Disease and Genetic Destiny: Healing in the 21st Century
It's long been held that genes are fixed and if we have genetic predisposition to specific diseases in our family gene pool that there is a strong likelihood that we'll experience the same Common examples come to mind Alcoholism, diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, prostate cancer, and even the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia) or components of the syndrome are inheritable
But the matter science model of disease is coming to the realization that all disease is genetic at some level And that's because even our behaviors which lead to diseases are genetically driven So when we are addicted to cigarettes, the genetically driven addiction leads to in some cases lung cancer Or our genetically driven choices regarding the foods we eat lead to the IC bladder pain syndrome
Are We Victimized By Our Genes?
But we need not fee victimized by our genes Only 5% of the time do our genes become the responsible agent for disease The other 95% of the time genes play an influential role in the disease process but don't actually cause the disease In other words biology doesn't spell our destiny
It turns out that genes are highly active to influences around us and, yes, within us The whole mindbody through its genes are always listening to what's going on in the environment which causes our gene expression to change on a moment to moment basis Cold or hot weather affects gene expression, life events such as work stress and parking tickets, the foods that we eat, the entertainment choices that we make all impact our gene expression for the better or worse leading eventually to disease
We are constantly tallking to our genes with every thought, word, and action
Deciding On Our Genetic Input
From the energy science point of view mind is in every cell of the mindbody and resides in our DNA or our genetic pool
So the question becomes "What's favorable genetic input and unfavorable genetic input" There are specific guidelines that the energy science helps us
1 When we settle the mind we settle our genes Meditation produces a calm, peaceful, clear mind that reduces anxiety, fear, loneliness, insecurity, anger, impatience, lethargy, and indecision A peaceful mind creates a stable genetic structure established in groundedness when exposed to chaos As we remember the more activity that is going on in the mindbody the more there is genetic activity The more genetic activity the more room for genetic mistakes This exposes us to the risk of creating genetic disease out of frenzied lifestyle behaviors
2 So we can do disease prevention and treatment by managing our genes(mind) which influences our body and its physical expression But we can influence our mind by doing physical things to our mindbody Since the mind and body are intimately spliced(mind is body and body is mind) there is a to and fro movement between the physical and mind(genes) So foundational work as prescribed by the energy science can produce behavioral changes that impact how we think In other words changing what we eat impacts our mind and its clarity Doing pranayama and yoga asana influences mental clarity and reduces the previously described negative emotions This is due to marma influence which is another topic for another day
3 Consistent persistent disciplined actions add up to important genetic structural changes that are longlasting since they constantly remind the genes to align in a particular way This is the heart of healing disease and doing disease prevention as seen in the 21st century If our genes align in such a way as to predispose us to a disease process, then having them align in a way that causes the genes to influence health or the opposite of disease seems to be the way to genetically manage disease
Genes are in the present moment They don't regret the past, worry about the future, but literally are focused on the present The moment that we have right now is the gift...that's why we call it a present The state of our awareness will achieve happiness mediated through our genes Our entire lifestyle behavior pattern can either create our misery or happiness We get to choose our genetic expression What will you choose?
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Amalgamation of Qualities with Tissue: Chronic Disease
The energy science of Ayurveda differs from the current conventional medicine model which emphasizes a matter science or molecular approach to disease management In the energy science approach to healing the model sees imbalance of vibrational frequencies or qualities as the reason for physiologic dis-ease
Progression of Disease
In the energy science the most common reason for the accumulation of qualities occurs through nutrition which is why nutritional management is the cornerstone of any chronic disease treatment The energy science management of the various disease expressions with respect to nutrition is far more complex than the currently practiced dietary recommendations used by the contemporary dietician This is because one of the major tenets of the energy science approach is to help improve agni, the digestive power or strength
Agni is central to disease management in the energy science yet is completely not recognized in conventional medical circles including the nutritional This is due to the model of healing which is molecular approach
The Energy Science and Origin of Disease
As disease progresses qualities leave the GIT(gastrointestinal tract) and spread to tissues based on whether specific agnis in the mindbody are not up to par Hence the qualities become dominant BUT not as we would expect in any specific disease
Actually the qualities can accumulate anywhere The molecular model of disease postulates that the molecule causes the disease and while this is eventual the case from an energy science perspective the origin is far more subtle and unobservable As a matter of fact the research animal model will defy molecular proof unfortunately Hence it will probably be impossible for the matter science ever get to the origin of disease in chronic disease and it will continue to be in the dark regarding the origin of any problem The matter science model will never be able to solve this problem so don't waste your time waiting because it will not happen
