Tingling: Waking Up to the Energy Body
Have you ever felt a rush of sensation-almost so intense that you felt like you would pass out?
It wasn't because you were breath holding. What was that rush? From an energy field view, it was a surge through the energy channels.
At times there is a feeling of a shower of subtle and soft tingling. Or maybe heaviness moving from one part of the body to another. After massage the skin feels alive and warm, with a subtle tingling or lightness on the skin surface.
So our sensation is the key to cluing into our energy field. And these sensations don't have to be unusual as just described. The reporting from our energy field can be as simple as feeling hot and cold, heavy and light, soft and hard, dry and oily, smooth and rough, liquid and dense, clear and cloudy, subtle and gross, static and mobile, sharp and dull.
The key here is that when we get in touch with our energy field, we feel these primordial vibrational frequencies internally in our own mindbodies, not outside ourselves. And all that is required if we want to participate in this journey(actually it's very short!)we just have to begin paying attention.
And when we pay attention to our energy field, we actually can direct our energy to various areas that need help and nourishment. As one of my mentors says, "Attention goes where energy flows." When we begin paying attention to our energy field, it builds and then we can use it for our own healing.
What does this have to do with nutrition? Well, just pay attention to how foods make you feel. Did that meal make me feel heavy or light? Did that pasta dish make me feel liquid, heavy, smooth, soft, static and dull? Did that four star Thai food make me feel ……(hint take a look up above).
This is also tuning into your energy field but in a different way than how we perceived diet and food in the past.
With every new way of looking at things, this takes time and patience. But I guarantee this. It WILL change your life for the better. Feeling all the way Love DrBill