The Single Most Important Thing in Life


I think most would agree that health is the most important thing that we can have in life  The issue is "How do we maintain if we have it and how do we get if we don't have it"  The answer is not in a pill

And there are distractions to keep us off track

Foreclosures, environmental trashing, falling dollar, energy problems, unemployment, economic depression, failed relationships, bankruptcy.

These are pretty big problems that are confronting some of us, our society and planet today. But I would suggest that to focus on these issues distracts us from health.

When we get distracted we lose focus of what's really important in our life.

What's more important. A valuable dollar in our pocket or our health. If it's the former our conversation is over.

If it's health then how do we make health the focus of your attention. For sure it's not taking another pill; health does not come in supplement or pill form.

Health comes in the form of lifestyle choices. OK then what lifestyle choices are valuable? From an energy science view there are a number of choices that are valuable. And we are the sole decision maker here as to whether that happens.

Make health a full time job. Here's my list

Have a purpose for getting out of bed in the morning

Work toward getting balanced gastrointestinal function

Clear stagnant energy from the physiology

Balance the energy patterns of your mindbody

Eat appropriately for your mindbody constitution

Do a daily practice of yoga postures and/or meditation

This will keep you busy and undistracted from what's really important in life Love DrBill

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Shhhh….She’s Eating

Santa ShhhhhhIt's difficult to feel if we are engaged in mental activity. Yet the way we get in touch with what our health is like is by feeling.

So when we are actively engaged in conversation with ourselves or with others it makes it difficult to feel what is happening when eating. How does the food taste? What are the textures? What are the aromas? Am I chewing the food completely? Am I full and satisfied? Do I need more food?

These are just examples of the eating process. It asks, "Am I paying attention?"

There is good information to suggest that the more attentive we are to the eating process, the more engaged we are, the better our digestion of the food.

Makes sense doesn't it? If your friend is talking with you and you are fully engaged with her, you will digest the ideas that she has. You have paid attention, really paid attention.

So my friends, shhhh implies every once in a while pay attention to eating. DrBill

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Chronic Prostatitis: An Energy Science Perspective

Chronic prostatitis is a nonbacterial inflammatory condition of the male pelvis and can be considered male intersitial cystitis It is a member of the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, irritable bowel syndrome, GERD, and fibromyalgia) because the cause is the same as its other members Imbalances of qualities in the bowel caused by primarily the foods consumed and lifestyle choices that provoke the energy physiology lead to dissemination to the peripheral tissues Like IC itself invariably the pelvic nerves become involved with the qualities of light mobile dry rough and hot leading to observed symptoms

The presence of fever is a key differentiating feature between acute and chronic prostatitis This is very important because the treatment of acute prostatitis is completely different If a man has chills and fever of 100.5F or greater with symptoms of acute prostatitis then he should be on antibiotics and in severe cases hospitalized because the cause is bacterial

Acute Flares of IC and Chronic Prostatitis

Male anatomyChronic prostatitis is not associated with fever and similar to interstitial cystitis occurs acutely as flares lasting 2-3 weeks Urological workups including cultures, xrays, and endoscopy are negative In uncommon situations cystoscopy may show bladder mucosal lesions that biopsy negative and are typically not characteristic of Hunner's ulcers(which are unusual even in IC) Prostatic calculi may produce a chronic bacterial prostatitis but this is unusual There is no association between chronic prostatitis and prostate cancer epidemiologically in the allopathic literature

There is no agreed upon best treatment from the molecular or allopathic model of healing but it is typically treated with antibiotics initially These courses usually last for 3-4weeks or more based on the resolution of symptoms and/or recurrence of symptoms This is often the case since the cause is nonbacterial As the chronicity develops in the clinical course men are often kept on antiinflammatories or even short courses of steroids have been used

Anatomically the prostate lives at the base of the bladder and as you can see by the accompanying picture the urethral tube passes from the bladder to the outside through the penis So the symptoms of prostatitis mirror those seen in women with interstitial cystitis Suprapubic pain, urinary frequency, urgency, small volumes of urine passed, and a feeling of incomplete emptying predominate when the man is having an acute flare

Due to the hot quality inflammation like IC produces the symptoms of burning on urination and because the prostate is innervated by the same use nerves affecting bladder function there can be pain with ejaculation This latter symptom may also be caused by the prostate itself becoming involved by the hot quality Sometimes the prostate becomes so inflamed that blood may be seen at the tip of the penis at the end of urination

An Energy Science Approach To Chronic Prostatitis

As in IC there should be a division in treatment based on whether one is treating an acute flare or trying to do maintenance therapy This has been covered in a previous blog post Here are some basic foundational things to do

1 As always use a nutritional format appropriate for one's energy pattern and avoid incompatible food combinations

2 Use of antiinflammatories OTC can be helpful

3 Herbal formulas can be helpful even in the acute stage or flare and gokshuradhi guggulu can be effective in reducing congestion if the gland is involved

