Loss of Inhibition


image from t1.gstatic.com
NBA playoffs  Time to kick back and watch the game  Oh, BTW how about a couple of frosties to go along with it

Life is good!

An Observation

OK, the Mavs win  and now I notice that I'm hungry  Well having had my biggest meal of the day at noon I figure I should be a wee bit hungry at 83o at night

But there was something more about this hunger that I have experienced before after drinking a couple of regular sized beers

Needless to say with no food in the house(wife is out of town) I head to the store to satiate the strong appetite with some chicken, potato chips, and potato salad with some churan

Oh I See What Happened!

Then today this article comes along scanning through AllTop and seems to totally make sense of my experience

The Harvard researchers found that volunteers who hadn't had enough sleep time were more prone to lose prefrontal cortical inhibition of appetite inhibition

Says psychologist Kilgore, "the sleepier you are, the less the prefrontal cortex -- the inhibitory area of the brain -- is activated when it's shown high-calorie foods,"

Oh my gosh, that's what I experienced except it wasn't sleep!  It was a couple of frosties just enough to reduce prefrontal inhibition of my primitive midbrain(lizard brain)

But another part of this experience was that there was a strong craving for sweet, salty, and sour tastes  Ah fast foods!  I was trying to calm down Vata, the energy pattern of movement that was provoked by the bitter beer

Solutions to Loss of Inhibition

Some solutions to this problem of loss of inhibition come to mind

            Stop tossing down frosties - not going to happen

            Talk to the primitive midbrain and tell it to stop overreacting - slim chance

            Meditate - not helpful

            Get more sleep - after I eat

            Dance the Irish jig to take my mind off things - getting closer but unfortunately will increase my exaggerated Pitta appetite that is raging

            Find substitutes for the sweet, sour, and salty tastes - now I'm getting somewhere

Substitution Matters

I don't care who you are if you're human this situation has happened to you

The bottom line is what to do about it when it happens?  Realizing the Vata provocation is the first step and then thereafter settling the mindbody with substitutes for the sweet, sour, and salty tastes

For sweet, not chicken and potato salad, try avocado 

For sour, not potato chips, try sour fruit, say avocado with lemon or lime

For salty, not potato chips, try sea salt on the avocad0

There You Have It! - An Energy Science Solution To The Uninhibited Hungry Primitive Midbrain

Eureka!  Avocado, sea salt and lime 

This is the power of energy science nutrition  Psychology gave me the problem and I solved it with the energy science  A perfect marraige of the matter and energy sciences knowledge!

Now if you'll excuse me I have to run to the store and pick up a few IPA's and some avocados with lime(I have the sea salt at home)  Will have to test this out in my laboratory  I'll let you know what happens!

Ciao until next time                                             To health as a Skill  Love Dr Bill



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Health in LA

Whole Foods has just been taken to another level!!  With Pitta provocation in good fun

Check this out 

Until tomorrow Ciao                    To health as a Skill  Love DrBill

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image from farm6.static.flickr.com
It's never too late!!! to make lifestyle changes that can change your health

Enjoy as you read about this research story 

Eyeballs and Health

Quit smoking, and your eyes will thank you  An in-depth study of smoking and eye health in Wisconsin, The Beaver Dam Eye Study, yielded some eye-opening results 

Those who quit smoking for at least five years had about the same risk of developing macular degeneration as those who had never smoked at all 

In another study, former smokers who had quit at least 10 years earlier had a risk of cataracts 21 to 17 percent lower than those subjects who currently smoked 

Stop Listening To the Mind

It's been said that the mind where we encounter thoughts, feelings, emotions, beliefs, and judgements is a pothole of trouble

The reasons for this are many but a couple are salient with respect to health  The mind is that part of us that creates errant behaviors that we maintain that we call addictions such as the one to smoking as above

The mind's incessant activity is responsible for anxiety and all the ramifications of such activity

The mind's fear keeps us in the status quo and preventing us from taking on new more productive patterns of health

Healing:  "Getting Out of the Way" Said Many Different Ways

What the eyeball story shows us in a behind the scenes way is that if we get out of the way we can acheive increased wellness  In this case the addicted let go of the habit and the body searched for balance  In this case the eyeballs got better

What's this mean?  If we insist that the mind be quiet, we can let go of everything and acheive optimal health  This is also called the pathway to least resistance

Another way of saying the same thing is, "If we insist that the mind get out of the way and not interfere with the natural processes of the physical body, healing naturally takes place"

Above all else the body yearns for its natural state of balance  Unfortunately our minds mess it up

The Mind Creates Disease

"Why did I get sick doctor?"  From the above it's clear we do it to ourselves

This is a very powerful place to be  From a position of responsibility we can then move forward without being a victim to deal with our imbalance

Sometimes we need guidance as to what are the best choices to make because we are so laden down with past experiences that cloud our ability to make good healthy choices

