Tomatoes and Neurotoxins
Although chiles are very hot, tomatoes and nightshades in general can be very innocently hot and toxic as well. As a matter of fact nightshades in general are not a healthy food selection. Solanine is one of 6 neurotoxins in nightshades. These alkaloid neurotoxins keep the bugs away from the plant so in essence they work as pesticides, Another neurotoxin is nicotine which has the capability of closing the energy channels. For more biochemical information check out this link...
A patient once related to me that he was driving aloing the interstate when he saw ahead of him a truck lying on its side on the highway. As he got closer he saw a lake of tomato sauce on the road and drove through it with a swish.
He drove on to the next pit stop for some gas and as he was fueling the tank his attention was drawn to the lower parts of the car and found that the paint was peeling off. Now what would that do in our stomachs? Heartburn for those predisposed and imbalance for the rest us who are provoked.
The tomato in concentrated form can be acidic enough that people "burp" their sauces to neutralize the acidity using baking soda.
From an energy view probably thirty percent of us can consume this nightshade one to two times per week but the rest of us should be leaving it alone. But it's cheap and quick so there we are. If we are seeking balance in our nutrition energetically, it would be helpful to look to see if tomatoes are in your nutritional format.
So if nightshades such as tomato, eggplant, potato, peppers need to consume do it infrequently and be sure your agni is stong to reduce the toxic effects. If you have to eat tomatoes avoid the seeds which are Pitta provoking.
Take a look at Take the test and find the nutritional format best suited for you.
To health as a skill DrBill
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Nutrition and Changing DNA
Most matter field science has looked at the nervous system as a fixed physiologic and anatomic structure. But that concept is being challenged with a new concept called neuroplasticity. Now researchers are witnessing people who have had strokes and paralysis who are able to recover some function and in one reported case complete recovery.
Now another concept is beginning to emerge to challenge another medical sacred cow. That genetic expression is a fixed, unchanging and unyielding blueprint. In a journal article in September 2005, Dr Dean Ornish reported that patients with prostate cancer changed their genetic expression to tumor by altering their nutrition. Not only did their genetic expression turn off repressor genes but turned on important genes to combat tumor. Furthermore these patients increased their T killer cell response to tumor cells eight fold.
So a new biological concept is potentially emerging-genetic plasticity. And the remarkable cause of this genetic shifiting event was a change in nutrition!!
This molecular evaluation points to what the energy medical sciences have held for thousands of years. That one of the main pillars to health is nutrition and they built elaborate sophisticated systems around nutrition. This means not just what we eat but when we eat, where we eat, how we eat and why we eat. That is the interrogatories of eating.
This concept of genetic plasticity is just one more reason why we need to take a very hard look at how we deal with nutrition. And the energy medical sciences can give guidance to the matter field medical sciences as practiced today.
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Food Allergies or Poor Digestion?
Food allergies(milk and wheat flour) are commonly blamed for the intolerance to the large molecules that are poorly digested(lactose in the case of milk, gluten in the case of flour) Since these molecules have been around forever, the implication is that the fatigue and/or postdigestive symptoms(gas, bloating primarily) is related to the "allergy" to these products that contain milk and wheat flour
Allergy or Your Own Poor Digestion
But perhaps the question should be. "Is this really an allergy?"
From my own personal experience being confronted with the possibility of declaring myself with food allergies to milk and wheat, I found that simply eating according to my energy makeup and improving my digestion did the trick
The energy science perspective challenges the notion that fatigue and post digestive symptoms are related to allergy It makes the case that poor digestion is the culprit in most of these so called "food allergies" Of course this flies in the face of the common public and physician misinterpretation of symptoms and it's easy to blame foods rather than our own choices and behavior
We Don't Know Any Better
If you're not aware that some foods should not be used because of your energy makeup, if you're not aware of troublesome food combinations, if you're not aware of how to boost your digestive fire, then all bets are off that you will be able to find the solution to your post digestive blahs In short we don't know any better because our nutritional model lets us down
So What To Do?
1 Go to and take the questionnaire(under Getting Started) to find out what energy makeup you are Then find the format that fits and stick with it Over time this can make a big difference
2 Do a Green Protein Composite diet for 6 weeks which will help with improving gut flora and alikalanize the GIT and body
3 Avoid ice
4 Sip on CCF tea through the day to help improve your digestion If you have heartburn or excess heat then eliminate the cumin
6 Use spices (see churans under Getting Startedv at Foods Heal) liberally with your cooking Spices in general will help the digestion
Many digestive ills that we have are our own doing, believe it or not The current diet model that is molecularly based does not serve us well in this respect
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Body Odor and Flatulence
A patient was relating to me that when he talked with a matter field gastroenterologist about his problem of odorous flatus he got the response, "Oh everyone has a problem with that every once in a while."
While that may be true in part, the energy sciences have a lot to say about flatus and body odors for these symptoms are signs of energy stagnation in the mindbody.
And energy stagnation is a serious problem whether transient or constant. When energy becomes stagnant bacteria begin growing in these stagnant fields and produce noxious gases that then become manifested. Whether this is in the mouth with resultant halitosis, in the gut, or urinary tract with urinary tract infections, stagnant energy is a symptom that should not be dismissed.
So energy stagnation is a serious symptom of dysfunction and illness of the GI tract that can then disseminate to all areas of the mindbody physiology. Once this stagnation begins to disseminate to the far reaches of the tissues it is very difficult to eradicate.
And swallowing deoderant is not an option with odorous GI elimination.
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The Mind and Body: An Energy Science Concept
The mind is energy Regulate it by paying attention to what the bodily sensations tell you
The energy medical sciences tell us that both the body and mind are energy fields. Hence there is room for mind in the energy physiologic model of healing. And in the energy model, mind and body are not separate; they are intimately spliced. Mind and body are one. What happens in the body, happens in the mind. And what happens in the mind, happens in the body.
The mindbody concept is impossible to understand from a matter field medical perspective. Although talked about in matter field circles of healing, by the very nature of the way the body is perceived, the matter field model cannot include mind easily. This is because the molecular way of conceiving of the body cannot address the mind.
From an energy medical disciplinary approach, mind and body are intimately spliced. Mind is in every cell of the body's matter field because it is all energy to begin with. You see, if mind is an energy field, that is, a subtle energy field of matter that is not matter ( I can't wet a thought with water), then mind cannot exist in the matter field model. Mind is not molecular; it is an energy field!
Any energy that comes in contact with our own personal energy field has the potential to influence it either positively or negatively. Herbs are fundamentally energy medicines and affect both the mind and the body simultaneously. They have stood the test of time in their actions and have the unique capability of causing the mind to have insights as to what is next best thing to do with respect to the healing that needs to be done.
Foods are also essentially mindbody medicines. Although we don't consider hot pungent spices as anger provoking, nonetheless they do, when associated with other cumulative nutritional effects. Bitter causes mind to become introverted and averse to desire but in excess can make a person cynical and boring. And the astringent taste is supportive and grounding but when in excess causes the mindbody to be anxious and scattered
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