4 Basti therapy in both the acute and chronic phases can be very helpful in treating the pelvic imblances

5 Lidocaine as in interstitial cystitis transrectally can be helpful in reducing the acute symptoms of chronic prostatitis

Like the IC bladder pain syndrome chronic prostatitis can be healed from an energy science perspective but it requires a disciplined approach and based on how long symptoms have been present determines the length of time of recovery

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Detoxification and Lifestyle Behavior Patterns

Work Life BalanceWhen we discuss the energetic management of a disease process, a different world of healing is entered We leave behind our thinking about the body as a collection of molecules that can be manipulated by surgery and Pharma and begin seeing our mindbodies as energy fields This has great value since all disease begins in the energy field way before it becomes manifest in the world of molecules

The energy science of Ayurveda not only gives us a vocabulary(Vata, Pitta, Kapha, agni etc) by which we can talk about our mindbodies as energy fields but it also gives us lots of ways to take care of our energy mindbodies When's the best time to get up in the morning or to go to bed, what's the best time to eat our biggest meal....all based on the concept that we are energetic expressions of Nature Herself The icdiet and the VPK nutritional formats are based on this energetic concept

5 Fundamental Energy Daily Practices

These practices could be called "healthy" lifestyle behavior patterns because they induce detoxification of the energy mindbody

1 Get up with Nature and go to bed with Nature This means we should be getting up early(between 5 and 7a) and go to bed between 930 and 11p

2 Biggest meal at noon Nature's most active time of the day is at noon and this is when our digestion is the strongest(even if it's lousy it will the least lousy at noon time) and so we should take advantage of this simple concept

3 Improve your digestion Using foods that are energetically suitable for us; avoid snacking(fruit is an exception); avoid incompatible food combinations; only consuming what you can hold in your 2 hands at any one meal; using CCF tea and other spices routinely  Also using that aid in detoxification such as tapioca and arrowroot

4 Have a morning routine Splash cold water into the eyes(wakes up the nervous system) do a sesame oil swish(draws Kapha energy in the form of mucous from the nasal passages), use of a neti pot to draw Kapha energy, brush the teeth, and every 2 weeks place garlic oil in the ear canals to prevent wax accumulation Then number 5.....

5 Exercise daily This improves our digestive strength and enhances the upward and downward energy of the mindbody Kapalabhati is a specific energy breathing technique that is very powerful 10 pushups(improves upward moving energy) and 10 situps improves downward moving energy

The Biological Energy Science: Changing the Way You Think

So there is a deeply rooted understanding of our relationship with Nature and this then helps direct our choices This is what is fundamentally missing with our current matter science discipline of healing.....a lack of philosophy...that is, a way of thinking The energy science of Ayurveda is part of a greater system of thinking which is a philosophy of life

It defines our relationship with that which is around us, that is, our world According to this way of thinking we are part of Nature Herself and Nature is discussed in terms of energy patterns of VPK Then we understand that everything is defined in the visible and invisible world as VPK(that is, there are VPK times of day, VPK seasons, and VPK institutions and companies.....because they are nothing but collections of VPK)

This makes the energy science system of healing different than today's way of healing

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IC and the Flow of Prana

Radiant ManWhat is matter is energy and what is energy is matter A molecule is both a particle(matter) and a wave(energy) And so biologically we simultaneously coexist as both a matter/molecular field and an energy field We know this from E=mc2 and the energy science of Ayurveda gives us a vocabulary by which we can talk about our mindbody as an energy field

Quite simply whenever we become sick there is an improper flow of energy to parts of the body caused by qualities that interfere with the flow of energy through those tissues This is what happens in any disease where the free flow of energy becomes disrupted in the tissue

The Flow of Biologic Energy and Spontaneous Remission From Cancer

When we hear the words prana, chi, qi, ru,and ruha they are expressing the biologic energy field Numerous healing traditions over the past 1000's of years have understood this of the human biology

You may have heard of people having spontaneous remissions from cancer There is actually an international registry of such cases where there is good documentation of a diagnosed cancer going away spontaneously without any therapy There is no molecular explanation but from an energy science view the reason is clear

For some reason and there are many the flow of biologic prana becomes established again And because the matter/molecular model cannot explain the phenomenon, the word miracle is used But energetically the flow of prana is reestablished

5 Ways to Reestablish Pranic Flow

All of the energy science tools that I have mentioned through the years are to help reestablish the flow of biologic physiologic energy At times the biologic energy is particularly stuck or stubborn in the process of movement but by and by it moves and the reestablishment of pranic flow occurs Whether it's CCF tea, yoga asana, breath exercises called pranayama, herbs, basti, or meditation the tools help reestablish pranic flow

Here are some basic things to begin fixing pranic flow

1 Eat according to your nutritional energy pattern

2 Avoid incompatible food combinations

3 Improve your agni

4 Utilize pranayama breath exercises

5 Fit your daily schedule into the rhythms of Nature

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