Recipes or Food Selection for Balance?


Is it the recipe that makes us healthy or the foods that go into the recipe?

Often times there is a natural tendency to focus on how the nourishment is prepared rather than what the nourishment is. 

This tendency is based on the premise that all foods on the planet are fair game for consumption so let's just make it attractive and yummy with the preparation. And this is what we would expect from a matter science based nutritional model.

The matter science nutritional model states that all food is fair game because it is the molecular constituents that make the difference. So many carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals etc.

This does not take into account how it affects the individual consuming it.

But from an energy science nutritional model it makes a significant difference. Tomatoes are not good at all for some, nuts are not good for others. The list can go on for some time.

If we are going to consume foods for balance, let's focus on what foods bring about balance for us individually not how the foods are presented or cooked.

For more insight see

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