Amalgamation of Qualities With Tissues
Just as when fingers interlace with one another the qualities of the tissues interlace with the qualities that are circulating leading to the damage and imbalance of the tissue qualities This leads the alteration of function of the tissues themselves In the case of Alzheimer's the nervous tissue function becomes altered leading to the reporting predominantly dementia When this merging occurs a chronic condition is set up
When these qualities become dominant in the nervous tissue they begin to amalgamate with the tissue itself In other words the qualities BECOME one with the tissue This type of interrelationship begins the real stage of disease where we become aware of the significant signs and symptoms of Alzheimer's
This amalgamation cannot be managed by simple nutritional intervention, by physical therapy techniques, it is beyond acupuncture which are patently bandaids The quality invasion into tissues with toxic load has no other therapy but detoxification measures that we have discussed in the past in the form of panchakarma(PK) which if to be effective needs to be done frequently over a period of time Along with this we have to improve agni, burn toxins, along with potentized medicines that are catalytic in nature, and a specialized herbal formula
Those with chronic IC bladder pain syndrome will have no choice if they want to get better but to deal with an energy science detoxification technique and be in it for the long haul
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Food Allergy Versus Food Intolerance
The molecular/matter and energy science approaches are completely different because how diseases occur physiologically in each model are different So we have to decide which model we want to follow in order to deal with the IC bladder pain syndrome(interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia) and stick with it
Many people because of their concern about particular foods causing digestive issues eliminate foods from their diet because of the fear that the food is producing an "allergic reaction" In so doing they begin sectoring off food groups such as dairy and grains that are causing the "allergic reaction" when in reality the foods are not causing the "allergic reaction" but rather are not tolerated due to poor digestion
One of the salient differences between the two models is that the molecular/matter science approach is devoid of the concept of agni which is central to the energy science model of Ayurveda And it is this concept of agni that helps differentiate food allergy versus food intolerance
Food Allergy: An Abnormal Immune Response
Probably less than 6% of the population has a true allergic reaction to a molecule in the food that sets off an anaphylactic reaction or a response that seriously compromises the ability to breathe and can lead to death if not promptly treated 90% of allergic reactions are related to milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, soy, wheat, fish and shellfish Even trace amounts of a food allergen can cause a reaction
Runny nose or nasal congestion
Asthma (difficulty breathing)
Breathing difficulties
Swelling of the lips, mouth, tongue, face and/or throat (angioodema)
Urticaria (hives)
Rashes or dreness
Itching (pruritus)
Abdominal cramps
Anaphylactic shock (severe generalised shock)
In the food allergy the immune system generally protects the body from harmful foreign proteins by generating a response to eliminate them Allergy is essentially "immunity gone wrong" where a normally harmless substance is perceived as a threat -an allergen- and attacked by the body's immunological defenses In a true allergic reaction, the body produces antibodies (a protein that specifically binds to another protein called antigen -in this case the allergen- to deactivate it and remove it from the body)
Food Allergy versus Food Intolerance: Why It's Best to Know the Difference
On the other hand food intolerance from an energy science point of view is a result of poor agni That is, the body's digestive power is unable to digest completely the foods that have been ingested This leads to a number of GI symptoms
Poor appetite Fear anxiety loneliness sadness Heaviness in stomach Confusion
Burps smell of food Apathy and/or repulsion Coated tongue Tissue emaciation
Bad breath Indecisiveness Restlessness Impatience
Constipation/diarrhea Weakness fatigue Foul gas(flatus) Emotional eating
Bloating Poor complexion Lack of luster Insomnia
As we can see the differences between an allergic reaction and poor agni are completely different Chances are that if we make the assumption of food allergy instead of food intolerance we will paint ourselves into the proverbial nutritional corner
Avoiding the Nutritional Corner
So the treatment of food intolerances from an energy science perspective is to improve agni
1 Eat according to your individual nutritional format....eating foods that are not according to the energy constitutional make up will produce food intolerance symptoms
2 Avoid IFC...this is like putting wet logs on your digestive fire
3 Use CCF tea on a regualar daily basis....this is a simple thing to do to enhance the digestive strength
4 Use of a culinary churan with each meal....there is a list at foods heal.com under nutritional tools
5 Herbs can enhance the digestive strength such as fresh ginger, chitrak, aloe vera
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Getting Angry at Disease
The energy science of Ayurveda tells us that all of Nature including ourselves are composed of vibrational frequencies or qualities These qualities are arranged into energy patterns of Vata Pitta and Kapha The Pitta energy pattern is one of transformation Anything that happens in the mindbody that requires transformation is under the guise of this energy pattern of Pitta For example, enzymes that transform a piece of broccoli into heart, brain, and lung cells are expressions of the Pitta energy pattern As you're reading this your Pitta is transforming this information and changing you in a subtle way, hopefully for the better
