Is GI Health Important for Nutrition?

                    Insanity: doing the same thing over & over again

                                       and expecting different results

                                                                                                Albert Einstein


Said another way, insanity is like walking out the same door and falling in the same hole everyday  And the fix is walking out a different door

The Mindbody as a Printout

Every year we get a new mindbody down to the last cell 

The message from this is that we make the same unconscious choices regarding our nutrition and lifestyle choice, we get the same printout 

Make different choices, different printout

The question is obvious  "What kind of choices do I make that are health promoting?"

The Health of the GI Tract

The lifestyle behavioral changes that the energy science talks about are more than what to eat  We become so fixated on molecular makeup of the foods ingested we fail to take into account other aspects of gastrointestinal health

The most important aspect of nutriton is the health of the GI tract  It's unusual how much is written about the foods ingested, how to prepare them, grow them, organic or not organic

But what about the health of the receiver of foods?  We take that for granted somehow believing that our mindbodies are healthy to digest the foods and so just throw it down

Creativity and Lifestyle Behavioral Nutritional Patterns

There are many different ways to assess the health of the GI tract that go beyond the scope of today but simply watching how the function of the gut goes everyday is helpful

One of the easiest ways to help the gut be healthier is to:

            Stop food incompatabilities

            Eat foods that do not aggravate the health of the GI tract

           Liberal use of spices in the form of churans

            Enhancing digestive fire

These simple yet poorly understood concepts of GI health are foundational to starting the journey toward better bowel health

It takes creativity to make this happen  Why creativity?  Because in order to make a change in lifestyle behavior whether it's exercise or our nutritional choices it requires a creative shift in the way we regularly do things  We have to figure out how we're going to do it and then factor that into our lifestyle way of doing the day

In other words we have to be willing to go out the back door, not the same door that we usually use and falling into the same hole and getting the same printout year after year, decade after decade

And I know that it's possible for everyone of us!!

BTW Happy St Patty's Day

Until tomorrow                                                To health as a Skill   Love DrBill

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