Interfering With Our Health
The mindbody yearns to be in balance That is its natural state
From an energy science view what interferes with that balance is our choices that create imbalance
For example if we carry too much of the hot quality in the stomach which results in heartburn(hot quality in the area of the heart) which is labeled as acid indigestion Of course we should be checked out to be sure that it's really not heart in origin with appropriate testing either at your doctor's office or in the emergency room
If we continue to put more of the hot quality into the physiology in terms of foods then the mindbody cannot release the hot because we continue to layer more of it on in terms of the nutritional choices we make
Releasing Unwanted Qualities
Now let's suppose you say, "I've had it! No more imbalance"
You begin doing the nutritional guidelines as shown at and pay attention ot poor food combining
As you do so the hot quality continues to be released but by and by as the release continues from the gut, urinary tract, or skin(as the adage goes in energy science work, poop, pee, or sweat it out) you can be rest assured that the continued symptoms are of release not continued accumulation of the hot quality
As time moves on healing takes place as the mindbody continues to let go of the hot quality
Eventually the imbalance is resolved and the mindbody has done the work
We Have Met the Enemy and It Is Us
This is the way all healing occurs in the mindbody
But notice who was selecting the hot quality to begin with Also notice that the mindbody was easily able to get rid of the hot quality simply by us choosing not to add to it
It is us unfortunately that interferes with our own healing
And because we are unfamiliar with the energy science model of healing and solely use the the matter science model we're left with not understanding this but also confused when the release is even interpreted as more illness
The resolution of this is to maintain a nutritional format that promotes balance in the mindbody physiology Try
Until tomorrow To health as a Skill Love DrBill
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Invisible Nutrition
Molecules even though we can't see them are measurable Our low cholesterol is reassuringly healthy The biological way we do our matter science healing is satisfying enough
When we measure the protein, fat, and carbohydrates in our foods consumed we are reassured that we are maximizing healthy nutrition
But nowadays it seems that it's the only way to view the world The world of form satisfies us
Energy Science Nutrition and Less Form
In a recent blog Seth Godin talks about the trust of the invisible
Godin writes, "..just about every decision we make has to do with things that are invisible ...Have you ever seen the tuberculosis bacteria? Perhaps it doesn’t exist, they might say it’s just a fraud invented by the pharmaceutical industry to get us to buy expensive drugs..."
I would apply what Godin is talking about to the invisible biological energy field and how we nourish it as well Just because we can't see the biologic energy field, does it then deny it's existence?
Footprints of the Biologic Energy Field: 10 Biolgical Pairs
Presently the matter science medical discipline is so conditioned to believe in the visible world of the mindbody form and its molecular expressions that we have a hard time also believing that our mindbody is in the invisible energy field as well There is simultaneity here of the visible and invisible, the measurable and the immeasurable, objective and subjective, form and formless
But just as our senses "feel" the visible world of the mindbody(blood is wet and bone is hard), the invisible energy field of the mindbody also sends sensations that are unarguably coming from somewhere deep in inner space
A need for balance is constantly speaking to us from our biologic energy field
The sensations of hot/cold, hard/soft, static/mobile, light/heavy, smooth/rough, oily/dry are all reports from the energy field that drive us to maintain balance
If we experience cold we put on a coat or sweater to correct If our mindbody is too mobile we try to do things to calm it, often not very effectively If our skin is dry, we either unaware of it or we ignore it(unless of course we are women and then we pay attention since dry skin is not attractive)
Ignorance is not a state of mental aptitude but to ignore what is right in front of us
Learning a New Skill Set
Godin concludes that to "see" the invisible is actually a skill that needs to be developed and I believe that to be so since we are of such a mindset that the only thing to trust is what is of form
But there is a step of trust that we must take before we buy into the biological energy field idea We have to trust that we aren't being misled That we spend a lot of time on something that is not true
Godin writes that "there are two kinds of serious errors: believing in invisible things that aren't true, or insisting that the truth might not be They're caused by fear, by deliberate misinformation and by being uninformed"
Experience Brings Trust in Invisible Nutrition
One way to believe in the invisible biological energy field is to have direct experience That is, try energy science nutrition out and after 3 months, decide for yourself
By your own experience you will find that the biological energy field is the truth
This revelation will be a turning point in your health and how you view your world
Until tomorrow To health as a Skill Love DrBill
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Saving Money Through Lifestyle Choice
The hardest thing we do in life is change our lifestyles to more health promoting ones But guaranteed if we do this kind of work we will save money by reducing our health care expense because one thing is certain right now just as inevitable as death and taxes
Our health care costs will be going up, so get ready!
Brushing Our Teeth-The Value of Ritual
Probably the best way to captivate the mindbody's attention and get it to listen to a wanted change is to build it into our ritualistic sequence of the day Just like brushing our teeth is a ritual we do every day we can place within our scheduled things to do one thing that we want to add or change
Say we always have a cup of Joe in the morning Perhaps switch that to tea a couple of times per week Or the biggest meal of the day at noon is not easy-try doing one day a week Or drinking a glass of warm water to get started in the morning before brushing your teeth That squarely puts the new change right into the ritualistic sequence
You get the idea of baby steps
Who Says?
