Health Isn’t In A Pill, It’s a Skill: 6 Ways to Get It

wellnessWhen I do a Google search for health I come across various matter science institutions giving their website renditions of it  In this measurement tradition of healing descriptors are given to help guide the consumer through disease labels, discuss pharmaceuticals(pills) and tests that can be done to figure out what's the next step  And of course procedures that can pull us through difficult times

Health as the Absence of Disease?

The contemporary matter science medical(molecular) model that we use is crisis management  In this way of thinking if we're not sick, then de facto we're healthy

Oh, oh I have some bad symptoms of dis-ease or my lab tests are out of whack  Red alert  Better do something  And then we manage the disease with a pill or magic operation

Now it's not to say that this model of healing is not important  It's extremely valuable when we are unfortunately really sick   But let's be clear, it does not define health

But I don't  think people consider health that way anymore even though that's the best the molecular model can give us  And it can't give any better because the model isn't made for health, it's made for dealing with disease

The World Health Organization however has a different way of looking at disease  To paraphrase, health is not the absence of disease

Energy Science Definition of Health

So the energy science of Ayurveda has a lot to say about the perfect state of health 

Not only does it define health for us but it goes the important next step  It gives us tools in order to develop that perfect state of health where disease is not possible

But it takes knowledge, awareness, and work to develop the skill of being healthy  Would we not think it unusual to find that Tiger Woods doesn't practice golf  That he just shows up for tournaments?!!

6 Ways to Develop the Skill of Being Healthy

Here's what we can do to practice health and become skillful at it

         Eat according to your mindbody energy makeup

         Exercise 4-6 times per week for 30 minutes

        Avoid poor food combining

        Use a churan to improve digestive fire

        Early to bed and early to rise

        Eat the biggest meal at noon

Practice Practice Practice

Like any skill we have to practice what it is that we want to achieve  These steps will do it for you

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Do We Know How Sick We Really Are?

sick"Doctor, how did I get this cancer I eat healthy and organic too, I exercise, I don't use substances?" Not an uncommon refrain with the usual physician response "We don't know right now There is plenty of (matter science) research going on We could say it's just "bad luck" I guess!"

That's a matter science approach  But it begs the question, did we know how sick we really were?

The Molecules Did It

From a matter science understanding disease occurs because of some molecular disruption, genetic or otherwise  The molecule whether they be hormones, infectious agents, lack of proper immune defense molecules, low density lipoproteins, or others become the responsible agents  And chances are the causes are it's not just one cause

But if we can't explain the disease molecularly, stay tuned for more information to be reported in the future, say our healers

In many areas what this approach creates is the victim state  Darn it, if my molecules would only behave or if I hadn't got infected 

Energy Science View of Disease

In contrast the energy science relates disease to imbalances of qualities in the physiology  If I have too much hot quality then I may develop acid indigestion(heartburn)

But the energy science goes further and this is probably its greatest contribution  It shows us that when a disease shows up in our matter field body that there have been 4 prior stages of disease(imbalance) that have been processed before it became apparent to us  In other words how sick we get is an evolution in progress  And that we don't even realize what's going on because our model tells us it's just "bad luck"

This is quite striking given our current understanding of disease  It says that we missed 4 prior stages of imbalance on finally getting to the manifestation  So for the person who develops a malignancy, it isn't like it suddenly appeared and it's a case of "bad luck"  We've been working on it for some time

No Panacea

I make no claim that disease prevention is easy or totally preventable 

But I do make the claim that no one is a victim

Having said that the energy science does bequeath to us a system of disease prevention  But it requires substantial work to change the physiology and bring it into balance once it has lost it's state of balance  that it had long ago  Nutrition is a reasonable first step in starting to regain that balance

And balance is like walking on a balance beam  It requires monitoring

So do we want to remain victims or do we desire an element of proactivity in our quest for better health  We are all our own decision makers  We get to make the choice

Until next time  Ciao                                                     To health as a Skill  Love DrBill