It's a common clinical observation that when hospitalized patients start becoming ornery that they are ready to be discharged from the hospital because they have enough energy to carry on their healing at home When people get angry, upset, irritated, or impatient they're experiencing the Pitta energy pattern Often the reason why these emotions come up is because there is too much of the vibrational frequencies of Pitta in the physiology, usually the hot quality
But we can use this energy pattern of Pitta to energize us to get off point zero and take action for healing problems in our physiologies Adding this heat to our mental framework can push us in the direction of transformation Here are 9 suggestions that we can think of...and perhaps more....to help us move to transforming our problem of the IC bladder pain syndrome into health
9 Steps to Transforming Mental Lethargy
1 Decide for yourself that a new way of doing things(energy science approach) is worth a try
2 Get angry "Im fed up with this and can't take any more of this nonsense in my life" Engage your Pitta energy to get transformative about doing something about your imbalance
3 Be ready to do the work over time to make a difference Realize that there's no quick fix Nutrition is a piece of the healing puzzle Watching out for incompatible food combinations is part of the healing puzzle It's not just one thing that produces the results you're looking for in energy science work...it's a culmination of a multiplicity of things that brings about healing of IC because all the self directed work that you is synergistic in producing a result
4 Use breath techniques to energize the physiology and improve motivation The Kapha energy pattern keeps us stuck in ruts so using breath techniques to reduce this energy pattern can be beneficial
5 Use the neti pot technique to reduce the Kapha energy pattern as in the above
6 Use nasya oil to help shift mental patterns of behavior
7 Get support to help you move along in this direction The hardest thing that people undertake in their lives is changing lifestyle behaviors that don't help them in their quest to better health Having someone to support you in making these changes can be helpful It is best not to use a friend but someone who is more at a distance so that they can be rigorous in helping change patterns of behavior
8 Avoiding distractions which often take our attention away from the healing task at hand There are so many things in our lives vying for our attention Sales at department stores, the new entries on Facebook, responding to emails The more we can reduce these distractions the more we can pay attention to the work at hand
9 Use your imagination and creativity as to how to do transformative work For example, asking yourself what you can do to motivate yourself to do healing work can lead you into areas you hadn't thought of before
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Chronic Pain Syndrome Solutions
Mast cells are part of the immune system and are found throughout the body particularly in areas of inflammatory reaction It has been found that those with chronic pain syndromes may have a common pathway through excess mast cell production The reason that this becomes important is that the mast cell produces many irritating molecules that may mediate the pain complex that is present
Why Do Mast Cells Concentrate in the Bladder Wall?
There is a functional relationship between mast cell production and the autonomic nervous system which is the part of the nervous system that causes the bladder to function If the nervous system becomes hyperexcitable or extra nervous then this will in and of stimulate mast cell arousal This begins the cascade of molecular events that leads to the release of NGF, TNF, histamines, endokrines, and other modulating molecules that cause irritability
So the next question is "Why does the nervous system become irritable in the first place?" This becomes a problem from the matter science point of view because the model cannot hold the space to allow an answer But the energy science model can explain the origin of the nervous system behavior based on the qualities that emanate from the colon and come to reside in the nerves, both somatic and autonomic
This becomes a big deal as it gets to the heart of the origin of pain in general
3 Ways to Influence Mast Cell Production by Affecting the Pelvic Nerve Complex
In the energy science of Ayurveda there is a dictum that there is no pain without the Vata energy pattern So it's not surprising that all pain syndromes have Vata involvement energetically mediated molecularly through the nervous system
1 Basti downregulates mast cell production by changing nerve plexus irritation This is a time honored way to deal with Vata imbalance which disturbs nervous tissue There are many forms of basti both internal and external Internal basti is done by placing herbal decoctions with oil, usually sesame, into the lower rectum by enema bag Many people with pain have been poked and jabbed by instruments or tubes going into different places Why would a comfortable placement of a tube into the lower rectum through the anus be such a big deal? So self applied enemas can be a major step toward controlling the imbalance in an aggravated nervous system and in so doing influence mast cell production and the symptoms of fatigue, cognitive disruption, sleep disorders, mood disorders, and general malaise
2 PeaPure or palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) is actually a glial cell modulator(nervous system immune cells) that impacts mast cell formation through its interaction with NGF Its mode of action is more than likely by affecting the nervous system which induces the mast cells to begin with Due to the work of Nobel Price Laureate Rita Levi Montalcini who was the first to identify PEA as a mast cell inhibitor in 1993 Based on her work PEA has been extensively used as a analgesic and anti-inflammatory compound since the last decade, especially in the countries were PEA is available, Italy, Spain and the Netherlands It's available as a nutraceutical in 400mg tablets
3 LDN(Low Dose Naltrexone) has been shown to be effective in forms of chronic pain syndrome It is a novel anti-inflammatory agent in the central nervous system, via action on microglial cells and may represent one of the first glial cell modulators to be used for the management of chronic pain disorders As a daily oral therapy, LDN is inexpensive and well-tolerated
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