I think one of the objections to such an approach is "Who says that this is the correct thing to do to promote health?"
These energy science recommendations come from a 5000 year old tradition that has stood the test of time I don't think any of us can do better than that including the present matter science tradition that has been around less than 100 years
Saving $$
So how does this equate into saving the dough?
Over time simple lifestyle choices will reduce visits to the doctor, God forbid! I'm not saying to avoid annual checkups but by and by the needs to see the doctor for various complaints such as insomnia, weight gain, heartburn, depression, anxiety, etc will begin melting away
Taking responsibility for our health has a tradeoff Personal work toward improving our lifestyle choices with the tradeoff of reduced medical bills
I'd say that's a pretty sweet deal Don't you?
Until tomorrow To health as a Skill Love DrBill
Photo courtesy Marfis 75
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An Eating Exercise
Is it possible we don't know how to eat? Really, did anyone instruct us on how to do it?
It's one of those primal activities that we do but the model doesn't come with an instruction manual Supposedly our parents provide the manual
Intentional Nutrition
Well, the energy science of Ayurveda from which this wisdom of health comes makes a basic premise that at times is forgotten but stands at the heart of taking in food
It's not surprising that intention plays a pivotal role in nourishing the mindbody
Intention excludes a lot of what nourishment is not Intention means that we have the intent of nourishing the mindbody not engaged in casual conversation as we are moving out the door to work, driving to or from work munching on dinner, or distracted by some form of media(take your pick: TV, magazines, radio, etc)
There's good data to show that we digest our meals entirely differently when we are focused on the intention of nourishing ourselves
The 5 Interrogatories of Eating
Intention covers the first aspect of eating, that is, the how How do we eat? With awareness
What about the other 4?
What kind of foods and combinations? has lots of information about what It's best to make a deal with yourself to sit to eat(where)
As we have said in the past the best time(when) for nutrition is at noon Some say they cannot make this happen but in reality their health suffers gradually by not doing this
Why deals essentially with emotional eating Am I eating or consuming for the right reasons?
An Eating Exercise
So let's do an exercise at our next meal
Preferably make it the noon meal
Have an intention to fully participate in the consumption
Preferably use silence as a way to focus your intention
Between bites put the spoon or fork down so as to not rush the eating process
Pay attention to the textures, tastes, contrast the bites with one another, compare various combinations, aromas, colors etc
Try to feel rested with the process
Small amounts of warm water(never cold or with ice) with the meal
Then let's practice this art of eating everyday and notice what happens to bowel activity and how you feel after doing this process for 2 weeks
Until tomorrow To health as a Skill Love DrBill
Photo courtesy of Robert in Toronto
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Aluminum Pots and Alzheimer’s Disease
We may have heard that aluminum pots and pans may be associated with Alzheimer's but that link has been debunked
Like many myths that occur in our lifetimes they die hard but nonetheless there are many myths that get started by well meaning matter scientists but often we grab at them and make them fact
Cell phones and brain cancer; cell phones and memory loss in elderly; recently covered autism and vaccinations("the vaccine injured"); megavitamins prevent all forms of diseases
Limitations of Matter Science
Measurement is king in the matter science world How do we choose anything these days but compare numbers: prices, miles per gallon, car repair rates, statistical survival from cancer, etc
Nobody wants to live a superstitious life but perhaps that is precisely what the matter science is leading us to Unless we have numbers we are paralzyed into indecision
OK, this may be an exaggeration but the point is that numbers become an expectation for decision making and if they are not there then it's a problem Matter science becomes a reliable source of security for our rational mind
The Energy Science Approach
The qualitative energy science approach brings to the table the intuitive side of decision making
Yes, I have the facts that I've reviewed and now it's time to make a decision That is not made most of the time with the rational mind but a subjective sense
What I'm getting at is that there are two different sciences that we have at our disposal They both go about doing their science in different ways but they are both valid
The Many Factors of Disease
The unseen factors of any situation that rational decision making cannot account for is accounted for in the intuitive sense, the feeling side of ourselves
It's not irrational, it's not validated by numbers but nonetheless the decisions and conclusions are every bit as valid I know you as a reader know what I'm talking about
In disease and its treatments there are many unknown factors that come to bear on decision making that can't be accounted for by survival statistics These decisions are "gut" or better yet heart decisions
Nutritional Myths
Currently our nutritional system is dominated by matter science thinking Measurements abound to help guide us in food selections
And studies help link up hazards such as aluminum pans and Alzheimer's But with all this matter science information overload, we still have to live our lives
I would say energy science information rules and matter science information is supportive Presently it's the other way around because not many people are familiar with the energy sciences and approach
Don't misunderstand We need both but priority of use needs to be reversed
Why? Because the mythology in the matter science work is so much more pervasive leading to erroneous decision making from confusing information
The age of intuition is upon us Let us move forward
Until tomorrow To health as a Skill Love DrBill
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