Some More On Home Made Yogurt
Today as I'm making a fresh batch of yogurt I realized I neglected some useful tidbits that can give you some energy science nutrtional guidance in the preparation and use
So here they are
The use of goat yogurt is a great starter for each batch Why? Goat's milk is nearest to human milk and so…ready?.. easier to digest
If exploratory using goat's milk instead of whole cow's milk would be a good base for preparing the heated milk(to 185 degrees and then cooled to 105 to 115 degrees to which you add the starter)
Using fresh starter each time ensures that the bacterial count of the yogurt will be rich
Due to the Pitta aggravating nature of yogurt, freshly made is the only way to go, but to really inhibit the negative sour effects of even freshly made yogurt, the use of Sucanat or Turbinado(crystallized cane sugars) can be important because the sweet taste helps balance the aggravating sour taste
If the yogurt is curdly and clearly not smooth in texture it means that there's probably too much cooking going on and that the incubation times are too long So try 10 hours instead of 12 hours
And yes, this does take some time to make the yogurt but after doing it, in a short time you can do a batch in about 15 minutes(tolal time; heating the milk and cooling it can be done while doing other things)
Until tomorrow To health as a Skill Love DrBill