Energy Flow


This blog's intent is to introduce the concept that the mindbody is an energy field as well as a matter field and how when we use that information in the form of nutritional choices we can become healthier.

But how does it feel to have an energy body?

If you right now are experiencing your mindbody by sensing how it feels in space as you are sitting here, you are experiencing your energy mindbody because you are simultaneously both an energy and matter field. If you sense your hand then you are sensing the energy field of your hand.

But then you might ask, "What does it feel like when I move energy from one place to another?"

Take in a deep breath and notice what it feels like to pull air into your lungs. Notice how it feels when your diaphragm goes down as the air rushes in. Notices what happens to the chest when the lungs fill with air. Then notice what happens to the back as the shoulders are drawn back and down as the air comes in. Notice what happens to the neck as it elongates from the shoulders that are held down. Notice how the lower back is pulled forward and the lower stomach is pulled outward.

All of this is the movement of energy! The breath is breathing us. And the flow of breath is the flow of energy. 

The flow of thought generated by reading this is energy. The flow of blood from the heart to the kidneys is the movement of an energy field.

So the easiest way to get in touch with our own energy field is through noticing the movement of it. The hardest is to note it in its matter solid field state.

What does this have to do with nutrition which is what this blog is about?

Noticing the energy flow around eating can be healing. How does it feel when you move food through during eating(helps with digestion)? How does the mindbody feel after eating certain foods? And how does it feel to have a full lower colon and need for a bowel movement? 

And doing this can produce miraculous healing. If one just pays attention to the above breathing, there can be an amazing improvement in posture. The whole mindbody can become energized and alive.

Just getting in touch with the energy mindbody is simple. We just have to place awareness on it.

Until tomorrow                                                     To health as a skill  Love DrBill

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