Provoking Change for the Best


We moved to a new home yesterday and there were some observations that I made that seem to have great relevance to energy science nutrition and getting into change.

When we were packing we found it a great time to reduce "stuff." There were things in cupboards and closets that had not seen the light of day for months sometimes years. For want of a better word, clutter.

Energetically when there is clutter in the environment, the energy clutters the mindbody and disenables focus, less clarity.

Another facet of the move that got my attention was that the new place caused me to see with "fresh eyes." What I mean is that the new surroundings brought different levels of appreciation to the work done at home. For example, my workspace became different and because of that I had to adjust to the new surroundings around my computer. And all for the good I might add.

In other words I hadn't realized how my old space had been so restricting and yet I tolerated it.

So let me ask you, from a nutrition and diet view, a few questions.

    How often do we embrace doing something about our nutritional format?

    How often do we clear the clutter of nutritional information and look at a new approach?

    Have we embraced a change strongly enough that we were forced to see with "fresh eyes."

So I submit that change is most of the time unfamiliar and sometimes scary. But it is only when we force ourselves to change and embrace newness that we get out of our own well worn nutritional ruts. For a change in nutritional lifestyle behavior, try

Until tomorrow                                        To health as a skill      Love DrBill

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