Spices as Digestants

image from farm6.static.flickr.com
Food is considered medicine  So said Hippocrates, one of the four founding fathers of the current matter science tradition practiced today

As a matter of fact the energy science medical discipline relates that there is nothing on the planet that doesn't have medicinal value in small amounts

Spices as Concentrated Food

Foods such as spices are largely misunderstood since they are viewed as foods that make foods taste better or improve the interest of food

But spices are very important from a digestive point of view  They enhance digestive fire that helps our overall digestion, absorption, and elimination of the foods that we take in

Hence spices augment our digestive fire and support us and our health  That's why the liberal use of spices is so vital to our individual health

Special Effects of Spices

Spices such as cumin, coriander, fennel, mint, fresh basil and ginger, cinnamon, and tumeric enhance digestion by increasing the power of the digestive enzyme system but are unusual in that they don't heat the mindbody at the same time

This is a very important aspect to these cooling digestants because if the mindbody is overly provoked with inflammatory conditions such as joint disease, acid indigestion, cancer then using provoking heating spices would be problematic

All the other spices fall into the category of improving digestive fire but also heating the mindbody as well  These can be very helpful during the winter time when its cold and not during the summer As we can see from the above this can be provoking and make things worse seasonally

Spices As Medicines

The proper use of spices doesn't have to be difficult  At foodsheal.com there is a section on churans or spice combinations that can give us some guidance to help improve the function of the GI tract and its enzyme system that collectively we call digestive fire

The spice combinations are safe and don't overly heat up the mindbody, help with digestive fire, and balance the digestive process

They can also help with problems such as bloating, indigestion, diarrhea, and other systemic mindbody problems outside the GI tract  This information is beyond the scope of this text but you get the idea that spices as a category of foods have a broad range of application

The Use of a Churan

Churan means a collection of spices and can be used as condiments at the dining room table like salt and pepper is commonly used  The type of churan should be based on an individual's mindbody energy makeup

Once we've established the appropriate churan to use cooking with it can be very helpful for digestion and typically because it carries all 6 tastes doesn't usually carry a strong flavor but blends very well  It's like white light

Now we can take anywhere once made and use it at restaurants or out of home cooking


All the best                                                                  To health as a Skill   Love DrBill

Photo courtesy of srqpix


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