Dis-ease Thwartation
Friends and patients stimulate this topic of dis-ease limitation from time to time and today seemed to be one of those discussion days.
For starters can dis-ease be prevented? The answer is no. People due to their genetic makeup and lifestyle choices will be susceptible to many forms of it and we will always have to deal with it.
So dis-ease prevention is a misnomer. It should be dis-ease limitation or thwartation. By choosing different lifestyle choices we limit what may happen to us. By altering our pattern and self destructive patterns of choosing we thwart dis-ease.
But what are appropriate lifestyle choices? Ahh, now that's a question that goes to the heart of health. The energy sciences tell us that those choices that create balance and harmony in the mindbody physiology are good lifestyle choices.
These choices are many and are beyond us here today but suffice it to say they are all laid out, we just have to buy into a system of healing that will give us more grounded direction than we currently have.
So here's to thwartation and developing skill in doing health! Love DrBill
From a matter science viewpoint dis-ease prevention is not something attainable.