7 Characteristics of Healing

 bigstockphoto_Mind_Power_5693299Imagination is necessary for healing any dis-ease because it's part of the creative process The creative process is not just in the realm of the arts but is part of the fabric of all human endeavor including the one that is closest to home called healing   Healing is in reality an art form and we are the artists Such a perspective requires the recognition that we are the creator

When we assume an artistic touch to our healing we have to become responsible since we are the architect of our project of healing  It demands taking charge so that victimhood is not acceptable   We no longer look to the white coat to heal us because we are on to something much more profound, our own creative project

These words may sound philosophical as if they have nothing to do with dealing with the daily trials and tribulations of the dis-ease process but unless you hear them you will continue to suffer with your dis-ease So what are the characteristics of a creative or healing event? Although this verbal list can be longer it should be noted that the healing act transcends the verbal because it comes from the level of the soul

7 Characteristics of Healing

Imagination Simply believing that you can get through this turbulent time of your life and imagining your life as different is a significant first step Einstein said that more important than knowledge, imagination was at the heart of the creative or healing process

Innovation Doing new things and thinking outside the box, outside conventional knowledge, exercises creativity and healing

Faith that what you are doing will bring the outcome you're looking for

Motivation Pain IS the great motivator that moves people to get off point zero and toward solution The internet and social communication is a great tool to utilize to help along the way, getting fresh ideas

Discovery is always part of the creative process because there are always new things uncovered going forward through the healing process

Never Give Up An attitude that fosters a "can do" mentality no matter how you're feeling or doing in the process

Hard Work requires courage, fortitude, resilience, and daily affirmation

The Mind: Roadblock to Healing

Of course there will be mental or psychological roadblocks I don't have enough money, not enough time, or my job or family prevent me from doing the work necessary to bring about healing  But that's all a form of procrastination to get to work  The mind will always support the status quo and prevent us from exercising our creativity

But for some of us there will come this Eureka moment when it all fits into place and you're willing to tell the mind to shut up  And you will get on with your creative act of healing

Miles Davis has been credited with this phrase "Don't end nothin"  It implies that creativity is never ending as is healing  We can always be healthier than we were yesterday, that there are always things that we can work on to heal the imbalances that we have

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