Life Expectancy
A 90 year old fellow came in today for check and he related that he felt well and that he fully expected to make a 100 years
This is not unusual these days as the fastest growing segment of our population is said to be 90+
What was interesting in our conversation was that there is a lack of understanding of just how long we should live
According to the energy science of Ayurveda the expected life expectancy of the human is 120 years Now one can live longer or shorter than that expectation but that's the average
He mused that what must keep us living longer are the drugs that are given to us for high blood pressure, diabetes, or heart disease
To that point I reminded him that the pills don't improve health, they temporarily nip a problem but don't deal with the underlying cause that caused the problem to begin with
Presently people live longer unconsciously but the reason is that they make better choices regarding lifestyle behavior patterns, either becasue they were taught these as a child and continued to do them as adults
They may have also by serendipity made intuitively better food choices over the years than their counterparts who have less longevity
The bottom line is that we all have the potential to live to 120 years but unconsciously don't want to but if we choose consciously to make better lifestyle choices then there is a distinct possibility that we may
Where is the guidance for such longevity? The energy sciences hold the key, not the pharmaceutical companies or the matter sciences
Until tomorrow To health as a Skill Love DrBill