All Dis-ease Begins in the Mind


Does this sound unusual? But when you think about it, every decision we make from when to go to bed, what to fix for dinner, when and how much to exercise, is a result of our mind choices.

So it seems to reason that our mental choices can make us sick. And we all know that.

But let's follow this a bit further.

Who decides what choices are good or bad? The matter science medical model can help us here. We have shown quite extensively that environmental toxins such as cigarettes are not healthy choices, that high fats are not healthy, and we have inklings that sugar and stimulants are suspect.

The energy science medical model would go one step further. It supports awareness as an important attribute to healing.

What the heck does that mean? From a nutritional view it means that we become aware of how foods make us feel. If we are a smoker, how smoking makes us feel; if exercising on a regular basis, how not exercising makes us feel; if I'm a Pitta Vata, how eating salsa with corn chips makes me feel, particularly when I have not had salsa and corn chips in a while.

Once we become aware of how something makes us feel bad, then we have a choice. We didn't have a choice before we were aware, but now with awareness, we know when we feel bad with specific mind choices and when we feel bad with mind choices.

Albert Schweitzer once said, "The inner healer is within each and everyone of us." He was referring to that knowingness that we have all experienced. We just have to tune in and trust.

If we need some guidance with food choices to help us cultivate that awareness go to to help with getting started. 

Promote health  Become aware!                   To health as a skill          Love DrBill

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