The World of Supplements and the Matter Science

PillsMany with people with chronic diseases are looking for some kind of advantage to help with symptoms from their dis-ease So it often comes to people looking for help with supplements offered from the molecular promised land of the matter science world  The question that's left unanswered by the supplement salesman is that if you don't know the origin of the disease in the first place how can you offer a molecular solutionin the name of healing

Addiction and Supplements: Is It Real?

Presently the molecule rules so people believe that the promises by the supplement world must have some merit But there have been few if any studies that show major breakthrough results with supplements particularly with the IC bladder pain syndrome The interesting phenomenon that occurs when supplements become popular is that everyone gets on the bandwagon without questioning efficacy The result is that the supplement salesman makes profits

Beware of Matter Science Doctors Selling Supplements

A recent diet book published by a popular matter science doctor received rave reviews by the matter science healing community and of course book sales sky rocketed the book to the NY Times best seller list And of course there was good but repetitive molecular evidence as to why the obesity epidemic was on the rise Using what would appear to be good molecular logic to explain away the obesity problem is akin to biochemical micromanagement  Eventually the solution became not nutritional but supplements What?

When you read the one star reviews on Amazon the concern about the book is quite concerning What was promised was nirvana in 10 days to get you off your sugar addiction which is dubious but what was the complaint about the book by readers They were concerned that they had to pay an excessive amount of money for recommended supplements yet didn't experience any improvement in wellbeing
This is just one example of what is becoming a common place theme in the matter science world Physicians using their credentials to soft sell molecular solutions that they hope will in some way solve the problem at hand

There Is No Free Lunch

Even as convincing is the molecular and metabolic information the point still stands that there is not good data to support the long term use of taking molecular supplements particularly with respect to specific disease conditions

The nutritional approach based on 1000's of years of experience shows that the energy science approach if maintained on a consistent basis will pay dividends of progressive improvement in symptoms And the cost? What you normally pay for groceries Probably 80% of the solution in the IC bladder pain syndrome is nutrition and lifestyle behavior patterns

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4 Principles in Energy Science Cooking

Cooking butterAs we have discussed in the managment of any dis-ease nutrition is foundational to having success to acheiving health longterm  But in the energy science of Ayurveda nutrition is more than just what foods are selected for your unique mindbody energy constitutional makeup Even though foods are integral to success because they bring about balance to the physiology and prevent imbalances from occurring there is more to nutrition than foods Where to eat, when to eat, how to eat, why we eat all add to the "what to eat"

As we discussed we have talked about always making a deal with ourselves to sit whenever we eat This simply allows us to improve the chances of agni doing a good job in digesting whatever we're eating Eating our biggest meal of the day at noon is foundational to successful nutrition Why we eat uncovers that aspect of nutrition about emotional eating as well as overeating

But what about "how to eat"? This covers the aspects of bringing attention to eating of food but also how we prepare foods

The Uniqueness of Energy Science Cooking

One of the objections that I have heard about the energy science approach to nutrition is that you have to be Indian in order to do an Ayurvedic nutritional format While this is complete and utter nonsense people buy into such false writing because they don't know any better And they believe the people that are protecting the matter science approach to nutrition by misrepresenting the energy science

FH cover 100x721 Truth be told the nutritional formats that are at can be integrated into anybody's way of eating because the change in foods chosen means that you simply find substitutes for foods that are aggravating for folks with the IC bladder pain syndrome If there are problem foods such as nightshades for Pitta Vata then find vegetable substitutes Another example of this substitution is using sunflower instead of peanut butter

2 One of the basic tenets of energy science nutrition is to cook food in order to predigest There is a lot of rhetoric about this from the raw food or macrobiotic community but it makes intuitive sense to break down the cellulose of vegetables in order to aid the agni of the mindbody particularly if it's struggling Another time that raw food comes up is in blenderized veggie drinks In this situation the mechanical breakdown of the veggies may predigest but again the lack of heat applied may make this food preparation technique substandard

3 The use of ghee in cooking cannot be overemphasized in the management of the IC bladder pain syndrome because often the Pitta energy pattern is involved and the best way to pacify Pitta is by the liberal use of ghee due to its liquid and oily qualities But there is good matter science data as to why one would want to use ghee which enhances agni It is completely made up of small chain hydrogenated fatty acids(most common butyric acid) which does not have to be digested and moves through all the tissues within twenty four hours This has important ramifications in the detoxification process of panchakarma(PK)

4 Spices have volatile organic compounds(VOC) which when activated facilitates digestion, absorption, and assimilation of foods Spices are integral to healthy cooking because they augment agni They are best activated during food preparation by placing them in ghee and heating to activate the VOC Once activated they can then be added to other ingredients of the recipe If you have a heavy aroma in the kitchen when activating VOC it means that you have overheated and overcooked the spices

So there you have it  A way to prepare foods so that your mindbody can get the most out of it because you have enhanced your agni in the process of preparation