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Cranberry Juice and Urinary Tract Disease: An Energy Science View

cranberriesSo much opinion has come up about the merits of the cranberry and its use in urinary tract disease that I thought it worthwhile to put some science behind what's being said

Both the matter and energy science disciplines agree on the conclusions so this informational evidence has strong, sound grounding  And I'm a urologist having studied nonbacterial inflammatory changes in the urinary tract and the use of an energy science approach in these conditions

Nutritional Myths

As we have discussed earlier myths die a slow death  Myths are beliefs or sets of beliefs often unproven or false that accrue around a system. The reason that they captivate us is they potentially hold the secret of health. And we all want to be healthy.

This is no more true than for myths around nutrition  It's all nutritional guess work from a matter science view that is attempting to make sense of nutrition and its relationship to disease  The study of food molecules is not going to tell us how the food interacts with YOUR physiology  All we know is a lot about the molecules of the food  The nutritional answers lie at the biologic energy level

The same holds true for Grandma's time honored cure for urinary tract infections, cranberry juice(CJ)

Urinary Tract Infections

Many times observations by us can be true true unrelated  That is, we make an observation, the CJ helped me and yes I got better but there may be no causal relationship  In addition more than 50% of UTI's are nonbacterial, ie, not associated with bacteria  Matter(molecular) science nutritional arguments abound but the bottom line is there is no good evidence that CJ helps(as above)

What gives then?  From an energy science view the symptoms are related to a nonbacterial inflammatory change in the bladder(interstital cystitis), that is a Pitta aggravated condition  CJ will aggravate an already inflammatory condition from an energy science nutritional view  In general PV(Pitta Vata) should not use cranberry at all and PK(Pitta Kapha) 1-2x per week  The latter observation is probably why some can get better 

You see, again, it's who's taking the CJ!

Urinary Tract Stones

What about renal stone formation?  This again is a Pitta aggravated condition and there have been two studies, the one cited above and a second which showed actually an increase in stone formation in those taking concentrated cranberry tablets

Of course again the consumers weigh in with their observations and myths start flying about how the stones were dissolved by CJ 

And this makes total sense to those who are selling or manufacturing CJ so the more the merrier!  Buyer beware!

There is not much good advice from the matter science physicians about prevention but the energy science has a lot to say about prevention advocating a nutritional format that is good for one's body makeup

No Scientific Support

So for those not yet mesmerized by the myth and personal experience of CJ the fruit has some redeeming qualities in the use of Kapha imbalance but in general both from a matter and energy science views it's not the panacea that it;s cracked up to be 

But nutritional myths do die hard  And we so much want to believe them

Until next time  Ciao                                                      To health as a Skill  Love DrBill

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The Breakie King: Understanding Kapha Energy Pattern

Breakie 2

Because one of the most pleasurable events of a weekend for me was breakfast, it prompted my wife to crown me the "Breakie King"  I enjoyed it all  The before meal juice, oatmeal with raisins, flapjacks with syrup, eggs over easy with bacon or ham on the side  Maybe some yogurt with fruit 

But is breakfast necessary? 

As all patterns of behavior I think it's worthwhile to question them particularly in light of beneficial energy science guidance

The Energy Science Paradigm:  Understanding Kapha

Between 6 and 10a is a Kapha period of time  The body's metabolism is heavy, slow, cold, cloudy, and static  Doesn't sound like a particularly favorable time of the day for a big meal, does it?

Add another layer of understanding  If one's mindbody energy makeup is Kapha then there is a double whammy that comes into play  Not only is the time of day not right for a large meal but if the one consuming that meal has the same qualities of heavy, slow, cold, cloudy, and static, the food will not be digested well

Add another layer  Foods(dairy, eggs, syrup, pancakes, oatmeal) that are associated with breakfast often over time can aggravate the Kapha energy pattern due to the qualities of heavy, slow, cold, cloudy, and static

Childhood Obesity

Add another layer  Childhood is a Kapha period of life  Strongly predisposed children(those who will be Kapha as adults) are at risk for childhood obesity

