Sweetness and Acid Indigestion

image from farm4.static.flickr.com
If we're really hungry, so hungry that we'll just about eat anything, there is nothing better than the sweet taste  Reach for the Snickers or any refined sugar and whew! relief

Some of us may not have experienced this kind of appetite but I bring this up because from an energy science nutritional view it shows how the qualities of hot and cold work

Hot and Hungry

The appetite carries the hot quality  When we get hungry from an energy science view our GI tract is hot and ready for the experience of food and the mindbody says, "Feed me, feed me!"

If the mindbody and the GI tract is more in balance, there is not this raging appetite that can't wait but when the Pitta energy pattern is out of balance, the hot appetite is the result

This qualitative or energetic expression of appetite can be quite helpful for some when confronted with trying to curb appetite that gets out of control and results in overeating

The Cold of Sweetness

As I said earlier our ally to this hot quality is the vibrational frequency pattern of sweet

This is because this pattern has the cold quality  This counteracts the hot and calms the mindbody physiology 

The sweet taste is found in dairy, lean meats,  grains, and unrefined sugars such as turbinado and sucanat 

Foods as Medications

When the excess hot quality becomes over the top in the GI tract symptoms such as diarrhea, hemmorrhoids, and acid indigestion with gastroesophageal reflux can occur

A recent study from a gastroenterology unit in France recently reported that surgery and pills were equally effective in dealing with gastroesophageal reflux disease(GERD)

That's a nice observation but my question is, "What about staying away from the hot quality carried by foods that have the sour and salty tastes and continually provoke the stomach in the first place?"

Misled By an Incomplete Biological Model

If we continue believing that we are a collection of molecules then we will come up with such studies that deliver mechanical or pharma solutions for our problems

But if we entertan a more complete way of seeing ourselves as energy fields as well, then we can consider the above solution to GERD, namely staying away from the complex energy patterns of sour and salty

What To Do?

We can go a long way toward creating a healthier GI tract by choosing foods that bring us balance

Whether we experience GERD really doesn't matter  The challenge for all of us as we move through life is to cultivate balance

And the primary way to do that or turn things around is to choose foods that are supportive of our mindbody makeups by going to foodsheal.com

Until tomorrow                                                To health as a Skill  Love DrBill



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Healing Foods

image from c0389161.cdn.cloudfiles.rackspacecloud.com

Foods are healing, no doubt 

I think we have heard of some  Cranberry juice for urinary tract infections, tomatoes for prostate health, whole grain bread for fiber, Starbucks for a pick me up, energy drinks for pep, and fast food, quick easy, and dependable  

Now some of these choices are considered healing but is that based on nutritional myths or sound science?

But let's consider the present science of nutrition

Contemporary View of Foods

From a molecular or matter science way of viewing nutrition foods are less important than the "healing molecules"that foods bring based on a present biochemical understanding of the mindbody

But as our cartoon suggests we have separated foods from molecules and by our consumer spending says that taking molecules(supplements, vitamins, etc) is more important than the foods ingested

This has catapulted the US supplemental industry expenditure in excess of $3 billion per year

What Happened To Foods?

Not only supplements but now drinks containing specfic formulae to ensure that we have adequate nutritional molecular support are working on the consumer dollar as well

While the matter science nutritional format is helpful in identifying molecules its approach is tending to sever our relationship to foods consumed 

And the danger in such an approach is that we continue to eat foods that are not balancing for us and subliminally believe that the molecules will augment whatever we don't get in our nutrition

This begs the question then, "What foods are best for us?"

Using a Different Scientific Approach to Nutrition

As we have discussed in the past there is a different way of seeing ourselves and the world we live in

We can see ourselves as matter fields or energy fields  As the former we use our current nutritional molecular information  With the latter we see ourselves and the foods we consume in terms of qualities that support us or bring about imbalance which eventually leads to disease

To restrict ourselves to just one way of viewing the  mindbody when it is both an energy and matter field is to limit our ability to understand and heal it

An Energy Science Nutritional Approach

Changing our biological model to include an energy science approach to nutrition will go a long way to helping us see the healing value of foods

My friends, real healing doesn't occur with adding more molecules!!

This approach educates us in understanding which foods are uniquely tailored to our mindbody energy makeups 

It shows us that cranberries and tomatoes are often not good for us and if we do use them they should be used in moderation  It tells us that coffee and energy drinks are not good for us  And it shows us that fast foods can be medicinal for perhaps 20-30% of us but the rest of us could do without the ease and dependability

So are there healing foods?  From an energy science view it depends on who you are

Until tomorrow                                                                 To health as a Skill  Love DrBill

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The Roundabout

image from farm6.static.flickr.com
You may have heard or experienced the traffic device called the roundabout 

Popular in Europe and worldover they are being used in the States now and they periodically show up in our communities as in mine over the last 5 years

Direction of Flow

The interesting thing about roundabouts is the guidance they provide for drivers to direct traffic

But there is no person hired by the city to do this guidance  It's done by us!

