Correcting Imbalance

Recently a man came to me with a pain in the pelvic area with and without associated urination.  The pain was consistent and persistent becoming incapacitating.

Associated with this complex of symptoms was acid indigestion and the use of pharmaceuticals to control these symptoms. He also had the sensation of being hot at times.

This complex of signs and symptoms from a matter science view with the negative evaluation leads us to the label of chronic pelvic pain syndrome, a form of interstitial cystitis. In the world of matter science the treatment of such a condition is difficult leading to longstanding pharmaceutical use.

From an energy view he exemplified by pulse an excess of the hot quality along with mobile, dry, and rough vibrational frequencies.

Over the ensuing three months this man's symptoms dissipated using aloe and reducing the ingestion of these qualities in his nutrition. His acid indigestion continued to be a problem but I told him that in about six months it would be good to go off the pharmaceutical to see if the symptoms would remain controlled without the drug.

A difficult clinical matter science solved with the use of energy science technology underscoring that food is medicine and medicine is food.          To good health   DrBill

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