Aloe and Anger
Have we noticed when we're sick with whatever that we may not be in the best of moods Impatient, easily frustrated, maybe even depressed
What I'm getting at here is that whatever is happening in the physical body causes a parallel change in the mind
If we have an inflammatory physical body illness, chances are that the mind will be inflammed as well
This is completely expected since from an energy science view, what happens in the mind happens in the body and what happens in the body happens in the mind
The reason from an energy science view is that the mind and body are intimately spliced We cannot separate them because they are both energy fields and therefore act as one
Since the mindbody is one energy field, then it makes sense that when we take a herb that reduces inflammation, such as aloe vera, which has a cooling effect on the mindbody, that we would necessarily see a cooling of the mind
What does a hot mind look like? Critical, judgemental, impatient, short fuse, "hot head", easily frustrated, angry, rageful, explosive temper, or capable of physical harm
So using a herb like aloe following our energy science reasoning above, would cool off the inflammed mind as well as the body
Particularly during the hot summer months the Pitta energy pattern can be provoked and we may only notice it by observing the mind and its thoughts
What can we do with a provoked hot mind
1 Aloe along with pomegranite juice can be helpful in cooling things off
2 Eat according your energy mindbody constitutional makeup
3 Avoid poor food combining
4 Avoid hot spices such as garlic, oregano, sage, rosemary, thyme, chilis, cayenne
Until tomorrow To health as a Skill Love DrBill