Understanding Nutritional Disease: Energy Science Nutrition
When the term "nutritional disease" is used it often conjures up the notion of deficiency for us or already existing disease that is advanced
Somehow there is a lack of nutrients in inner space leading to physiologic dysfunction of the tissues and hence even at the intracellular level For example, folic acid deficiency can lead to neural tube defects in the developing fetus if the mother does not have adequate stores of this vitamin Or the lack of iron in the diet of a vegan could lead to anemia Or diabetes, stroke, and heart disease is present
Beyond Molecular Deficiency
But the idea of nutritional disease from an energy science nutritional view goes beyond the molecular measurements of the matter science nutrition
This concept implies that the GI tract is not functioning properly due to choices made by the mind(choices that the mind makes about how it conceives of nutrition) This is a different concept than what we are used to thinking about since we only think of disease in the very late stages of manifestation
For example, vague abdominal bloating, intermittent acid indigestion, occasional constipation, excess gas, excessive belching are all early warning signs that nutritional disease is evident
Our problem is that this concept is so utterly foreign to us that it doesn't make much sense and if it does worst yet we don't have enough direction to know what simple things we can do about it
Disease Prevention
In order to prevent imbalances we have to begin with the concept of "nipping the imbalance in the bud" so to speak
This requires that we monitor the choices we make around nutrition This is because all diseases that occur begin in the mind due to the choices we make In order to prevent disease we need to begin shifting our attention to what choices are we making And even if we have already manifested disease the choices we make about nutrition will begin the healing journey back to health Many of these choices can be aided by looking at the foodsheal.com website This is a good start
Many of the prodromal symptoms of disease listed above can be obviated by doing energy science nutritional work BEFORE more significant problems occur
For example before diarrhea, a person often has constipation, bloating, and abdominal gases and then diarrhea strikes Before a heart attack the person manifests palpitations, breathlessness on exertion, transient chest pain that may radiate to the shoulder and so on Instead of getting checked most people go on living unhealthy lifestyles and then one day find themselves in the ER with a severe heart attack
An Ounce of Prevention is ............
In this day of progressive worsening of the global economy and potential economic collapse and escalating health care costs we can ill afford getting serious disease
This means that taking care of ourselves is even more important than ever before But you and I know that we do not have a health system that provides a system of prevention It's emergency room medicine Ask any allopathic doctor and she will concur
Health begins and ends with our choices Are you making the right ones?
Next time we'll discuss how emotions,thoughts,and feelings lead to disease
Until next time Ciao To health as a Skill Love DrBill
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Happy New Year From Energy Science Nutrition
Wishing you all the best for 2012
May all your resolutions
be known and realized
And may your health soar
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