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Eating Challenges and the Holidays

bigstock_Dinner_Party_1443255Food selection may become a big deal during the holidays with those with eating challenges  So what are some techniques that can help during the holidays? Spreading out holiday-related events, and making get-togethers, and more activity are just a few ways to stay healthy this season

Spread Out Your Events

Try to spread out the parties and get-togethers, instead of visiting several households on the same day If there is an event where the cooking is shared, start a Facebook group page to better organize the dinner and ensure there are plenty of healthy options Each member can discuss what they are bringing to allow a wide variety of colors and choices rather than an overload of starches. You can also use this page to share recipes

Move at the Party

Holiday gatherings often consist of sitting, eating, talking, drinking, and more eating We often find ourselves sitting for longer periods of time because we enjoy the conversation Your legs want to move, the food is on the counter, and off you go for food you’re are not even hungry for This year, try some of these actions with the family to reduce the march to the kitchen Take a walk or try some other physical activity

Don't Go Overboard

Sticking to a healthy plan is important However depriving yourself of certain foods can have negative results Restrictive eating can lead to binge eating as well as disliking healthy foods by associating them with something you ‘have’ to do When it’s time to pile food on your plate, eat what visually appeals to you, or you know you love without guilt clouding the mind Try these final tips for holiday eating If smaller plates are an option, use them. You’ll fill larger plates just because room is available. Second trips are better than overeating on the first round If you’re trying something new, only take a bite-size portion

As you begin to incorporate more healthy practices into your life—whether during the holidays or during everyday life—your mindset will start to shift, and you’ll begin to not only choose more nutritious foods, but actually enjoy them, too

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Healing: 2 Techniques to Enhance Release

LETTING GOWe all know the amazing capability of the human mindbody to heal One only needs to recall the experience of a skin cut and the changes that take place over days that leads to the sealing of the wound and typically without a scar And we didn't really do anything We just watched and day by day it occurred The mindbody did its magic

What we had to do is "get out of the way" There are many things that we do to interfere with the healing process We can give our mindbodies foods that produce imbalance or incompatible food combinations, not live in tune with Nature(going to bed when Nature is going to sleep, getting up with Nature, eating our biggest meals when Nature is taking her biggest meal) These simple things support "getting out of the way" and is foundational to healing with diseases

Release and Getting Out of the Way

The mindbody knows how to heal we just need to give it the opportunity A Kapha release can look like the common cold, with lots of mucous and cough with respiratory congestion(release of the heavy, slow/dull, slimy/smooth, liquid qualities) An attack of acid indigestion or diarrhea would be an example of a Pitta release due to excess of that energy pattern in the GI tract In both of these examples the mindbody is shedding qualities(hot, sharp, spreading, liquid, oily) that it doesn't want This shedding of qualities that happens is a very natural thing It's not like we have to think about this release It just naturally happens Typically once an acute release has occurred there is often a sense of lightness that overcomes the physiology due to the loss of qualitative burden

The reason for release is quite simple actually The mindbody has innate intelligence to release these unwanted qualities Like Nature it always moves in the direction of righting itself if imbalance occurs Unfortunately we have grown impatient with this process due to our distrust of the mindbody, believing that this is not possible

Understanding the Process of Release

It's important to understand this process of release Release which is in reality a healing event but it can be marked by highs and lows, ups and downs, good days/weeks and bad days/weeks This roller coaster ride leads to doubt in the mindbody that one is on the right path, that this indeed will be the right course to take When doubt sets in, confusion can reverberate through the physiology and then impatience and loss of faith Pretty soon the inevitable "what the use" begins to chime in

Journaling pays big dividends because it focuses our attention on where we have been and where we are now with respect to symptoms By and by symptoms get better but because the process is subtle it's sometimes difficult to remember Journaling helps support the memory of the past

If we are paying attention to guidelines that foster balance, there will come a time guaranteed, where energy patterns that have been "hanging around" in the mindbody physiology will want to naturally release With that release comes symptoms and we misinterpret these symptoms as getting worse or at least not making progress Rest assured that if you're doing the foundational work as discussed release of qualities will be the result

Enhancing the Process of Release

So it's either an acute release as in the common cold or a release of pentup energy as in the IC bladder pain syndrome The latter is a release that has been chronically stored sometimes for years or decades The more chronic the longer the release that can take up to years based on the chronicity

Supporting and enhancing the release can be done with

1 Herbs which can help foster, smooth out or build up the mindbody during releases

2 Detoxification procedures such as panchakarma(PK) These require physician directed guidance due to the complexity of decision making that goes beyond the health consumer's capability There are other energy science techniques that also facilitate these chronic releases that go beyond the scope of this short blog but suffice it to say there are many other tools in the bag

The message is that illnesses that seem to come out of "nowhere" can be explained on the basis of these releases Of course if not simple one should check in with your friendly matter science doc and be sure that there isn't something more serious particularly if symptoms continue and don't resolve

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May We All Move Toward Perfect Health

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