Nutrition: Quality Versus Quantity
I'd like to try something on today and see how it fits for you
As you may be aware, in this blog we use the contrast between the matter and energy science disciplines of healing in order to demonstrate their differences and how they can complement one another
In our society currently we are interested in measurement That's how we identify value If these foods have large amounts of vitamin D or omega 3, 6, and 9 fatty acids then hey, these foods have got to be good for us
Better yet, if some is good then more has GOT to be better
So bigger or more has become better in terms of health, abundance, money, etc
But what about quality? Where does that factor into the equation of health, value, and better living
Nutritional quality? What does that have to do with anything? We have become so sensitized to quantity that we entertain or have little room for how foods make us feel
So what I'm suggesting is that while the idea of quantity plays a major role in societal thinking there is room for talking about the quality of nutrition
What would that look like?
There would be less need for mass amounts of food at gatherings
People would learn to become satisfied with less at meals
We would become more in tune with how foods make us feel rather than how full our stomachs are
We could become less mesmerized by what we are taking in molecularly and more in tune with what foods make us feel best
See to see a quality approach to nutrition
Until tomorrow To health as a Skill Love DrBill