The Early Beginnings of Sugar Addiction

Bigstock_Candy_Bar_211530For any observation of human behavior the reasons are multifactorial

So it is with sugar addiction  Yes, for sure, there are many reasons that we can envision and of course the reasons vary from individual to individual

Understanding is Key to Prevention

And as we ponder the reasons for addictive behavior which has to lie at the foundational tenets of our obesity epidemic that is our primary societal problem here in the US

From a matter science nutrtional approach there is very little to be said about how the sea of nutritional molecules seem to in some way provoke the human physiology to overeat

Try as it will these behavioral issues are not touched becasue there is little answer found in the science  But nevertheless it's a big problem(no pun intended)

Overeating and Energy Science  Nutrition

When we get very hungry (so hungry we could eat cardboard) one of the most powerful ways to squelch the screaming appetite is with the sweet taste

The vibrational frequencies of cold, heavy slow/dull, and static  counteract those of digestive fire or appetite which are hot, light, sharp/penetrating, and mobile

When the physiologic energy pattern of Pitta is imbalanced the appetite usually becomes intense  It screams "Feed me, feed me"

The quickest way we learn how to suppress such an uncomfortable feeling as hunger is to reach for the sweet taste

And since food manufacturers have become adept at making refined sugar products the answer to our hunger woes becomes instantly gratified

At An Early Age

Now we can see the early beginnings of a sugar addiction that then simply becomes a matter of habit

When Junior or Sally became early on Pitta provoked, their youthful appetites began to soar and quite naturally they would reach for...............the sugar fix in whatever form it took

The stage is set  The sweet taste especially during childhood is tissue building but the sugar in these formative years is not so deleterious as later in life 

So we learn early on in life to squelch our hunger pains with sugar and then create an addiction around it

What to Do?

As we said earlier the key to prevention of a problem is understanding it  The energy science can give us this much needed understanding but now that we know what do we do?

            Parental guidance is crucial is stopping the refined sugar taste present in cereals and replacing these foods with natural sugares such as honey, sucanat, turbinado, and fruit juice concentrates

            Boycotting snack foods rich is disguised sugar content

            Schools are beginning to ban snack machines- a significant step in the right direction

            Stablizing family eating patterns ensuring that the biggest meal of the day is at noon

            If snacks are necessary use natural fruit according to energetic mindbody makeup

            Overeating has its underpinnings by overshooting the mark when dealing with a ravenous appetite

Until tomorrow                                                    To health as a Skill  Love DrBill

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