The Wonders of Fresh Home Made Yogurt
Many ethinic cultures on the planet use fresh yogurt and kefir as health promoting foods in their nutrition And there are very good reasons for doing so
The "Good" Guys
The value of yogurt is that it serves when freshly made a rich source of probiotic which is a population of "good bacteria" that reside in the bowel "Bad" bacteria at times overgrow the gut flora leading to poor digestion, absorption, and assimilation so it's important that the good flora flourishes and the bad are kept in check
Regular use of freshly made yogurt insures that the "good" bacteria are consistently replenished
You may have heard of yeast overgrowth and this is yet another factor that can lead to poor digestive fire(eliminating yeast laden bread products is a good idea in that it gives us more than we need so flatbreads are best or at least toasting the yeasted products)
Bowel flora is important in the concept of digestive fire and aids in bowel digestive function as well as providing important nutrients for our nutrition
Pasteurized yogurts should be avoided as pasteurization kills off the beneficial probiotic component of yogurt
Making Digestion Easy By Predigestion-Optimizing Digestive Fire
The value of yogurt comes in the predigestion of lactose and casein which we talked about a couple of days ago Hence the bacteria during the incubation phase of creating yogurt use the sugar lactose and the protein casein for food The lactose then doesn't bother the lactose intolerant and the casomorphin derivative from casein digestion can be less, hence affecting us less
Why freshly made?
Get maximal amount of probiotic in the yogurt(some bacteria die off after 4-5 days)
From an energy science view the build up of acidity occurs with aging yogurt even if refrigerated and this can become inflammatory
Even though fresh yogurt is not very acidic it's reasonable to use sucanat(crystallized cane sugar) with your freshly made yogurt to balance the residual acidity
How to get started?
Buy a yougurt maker(Donvier is a French brand but there are many) Recomended
YouTube has several videos on how to make your own yogurt
And based on the food combining list, don't use fruit with yogurt
It's best not to use dry milk powder as the milk product as it is provoking to Vata Pitta
Here's a link for directions on making your own for trouble shooting
The greatest value is making your own yogurt is that we participate in our own health and this is a small but significant step in assuming responsibility for our health
Until tomorrow To health as a Skill Love DrBill