We ourselves provide guidance for ourselves  And we do it very efficiently

As a matter of fact there have even been mathematical models studying how the circular aspect of the roundabout creates a highly efficient distribution device for traffic control

There are no crashes or irritability, just smooooth polite merging and managing the flow of our vehicle movements

Health and the  Energy Science Medicine Roundabout

As I was driving today and experiencing the marvels of the roundabout near my house, it occurred to me that energy science medicine acts like a roundabout

 We put ourselves into the flow of suggested lifestyle behaviors(our own internal roundabout) and the traffic flow of biological energy is redirected spontaneously

The doctor didn't direct it  The therapist didn't direct it  The dentist didn't direct it  We direct it effortlessly  We just have to get out of the way and not interfere with the flow

Even though herbs are potent redirectors of biological energy flow patterns, in the end the lifestyle choices that we make effect the biological energy flow the most

As we have this biological roundabout energy flow experience, something quite magical begins to happen

Our health improves

Health Redefined

Health is not something we hope for, it's something we work at like any skill

The question then is obvious  What is necessary to hone our skill  To make the roundabout work better for us

Nutrition is a fundamental pattern of behavior that we can use   Sleep patterns and exercise are others

As we improve our health we find a very startling thing  That health is evolutionary and that it is infinite  There is no end to it

And as we get healthier another insight  We find that in higher states of health it's not just the mindbody, we become more aware 

Amazing!  Just by improving our roundabout

Until tomorrow                                                 To health as a Skill  Love DrBill

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The Great Buffet in the Sky

image from farm4.static.flickr.com
A patient came in the other day to tell me a story about his experience with his friend, the tomato

The Tomato Exposed

After having had a delicious spaghetti with red sauce dinner, he related that all his symptoms he was seeing me for came back within two hours 

This is not an uncommon scenario in the past years and underscores the energetic imbalances imposed by specific foods if they bring about imbalance in the physiology

But in reality the tomato is just the tip of the iceberg  Unfortunately it's our relationship with many foods that don't energetically match with us

The Great Buffet in The Sky

If there was a buffet somewhere in cyberspace where you and I could go where all the foods known to man were represented in all the combinations that humans have concocted to generate taste thrills, all of it would not be available to youffrom an energy science nutritional view

If we were eating according to our energy mindbody makeup(some have used the blood type diet for guidance as well) there would be foods that we would avoid

This seems tragic doesn't it?  Here we have all these delectable taste thrills and yet they are unavailable to our taster   What a shame   It seems so unfair, doesn't it?

Guidance Not Denial

You see, it's not about denial of these foods to our taster as much as it is to notice from an energetic viewpoint what they do to us

That is, how do they make us feel  We obviously don't want to feel bad

The energy approach to nutrition, telling us which foods and food combinations are to be avoided is to give us insight that certain foods make us feel bad

In the end if we went to the great buffet in the sky, when we are eating according to our energy patterns, we would choose those foods which harmonize with our energy physiologies and stay away from those that don't

Going to foodsheal.com will give you a leg up on how to feel better

Bon appetit!!           

Until tomorrow                                                   To health as a Skill  Love DrBill

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“Oh thanks the antibiotic made me better” Or did it?

image from farm3.static.flickr.com
"Mildred, I've got some good news and bad news," said Dr Jones  "The good news is that you don't have a urinary tract infection by your culture  But the bad news is that I don't know why you have these symptoms of frequency and burning"

But then Mildred proceeds tell Dr Jones that the antibiotic that he prescribed before the culture results were back actually made her feel better

Now both are scratching their heads  But in the end Mildred doesn't care because her symptoms are better

And Dr Jones is happy his patient got better and that's all that really matters  "A scientific fluke," Dr Jones muses

Or Is It a Fluke?

Some can relate to this scenario if you've had a UTI and if you haven't then you may have had a mystifying clinical illness that got better with antibiotics

Typically whenever we can't explain something in medicine it becomes the unexplainable but as long as the outcome is acceptable we move on

Is there an explanation to these scenarios that are not explained my the matter science medical discipline?es, there are simple explanations but we have to employ the energy science medical discipline to understand

Taste and Inflammation

There are many inflammatory conditions that are manifested in the physiology that are not associated with bacterial infection  The common cold, most forms of acid indigestion, many joint diseases including rheumatoid arthritis, prostatitis, interstitial cystitis to name a few

The acid taste in Nature is inflammatory due to the hot quality and the opposite of acid is alkaline

The alkaline taste is the bitter taste so if the acid taste is inflammatory then the alkaline taste is antiinflammatory

Antibiotics Carry the Bitter Taste 

Oh my gosh!  If I take an antibiotic and I have a nonbacterial inflammatory process such as Mildred's bladder symptoms then this inflammatory condition can be improved with antibiotics

Even though there is no infection!

So antibiotics can be prescribed for infections that don't exist and work because of the bitter taste that they carry as signals to the mindbody, "Cool down  Here's some bitter for you"

The Energy Science Demystifies

The natural extension of this is that if we take foods that decrease the acid or sour taste in Nature and load on the alkaline taste like aloe vera gel then we don't need the antibiotic

Of course we need the culture information but the use of anbiotics may not be warranted all the time

Until tomorrow                                                              To health as a Skill  Love DrBill

Photo Courtesy of skylar..mu

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