9 Energy Science Remedies for Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is a reduction in bone mineral density of the skeletal structure resulting in porous bones
It is felt that there is an imbalance in the bone structure such that osteoblastic activity(making new bone) is not as great as osteoclastic activity(breakdown of bone so as to supply minerals for the body) Like any disease there is a spectrum of presentation with minor loss to substantial loss with high risk for fracture
People are becoming more aware of this clinical problem which will become a major issue as the boomers come into their sunset years It was felt that the avatar for such a disease was the 80 year old frail thin female but it's now apparent that can come early and affect men probably in equal proportions
Matter Science Solution
The gold standard evaluation for those at risk is assessment of the bones by bone mineral denstiy(BMD) by a BMD scan This spots the femoral necks and the lumbar spine and compares the BMD of your scan with that of norms within a population and then determines normal, osteopenic, and osteoporotic which is defined as less than 2 standard deviations from the mean population
The primary matter science remedy is a drug that coats the trabecular or internal surface of the bone so that the bone cannot be eaten away by the osteoclastic activity The problem with this approach is that if someone would like to build up their bone by natural means, the coating may impair osteoblastic activity or the laying down of new bone Exercise is also important to create gravitational stress on the bones as well
This kind of solution is probably not the best for those who have borderline to osteopenic bone loss and the energy science has a lot to say about providing solutions that can help
Energy Science Evaluation
From an energy science view reduced bone density and/or osteoporosis is high Vata in the bones of the body leading to the excess qualities of light, dry, rough, subtle, and clear These qualities of Vata excess in the bones gradually reduce the strength of the bone structure
The teeth and nails are the extensions of the bone and hence can give us a lot of information about the progressive health or poor health of the bones So a healthy set of teeth is a healthy skeleton and how often you trim your nails is a good barometer as to the strength of the bones
Further people with strong Vata constitutions(remember the thin frail 80 year old) either predominantly Vata or Vata Pitta or Vata Kapha are more at risk for loss of bone mineralization Typically it is highly unusual for people with Kapha constitution to develop bone loss to any great degree
The absorption of minerals occurs all along the GI tract(bowel) but most activity is localized in the colon so if the health of the colon is poor(irregular stooling or constipation) then decreased absorption of calcium and other minerals can occur leading to reduced new bone being laid down
9 Energy Science Nuritional Solutions
1 Begin the process by improving the health of the gut You can take all the calcium, magnesium, and trace elements you can afford but if the gut is not healthy you just have expensive poop This is a major divergence from the matter science approach which has no concept of what bowel health means(If you eat it and it comes out the other end without symptoms in between then it must be OK) The most important way to start doing this is by doing a nutritional format appropriate for your energy makeup See foodsheal for direction
2 Increase consumption of calcium rich foods such as cow's milk(1 cup =300mg), swiss, gruyere, and paneer cheeses(3.5oz = 800mg to 200mg), fresh home made yogurt(1 cup = 400mg)in moderation, almond and coconut milk(1 cup = 450mg), broccoli, kale, spinach, collard and turnip greens(1 cup = 100-200mg), seaweeds, quinoa, black eyed peas,and arugula( 1 cup = 125mg) These should be used in frequency according to the nutritional formats at foodsheal.com
3 Avoid incompatible food combinations The list is available at foods heal
4 Shoot for 2,000 to 3,000mg calcium consumption per day and 1000 IU of Vit D3 if by BMD you have reduced bone density
5 Use a mineral supplement(New Chapter Bone Strength 6 small tabs worth 770mg calcium) The nice thing about this supplement is that appears to make the minerals more bioavailable and the Vit D3 is included in the formula
6 Use 2oz of sesame seeds(without the hulls) per day at night before bed chewing well before brushing teeth 4 oz is worth 1160mg calcium and 700mg of magnesium Tahini made from whole sesame seeds is another tasty way to get minerals from sesame seeds
7 2 cups of almond or coconut milk per day that is calcium fortified provides 900mg calcium Almond milk is particularly good as it nourishes bone tissue
8 Soaked and peeled almonds are a good source of protein, fat, and minerals and energetically build bone These should be used all the time but be sure to soak and peel In the future will produce a video showing you an easy way to peel a soaked almond
9 Exercise according to Vata Pitta make up
Until next week To Health as a Skill Love DrBill
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5 Guidelines for Yogurt Use
Pitta provoked diseases are any those that have an inflammatory component What would those be? The short answer is any disease since every disease has an inflammatory process associated with it
There is simply too much of the hot quality in the body which has an imbalance created by the foods consumed So the obvious first step is to reduce those foods that are Pitta provoking
One particular thread that I have seen come up is the question about inflammatory conditions and yogurt How should it be used and whether it is safe in such conditions, that is, whether it is Pitta provoking and causing disease and/or pain
Yogurt is an amazing food and many ethinic cultures on the planet use fresh yogurt and kefir as health promoting foods in their nutrition And there are very good reasons for doing so but due to the Pitta aggravating nature of yogurt, freshly made is the only way to go
The "Good" Guys
The value of yogurt is that it serves when freshly made as rich source of probiotic which is a population of "good bacteria" that reside in the bowel "Bad" bacteria at times overgrow the gut flora leading to poor digestion, absorption, and assimilation so it's important that the good flora flourishes and the bad are kept in check As I've alluded to in the past, bacterial growth is a major part of our digestive strength that needs to be nourished
