Red Meat and Seafood: An Energy Science Nutritional Perspective

Bigstock_Outdoor_Cows_7972792 We gain a great deal of our nutritional support from high density protein foods found in different forms, usually from red meats and seafood

A Matter Science View

Domesticated beef carries with it the problem of a high concentration of fatty acids and hence many respected matter science dietary schemes such as the Paleo program point out that such meats are not what they used to be and therefore jeopardizing our health

Seafoods are plentiful but practically speaking the cost of harvesting may diminish as our economic woes perseverate  Perhaps freshwater fish farming could be a good solution as from a matter science view the much acclaimed omega 6 fatty acids are just as plentiful in freshwater fish

An Energy Science View of Red Meat and Why

Domesticated red meat is high in fatty acids and energetically is sweet which provokes Kapha in a significant way since the vibrational frequences of the Kapha energy pattern are closely aligned with the sweet taste(cold, heavy, slow/dull, static, oily, smooth/slimy, gross, cloudy)

The acid taste is the sour taste in Nature  The sour taste has the vibrational frequency constellation of hot, dry, dense, hard, and cloudy 

The hot and dry vibrational frequencies provoke the energy physiology of Pitta and the dense, hard and cloudy provoke the Kapha energy pattern 

Hence domesticated red meats effect imbalance in PK(Pitta Kapha) energy patterns and should be left alone(beef, duck, lamb, pork) but white chicken and white turkey and undomesticated red meats(venison, moose, elk except buffalo in moderation) all the time

For PV(Pitta Vata) energy patterns these same meats can be used in moderation (1-2 times per week but not everyday)

Seafood:  An Energy Science View

Meat that has lived in salt water all its life carries the energetic vibrational frequency of salt 

Just as red meats don't taste sour, seafood doesn't necessarily taste salty  Nevertheless energetically these meats are sour and salty respectively since they carry the vibrational frequencies of the sour and salty patterns

The salty taste carries the vibrational frequencies of hot, light, liquid, subtle, soft, and smooth/slimy  The former three effect imbalance in Pitta and the latter two effect Kapha  Vata is favorably affected by the qualities of hot, liquid, soft and smooth/slimy so seafood in moderation for PV(Pitta Vata)

So the energy science states that freshwater fish are best for PK and in moderation for PV since the light, rough, and dry qualities imbalance Vata

What to do?

            Take the test to find out who you are energetically

            Look up the nutritional format that is best for you    

             Realize that these recommendations are guidelines not rules but that the more one uses them as tools for guidance in food selection the better the chance that you will feel better 

             A word about eggs:  egg whites are great for everyone but yolk provokes PK due to the sour and sweet tastes for the same reason that red meat provokes  Because the sweet taste of the egg white balances the sour of the yolk, whole eggs can be used in moderation

Unitl tomorrow                                                            To health as a Skill   Love DrBill

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