This is where the energy science medical discipline can help  It can offer time honored guidelines that can lead to life sustaining choices such as around nutrition

Until next time Ciao                                                 To health as a Skill    Love DrBill

Photo courtesy of cinnamonsugar

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Dr Oz’s Colonic Polyp

Droz colon
In September of 2010 medical talk show celebrity Dr Mehmet Oz was found to have a colonic polyp  Since polyps can be premalignant Mehmet was shocked(healthy guy who tries to be healthy by matter science standards) and understandably grateful that his profession prevented a possible malignancy from occurring

It was heralded as a significant event not only as colon cancer prevention but once again showed the matter science medical model's authentic value at finding disease in it's earliest stage

Screening Works

We may remember another celeb then President Ronald Reagan's colonic history in the 1980's  He showed a couple of polyps in 1984 and 1985 which were removed with screening endoscopy

But then a muscle invading tumor in the cecum was removed in July 1985 after the polyp was removed in March 1985

Thereafter Reagan had no recurrence of polyps  Screening colonoscopies have had an unprecedented impact on the late stages of colonic cancer just as PSA has had an impact on the discovery of prostate malignancies

Bad Luck Or Something Else

How do healthy guys like Oz and Reagan come up with colonic polyps?

"Heck everybody is going to get their turn  Something's bound to turn up"  The natural "bad luck" response would be appropriate to engage  And even the energy science medical model would not dispute that sometimes predisposition to disease can happen

But the energy science medical model would also say that nutritional choices have to be factored into the causes of poor bowel health including the occurrences of polyp disease

Early Detection Versus Prevention

The article mentioned above ends with hoping for a "Dr Oz Effect", the author suggesting that screening colonoscopies are the panacea to preventing  colon cancer

But is this really prevention?

Prevention implies that by so doing a test or procedure we prevent disease  I don't think even MD's believe that  Prevention from the matter science medical model can at best do early detection

The reason for this is that the biologic matter science model doesn't deal with the origins of disease  Researchers believe that they get close with the understanding of molecular biochemistry but in the end their biologic model will never be able to get to the origin of diseases

The energy science medical model deals with the origin of disease which occurs at the level of the GI tract and 4 stages before it becomes manifest as a polyp in Dr Oz and Reagan's colon

True Disease Prevention

There are so many things we can do to prevent obvious dis-ease and here are some that you can do right now

            Eat according to your mindbody makeup

            Avoid poor food combining

            Cultivate healthy digestion

            Practice the 5 interogatives of eating

 Ciao until next time                                             To health as a Skill    Love DrBill

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My Plate – The Nutritional Mainstream

The USDA recently revamped the public nutritional roadmap replacing the much maligned pyramid with a plate

And while the plate removes some criticisms about the pyrimid it still raises in my mind the efficacy of  nutritional advice in general

The Need for a Standard

Throughout human history there has always been the need to create standards by which a group operates whether it be nutritional science or any science for that matter 

The standard creation allows us to move along and build on our past data base

No doubt the well meaning need for a standard in nutrition for its citizens provided by the government agencies is helps the question is whether it adds anything to our current knowledge base

Or is it the same food just served up with a different appearance?

Information In  Information Out

The current system of nutrition on which we premise our information sees the mindbody and  the foods we ingest as molecular or matter based

In order for us to make any meaningful movement toward a better nutritional system of health is to try to explore other ways of seeing biological systems

Otherwise it's just business as usual  The same information with the same spin  Nothing new  Samo  Samo

If we keep looking at the biological world as molecular then we'll get molecular answers

It's the 21st Century Folks!

Hello!  One hundred years ago Einstein said E=mc2 yet our current biological model and its proponents insist on this current matter science biological model that continues to look at the foods that it consumes as molecular as well

Just as physics was stuck in Newtonian thinking in the 19th century until Einstein and a cohort of pioneers brought us forward out of medieval physics thinking, our current biological model is woefully stuck in 20th century thinking utilizing its matter science moleuclar thinking

It's time for us to move our biological model into the 21st century into a way of seeing ourselves as energy fields as well as matter fields

My Plate Or A Qualitative Energy Science Nutritional Approach

The rehashing of a moelcular nutritional model is not an advancement of knowledge but rather the establishment of the status quo

Nutritional experts see no reason to rock the boat  Move along with same tired worn out manipulation of knowledge blocks and make it through another lifetime patronizing the masses

But it is time for some to explore and find that an energy science nutritional approach can add immeasurably to the current molecular nutritional model

The Challenge for All of Us

Of course just becasue a standard is written for the citizens by a government agency means anything

People are going to eat what they eat and hang My Plate

So in the end My Plate becomes an exercise in futility with millions spent to promote an idea that nobody cares about except those who prefer to take pot shots at it

What we can do is begin our own journey in improving our nutritional health by embarking on new frontier that will not disappoint you

Try foodsheal.com and enter the 21st century

Ciao until tomorrow                                        To health as a Skill  Love DrBill

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