This is particularly important if you have GERD, IBS, and inflammatory bowel disease(ie Crohn's disease) since the digestive fire is significantly compromised in these dual conditions
Regular use of freshly made yogurt insures that the "good" bacteria are consistently replenished
You may have heard of yeast overgrowth and this is yet another factor that can lead to poor digestive fire(eliminating yeast laden bread products is a good idea in that it gives us more than we need so flatbreads are best or at least toasting yeasted products)
Bowel flora is important in the concept of digestive fire and aids in bowel digestive function as well as providing important nutrients for our nutrition
Pasteurized yogurts should be avoided as pasteurization kills off the beneficial probiotic component of yogurt
Making Digestion Easy By Predigestion-Optimizing Digestive Strength
The value of yogurt comes in the predigestion of lactose and casein which we talked about a couple of days ago Hence the bacteria during the incubation phase of creating yogurt use the sugar lactose and break down the protein casein The lactose then doesn't bother the lactose intolerant and the casomorphin derivative from casein digestion can be less, hence affecting us less
Why freshly made? From an energy science view the build up of acidity occurs with aging yogurt even if refrigerated becomes inflammatory and thus Pitta provoking You also get the maximal amount of probiotic in the yogurt(some bacteria die off after 4-5 days)
Even though fresh yogurt is not very acidic(sour taste) it still can be Pitta provoking if used daily Hence home made yogurt has its consumption limitations
So 5 Guidelines
1 Based on the foodsheal.com food combining list, don't use fruit with yogurt
2 To really inhibit the negative sour effects of even freshly made yogurt, the use of Sucanat or Turbinado(crystallized cane sugars) can be important because the sweet taste helps balance the aggravating sour taste
3 Always use yogurt in moderation, that is, 2-3x per week
4 Store processed yogurt is too acidic and will provoke inflammation
5 Diluting the yogurt with water reduces its acidity
How to get started
Buy a yogurt maker(Donvier is a French brand and is in the Amazon store at the ic-solutions.tv website) Using fresh starter each time ensures that the bacterial count of the yogurt will be rich
And yes, this does take some time to make your own yogurt but after doing it, in a short time you can do a batch in about 15 minutes(total time; heating the milk and cooling it can be done while doing other things)
If the yogurt is curdly and clearly not smooth in texture it means that there's probably too much cooking going on and that the incubation times are too long So try 10 hours instead of 12 hours with the Donvier
YouTube has several videos on how to make your own yogurt
It's best not to use dry milk powder as the milk product as it is provoking to Vata Pitta
Here's a link for directions on making your own for trouble shooting
The greatest value is making your own yogurt is that you participate in your own health and this is a small but significant step in assuming responsibility for our health
Until next week To health as a Skill Love DrBill
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Carbonated Drinks: Not All Calories Are Created Equally
One of the sacred cows of the US diet indeed of the world's is the carbonated drink intake From Coke to Pepsi to "nutritious" mineral drinks the refreshment drink industry creates a huge market for the unsuspecting consumer One of the reasons that the drink industry can fly under the radar without addressing the health consequences of its products is due to our current dietary approach to foods in general
Diet: The Quantitative Healing Approach
Currently we do our medical healing using what I have termed the matter science In this model of healing everything is measured and the molecule is responsible for disease Cholesterol, fatty acids, hormones, vitamins, minerals You name it and its measured And this measurement gives us confidence that things are going in the right or wrong direction in terms of our healing For example, if the tumor measures 5cm before treatment and shrinks to 2cm then healing by measurement has occurred
Quite naturally we have translated this healing into other areas of life such as diet Everything is measured when it comes to diet as well Lycopene, potassium, fats, high fructose corn syrup
But the quantitative approach only measures calories but doesn't give us much understanding about the quality of the calories consumed This is a major problem with this dietary approach because NOT ALL CALORIES ARE CREATED EQUALLY The world is now addressing these drinks as injurious to health(see link and video)
Nutrition: The Qualitative Healing Approach
In the energy science model foods take on a qualitative aspect to them From a qualitative view carbonated drinks are unhealthy and not good for anyone because it produces an imbalance of qualities The energy science of Ayurveda sees qualitative imbalance in us as the source of disease and foods such as carbonated drinks produce such imbalances
There are 10 pairs of qualities that I have written about in earlier posts The reason for the nutritional formats at foodsheal.com is to help show you what foods will promote balance for you
According to this model's approach to healing it's the quality of the food that means something not the quantity This seemingly contradicts the current approach to diet What would it be like not to count calories anymore?
The Best of Both Worlds
I'm not saying that one model is better than another Each have their value and strengths in the information they provide us We all need to know what is in our foods and how much fructose corn syrup the manufacturer is using in his product that we're consuming But at the same time there are certain foods that we should best leave alone regardless of what appears nutritious about it if they don't harmonize with us from a qualitative view
For example, tomatoes should not be eaten by the combination energy pattern of Pitta Vata and dairy should be avoided by Pitta Kapha You can learn more about this at foodsheal.com
Until next time To Health as a Skill Love DB
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