And it starts early on setting up lifestyle behavior patterns that are not conducive to good health

Understandably for growing school age children food in the morning may help with attention span and improve school behavior patterns  But as parents who are setting the stage for potential problems down the line, I think it's important to follow PK nutritional guidelines as outlined at

But for adults the question is whether it is such an important meal

One Universal Recommendation Does NOT Fit All

Blanket health recommendations from the matter science nutritional view is very misleading for us, the public  For example this directive from an authoritative organization can lead to confusion because as we started out the consumer "feels" intuitively that breakfast shouldn't be the main meal personally but then these kind of statements are made

According to the American Dietetic Association(ADA), the breakfast is the most essential meal of the day  Many have already spoken about the importance of breakfast. It acts as a fuel to the body to carry out the various tasks of the day. It is said that a healthy breakfast should provide 1/3 of the day’s total calorie intake. Still, it is the most neglected part of the day. Most of the people skip breakfast as they are in a hurry, don’t feel like eating or want to lose weight

Yikes!  With such misguided matter science nutritional advice no wonder we have a rampaging problem with obesity  The ADA needs help!!

The Breakie King Rethinks the Universal Recommendation

It's funny what happens over the years  Knowledge begets wisdom particularly armed with energy science nutritional guidance

              If it's necessary to have have breakfast make it light particularly if PK and follow the nutritional guidelines

              Watch out for poor food combining

              Consider not eating at all or perhaps juice only  Remember baby steps

              If in a rush DON'T eat  Better to not eat at all since rushing effects digestive fire

              Have breakfast at noon when the digestive fire is richest making the biggest meal at noon!!

Until next time  Ciao                                            To health as a Skill  Love DrBill

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Parkinson’s Disease Prevention: Energy Science Recommendations

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A recent  Mayo clinic posting regarding genetic research on familial Parkinson's disease brought about some interesting food for thought about genetic causation 

It seems that multiple genes implicated in the disease but this genetic change governs protective proteins which are not made due to a mutation of the EIF4G1 gene

Genetic Plasticity and Genetic Misbehavior

Familial or sporadic Parkinson's disease from a genetic perspective seem to have the same genetic expression  If there are a lot of genes affected then the clinical effect is Parkinson's  If many are already turned on/off the familial pattern gets expressed 

But these findings are not suprising  There are now numerous reports now that the human genome project is well underway showing the expression of disease

For example it has been shown that parents undergoing stress impact their children's genetic expression  Obesity genes are affected by exercise  Men with prostate cancer in a watchful waiting protocol stabilze their PSA's, increase Tcell killer counts and change genetic expression in 400 genes simply by changing lifestyle behaviors

So the good news is that lifestyle can impact any genetic misbehavior

Stress Leads to Genetic Mutation

In the above study stress led to the death of cells in the primitive midbrain from the mutation

The issue then among other prevention therapies is how to deal with stress  There are a number of different ways to change lifestyle behavior  For example:

          Meditation practice

          Yoga practice

          Yoga nidra

          Mindfulness or awareness of reacting to people, situations, circumstances, and things

Prevention Therapies Are Already Available

In the reporting Owen Ross, PhD, a neuroscientist and co-author on the paper added, "The insights gained from how mutations in EIF4G1 lead to cell death might help us develop new therapies to treat or slow Parkinson's disease."

The "new therapies" that Dr Ross has in mind are more than likely matter or molecular science interventions such as new drug therapies which no doubt be exceedingly expensive and long in coming

The issue is this "Why wait?"  Prevention is something that patients with known predisposition can do right now  Since Parkinson's disease is a Vata imbalance, the above are starters that can help calm Vata but there are more from an energy science view:

           Eat according to one's mindbody energy makeup

          Avoid food incompatabilities

          Improve digestion

The new field of genetic medical research has taught us a very important lesson  That we are indeed in control of our health destiny  And the tools are available to us through the energy science of Ayurveda to help us do just that

Ciao Until next time                                           To health as a Skill   Love DrBill

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