The Biologic Energy Field and Death
At the end of a recent workshop I was talking with a woman about the various ways we can access the energy body She recounted an interesting story that illustrates how connecting at an energy level can bring about healing and remarkable recovery from even death
Her husband in his 70's and in good health had some mild chest pain and was evaluated at a prestigious US medical center and found to have severe coronay vessel dis-ease He underwent 4 vessel bypass grafting which went very well But in going to recovery his circulatory system collapsed His wife who had become nervous after getting the initial good news eventually found her husband in profound cardiac collapse The surgeons were completely mystified by the turn of events having no explanation for the matter field medical events they were witnessing
Over the ensuing 13 days he was provided pulmonary support with ECMO(extracorporeal membrane oxygenation) due to the pulmonary fluid congestion In effect her husband had died But in the ensuing days after collapse, this woman decided to maintain an energetic connection and support through various modalities She looked back in retrospect and is still baffled by what had transpired but she followed her instinct and heart(from an energy perspective these are one and the same) and crafted these modalities
The matter field physicians and caregivers were amazed at the man's recovery They had not ever witnessed such a medical event They had supported the man with the matter field technology but were puzzled by what had transpired because this man came back from death when he had no business surviving
This story elucidates what can happen when there is merging of the matter and energy field healing sciences The man had checked out from a matter field(molecular way)perspective but the energy field was still present and was persuaded by another energy field to stick around awhile longer
Presently the field of biologic energy science technology is very new but at the same time very ancient And I want to be very clear here about what I am calling the energy field There are many who talk about the energy field using crystals and other modalities that are not grounded on any science I am not referring to this type of biologic energy technology This clarity is important or otherwise we will be led astray in our studies and findings
The type of energy science technology that I am discussing here today is grounded on the science of the yoga tradition which has been with us for 5000 years. And I think that if we are going to work with the energy body for healing, we will have to embody for ourselves these ancient systems, not a system that was crafted out of the imagination of someone 50 to 100 years ago. We MUST have some standardization in this process of energy science healing if we are going to apply it on clinical grounds and study it in research
And what does this have to do with nutrition? The same energy science that can sustain life and bring someone back from the brinks of matter field death is the same energy science that gives us the nutritional work to become balanced by the foods that we eat Love Dr Bill
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Insights from Cold Hands Cold Feet
I was driving into the office the other day and became aware of cold hands. They had been warm before I had left the house so there had been a change. "What's going on," I asked myself, but of course I knew that I had made this observation in the past. So cold hands and cold feet were there before but this time I was aware of the imbalance of the cold quality
I began to put it together. As we have discussed in previous blog posts, the biological energy field expresses itself through qualities of sensation. There are 10 biological pairs of sensation. For example, the sensations of hot and cold, light and heavy, subtle and gross are examples of these paired potential sensations.
We can only know the energy body through sensations experienced in the mindbody. So when I felt the cold hands it occurred to me that the biological energy pattern of Vata, the principle of movement in the physiology, must be being aggravated. It was subtle(as is usually the case in energy science work) but real and a tip off to slow down and breath. When we get into a rush, we invoke the sympathetic nervous system and from a matter field perspective, we vasoconstrict(aggravating Vata) and this reduces blood flow to the hands.
From an energy perspective, the energy field was sending me a signal to slow down and breath which would activate the parasympathetic nervous system and restore balance to my energy physiology.
Foods can produce the same shifts in the energy mindbody. Have you ever felt hot after eating a very spicy meal? This is yet another message from the energy field. All we have to do is pay attention.
To good health DrBill
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Energy Science Nutrition and the Blood Diet
Dr Oz, the popular commentator on current medical news and research, recently had comments on the so called "blood diet" which thrilled the partisan followers of the diet In an interview Dr. Oz said it makes sense that your ancestors diet could be better for you, but we can’t prove it, but sometimes you can’t prove things except in people’s kitchens
In 1996 Peter D'Adamo, a naturopath, introduced his Eating Right For Your Blood Type after his father had researched in his own patient population that there seemed to be connections between patient's food selection, their blood types, and sense of wellbeing and health
A Secret: What the Blood Diet Really Tells Us
In all the commentaries I've read about the "blood diet" I have yet to come across someone discussing the uniqueness of this dietary approach
In all the antecedent "diets" that we have been regaled with over the last 50 years we have always been told which foods not to eat and those that we can eat, from Jenny Craig to the South Beach to the Paleo to the vegetarian Forks over Knives approach
But let's think about this The "blood diet" has for the first time in the history of diet domaindom created a concept that says that foods should be selected according to what biological physiology is eating it That seems to make intuitively good sense!
In this case the "blood diet" says that we will feel and do better if we eat foods are favored by way of our blood type
Comparing Energy Science Nutrition With the Blood Diet
In the Ayurvedic Institute's quarterly newsletter a comparision was made between the D'Adamo's "blood diet" approach and the VPK nutritional format by a naturopath who had attended the Institute's program and had incorporated Ayurveda into his scope of practice
What he found was that there seemed to be a very close fit with the blood diet and the energy science nutritional formal but because of the nuances of the Ayurvedic format felt that the energy science approach worked better
Not everything grown on the planet is fair game
"If I want 2 bowls of ice cream a night then by God I'm going to have it I dont care whether it bothers my health or not because I make the choices here So don't tell me what to do, OK?"
There is nothing wrong with the (blood) diet says Dr. Adrienne Youdim, her only criticism is that perhaps it’s too restrictive
We all want our freedom and don't want that freedom to choose restricted in any way But with that freedom comes a consequence for we don't get to choose the results of our choices
With the "blood diet" has come a subtle message that we should limit our choices according to our biological physiologies This has been the message of the energy sciences for thousands of years
For our contemporary planetary societies it's the primary out of our serious chronic medical problems
The Value of Energy Science Nutrition
Not only do the energy science nutritional formats give us guidance as to which foods produce balance in our physiologies but there is another dimension not even discussed in contemporary nutritional literature
This nutritonal format comes as part of a complete package for living a healthy lifestyle since nutrition is part of the whole package
We can no longer isolate foods and their physiologic consequences apart from the quality of our sleep, work, and exercise Nutrition comes as part of the whole enchilada, so to speak
And is intimately spliced with bowel pattern, stamina, endurance, and sense of wellbeing
Until next time Ciao To health as a Skill Love DrBill
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Creating Imbalance with a Sour Taste in the Mouth
In high school chemistry we learned that acids are neutralized by alkaline chemicals. Perhaps we know that for us biologically the acid taste is the sour taste in Nature and that the alkaline is the bitter taste.
So if I have "heartburn" and a sour taste in my mouth it means I have excessive acidity in the stomach and to feel better I can neutralize my problem with baking soda, a common alkaline material off the shelf in the kitchen. Voila! Carbon dioxide gas is produced in my stomach as the byproduct in my acid base balancing I belch and feel better. Thanks very much, now on with the day
Whoa, what a minute! Why did I get this in the first place? Energetically I consumed too much of the qualities of hot, light, sharp in the form of pizza with pepperoni, tomato sauce, cheese, and coke the night before. Now with that energetic knowledge, maybe I should rethink my choice about pepperoni pizza and carbonated drinks?
My mindbody just told me that it didnt like the choice that I made last night. If I want to respect my mindbody and not hurt it maybe I should think about my next choice.
Well, hmmmm, anybody interested in some pepperoni pizza tonight with extra garlic? DrBill
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