The Appetite


Appetite is an essential monitor of our digestive health and highlights the effectiveness of the energy science nutritional approach.

Of course an appetite that doesn't go anywhere and dwindles after a few bites is abnormal. This erratic behavior indicates a Vata imbalance that is mobile and light. This needs to be addressed or long term consequences are sure to happen over decades of such an eating style.It can be associated with gas, bloating, dry and rough skin, alternating diarrhea and constipation, popping joints, and spasms.

But when we hear refrains such as, "Oh my appetite is toooo good!" or "My appetite is over the top!", this also signals concern. This indicates a Pitta provoked imbalance that requires attention. And I don't know about you but I have had a serious over the top appetite over the years. As I have decreased Pitta in the mindbody, so has the sharp, hot quality of my appetite.Acid indigestion, diarrhea, rashes and feeling hot are also associated with this type of appetite.

Poor digestion related to Kapha imbalance occurs when food ingested doesn't go anywhere-it just languishes in the GI tract due to the static, slow/dull, heavy, dense, and cold predominating qualities or primordial vibrational frequencies. Symptoms of congestion, excessive mucous, obesity, edema, allergies, hypertension, greed and possessiveness show up in degrees.

A healthy balanced digestion has the following characteristics.

    An appetite that is not erratic and not too hot.

    Proper elimination(1-2 bowel movements per day usually 2 hours after a meal)

    Reasonable amount of food feels "digested" about 2 to 4 hours after eating

    High energy and stable weight

    Sound sleep and calm mindbody


Can you find yourself in parts of these scenarios?

And don't despair because you are not alone if you find some imbalances. The joy comes from correcting the problems with especially beginning with the churan.


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