrition

Bowel habits and appetite are ways that we assess our health  It's of importance to separate our medicine from our symptoms of health

For example what we put into our mindbodies would obviously be considered medicine; what we do to our mindbodies would also be considered medicine

But how we feel is not medicine  This sounds so obvious but I think it needs to be stated so that we can start thinking about the feelings that we monitor versus that which is taken or done  The latter is medicine and the rest of life is monitoring based on how we feel based on the medicine taken

It's one or the other but not both  Now we have a framework

Until tomorrow                                                     To health as a Skill  Love DrBill

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