Foods Heal
Yesterday we talked about the value of seeing the body and foods as energy and having a language that would help us communicate about the energy field in which we live
Today let's talk about why this approach is of value Here are some reasons
1 We get to learn more about ourselves
2 We understand others better
3 We find out which foods can specifically produce disease because in energy science nutrition not all foods are "fair game"
4 We find out the importance of digestive fire and how to nourish it through the use of spices
5 We understand why real healing takes time
6 We find out what prevents us from changing our eating behaviors
We need more information than what we currently have with our matter science nutritional approach
The energy science nutritional approach to foods is a qualitative one not a quantitative such as used in current matter science nutrition, that is, measurement of calories, carbohydrates etc define the food and then we say we know all there is to know about that food
In energy science nutrition foods are selectively chosen according to how they induce balance in the physiology So not all foods are balancing for each of us
Isn't is fun to know more about yourself? Is there room to begin seeing nutrition in a different way? Do we presently have a system of nutrition or a bunch of nutritional facts?
Until tomorrow To health as a Skill Love DrBill